However, soon afterwards HAYDAMAKY endures its most heated and dramatic period in its 15-year history. Irreconcilable moral and professional differences that had been brewing over the past several years, and attempts by vocalist O.Yarmola to appropriate the band’s intellectual and material property results in a serious conflict between him and the musicians of Haydamaky. Attempts at peaceful negotiations by the band’s founders, are met by the ex-vocalist’s response of appropriating access to all of the group’s online resources, circulating slanderous information to partners and the mass media, twisting facts during interviews, while trying to take credit for the band’s many achievements as his own. In February 2012, the band concludes their work with O.Yarmola.
The band has updated its name and continues to work with its original musicians, actively preparing new material for their new album. Meanwhile, the band is collaborating with famous Ukrainian artists – Taras Chubay and Sashko Polozhynsky. In April 2012, the band is shooting a video directed by Serhiy Takhmazov, for the first single "Shablya" (Saber) on their new album...information, photo from the official site: http://kozaksystem.com/