"Kyivska kamerata" started its activity in the terms of private tneatncai enterprise in 1977. Its creator was a famous pianist Valeriy Matyukhin. The mam aim of "Kamerata" creation was in an aspiration to integrate actively into the process of Ukrainian musical activity, to make it possible for Ukrainian composers to hear in an alive performance the works of their own and the opuses of their colleagues. For a long time led by Valeriy Matyukhin. "Kamerata" was a kind of creative chamber music workshop of the Ukrainian Composers Union, and therefore performed a lot of new works of Ye. Stankovych, V. Sylvestrov, I. Karabytz, 0. Kiva, Y. Ishchenko, V. Zubitsky, V. Zagortsev and many others. For 30 years of its existence "Kyivska kamerata" has passed a hard way m its creative development. Directing of "Kyivska Kamerata" at different stages of its existence was carried out by leading Ukrainian composers - National Artists of Ukraine - Ye. Stankovych, M. Skoryk, I. Karabytz.
On August 1993 the company acquired a State status: for a great contribution into the development of national music culture, for an intensive activity on popularization of the creativity of Ukrainian composers, "Kyivska kamerata" was awarded with M. V. Lysenko Prize in 1997. On August 27, 2000 the soloists ensemble "Kyivska kamerata", by Decree of the President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma, was conferred with a status of National for a great contribution into the development of Ukrainian culture.
"Kyivska kamerata" is a union of highly professional musicians, where each member of the orchestra is a brilliant personality and a performer of a very high level. The majority of them are the prizewinners of international and national contests, hence the company acquired the name: prizewinners of international contests Bogdana Sfelmashenko (flute), Vitaliy Alfavitskiy (clarinet), laureates of L. Revutsky Prize Bogdan Galasyuk (oboe), Zoltan Almashi (cello), Honored Art Worker of Ukraine Oles Yas'ko (violin), Oleg Seredinsky (violin), Victor Zimin (viola), Lolita Khomlichenko (cello), Lyubov Mosiychuk (cello), Dmitry Tavanets (piano).
The soloist-singers of "Kyivska kamerata" - National Artist of Ukraine Nina Matvienko, Honored Art Workers of Ukraine Olexander Vasylenko and Lyudmyla Voynarovska - impart an artistic peculiarity to the creative aspect of the company.
One of the characteristic features of the ensemble is its exceptional performing mobility. The members of the company can perform in various musical casts - varying from a duet of soloists to a small symphonic orchestra. This, to a greater extent, stipulates a large and diverse repertoire of the orchestra. Chamber music of almost all styles and epochs is represented in concert programs of the ensemble. Owing to its high performing level, the music company gained authority among professional musicians not only in Ukraine, but far beyond its bounds - in Germany, Austria, France, USA. China. Poland, Greece, Russia, the Baltic States, Armenia, Georgia, An active concert activity of the group, permanent participation of the National Ensemble of Soloists "Kyivska kamerata" in international and national festivals-contests speaks for a high rating of the company, proves its image of a sensitive interpreter and an unsurpassed performer of chamber music of different styles and trends.
information, photo from official site: http://www.kievkamerata.org/