
ManSound celebrates the versatility of the human voice. Their harmonious accordance, amazing vocal skills, rich timbre palette, emotion and naturalness make the group a favorite among admirers of high-quality vocal music. They have received recognition by audiences and music critics all over the world.
ManSound, an a cappella sextet from Kiev, Ukraine, got its start in 1994 as an idea of composer and arranger Vladimir Mikhnovetsky. The group consists of experienced professionals and it is a permanent participant of international jazz festivals and concerts.

From the very first performances of ManSound at concert venues in Ukraine, the interest towards the group has been increasing, as well as its popularity. The group got a hearty welcome at jazz festivals and concerts throughout the country. Since 1997, ManSound has been a sought-after guest at jazz festivals like, "Jazz Voices" (Moscow) and "Jazz Province"(in more than 10 Russian cities), and have been rewarded with well-deserved popularity in Russia.

ManSound began touring in 1996, when the group traveled to the United States for six weeks, performing with great success in universities and evangelical churches. They gave several dozen concerts in four states on the West Coast.

In December of 1998, ManSound held a series of Christmas concerts in Holland and Switzerland. And in April 1999, ManSound performed with great success at the 7th International Jazz Festival "Jazz en Artois" (France).

In February of 2000, ManSound performed at one of the biggest jazz events in the USA, the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival, following the invitation of Lionel Hampton himself. They also performed in 2002 and 2003, delighting the participants of their daily workshops and crowds of 5000 at the nightly performances. After their first appearance, Dr. Lynn Skinner, director of The Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival, said that ManSound was the hit of the jazz event.

During the summer of 2001, Mansound performed in Branson Missouri as part of the Zhivago Show. They were nominated for Best Vocal Group by Branson's All-American Entertainment Awards.

"This performance is one of the best kept secrets in Branson. On a scale from one to ten, I would rate this at twelve. This has to be one of the freshest talents to perform in the Ozarks in many years. Their ability and talent speak for itself and take a back seat to no one". Charles Lobodzinski (Crown Point, Indiana)

In July of 2002, Mansound participated in the International A Cappella Competition for Jazz and Pop Ensembles "Vokal.Total" in Graz, Austria. Mansound won first place in the Jazz Category winning over participants from eight European countries, and the USA, and taking home the coveted "Ward Swingle Award". Ward Swingle, founder of the Swingle Singers, the first A Cappella group, and the jury chairman said of ManSound, "The variety of their repertoire is very impressive. I think that the group has a fine future".

The sextet’s repertoire consists of Slavic folk songs, Gospel, and the jazz standards which they perform with original arrangements.

For the last ten years of the group’s life, ManSound has toured and performed in Germany, France, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, Holland, Estonia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Russia, Belorussia and the USA.

information, photo from web site of the group:


ManSound. Slavic roots.

...a capella sextet ManSound from Kyiv, Ukraine, is the most interesting Ukrainian vocal ensemble around...
Domestic price: 409.64UAH, International price: $20.90USD

ManSound. If It's Magic...

...such names as George Benson, George Gershvin or Steve Wander, as well as their compositions, are well known to everyone. You should not have any doubt – it will be pleasant to listen to the adaptations of famous compositions presented at this disc. They cannot be usual simply because the group performs a-capella...
Domestic price: 546.84UAH, International price: $27.90USD

ManSound. Joy to the World. this album you will hear a lot of beautiful favourite songs arranged in bright and festive manner. Satisfaction is guaranteed...
Domestic price: 409.64UAH, International price: $20.90USD

ManSound. Hymn of Ukraine. /mini-pack/. (State Anthem of Ukraine)

All the three versions of the Hymn are variations in the range from gospel and soul to swing – and, to tell you the truth, all the tracks sound just cool. Common sense seems to prompt that we should expect for a skeptical attitude to this kind of experiments. But, dear guests, I insist – the disc is a very qualitative, joyful, live present for all admirers of jazz.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

ManSound. In the Name of Life... (in memory of Vladimir Mikhnovetsky)

Volodymyr Mihnovetsky. The creator and guardian of the group, masterful and inspired singer, composer, arranger, manager – each of participants of the sextet, probably, will confirm that without this person ManSound could just never have appeared...
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

ManSound. Voyage.

ManSound offers walking in familiar places, but glancing at them through different eyes – and feeling anew the beauty of our world's singing. For the sake of this trip, the group has recorded one of its best albums – that is for sure. Therefore, no need to renounce the offer – let's go!
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD


Nova Ukrajina. The Best. (New Ukraine)

There are here a few songs that until now have not been released on discs – they could be heard only on the radio, or on TV. There is also here something that practically nobody has heard yet at all – but the fans have already long expected for such opportunity.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Nova Ukrajina. The Best 2. (New Ukraine)

Quite a lot of music collections of various rates are released in Ukraine – but far not each of them can boast such quality of material as this one. Look at the artists list – here, there are mainly the best of the best Ukrainian projects of the recent years. At that, what is characteristic, the style palette in this case covers a very wide range.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Novyy zvuk etnichnoji Ukrajiny. (New Sound of the Ethnic Ukraine)

This collection, on the large account, is a successor of the popular series "Nova Ukrajina. The Best" – a deserved successor. Based on the title, the disc "New Sound of the Ethnic Ukraine" should comprise pieces by the performers whose creativity has a perceptible influence of the Ukrainian folklore – either in lyrics or in music. Basically, that is a sort of that.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Victor Pavlik. Anna-Maria / Ty podobajeshsya meni. 2CD. /digi-pack/. (I Like You)

..Thus, you will discover here the best songs by Viktor Pavlik of the "Anna-Maria" period, and two dozen versions of "I Like You." One can hear even now that it is pop music of a special sort, having its own distinct personality...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD