Orest Krysa
Orest Krysa works in violas group at National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine. He is the author of many songs, and co-member of the bands "Tathagata", "Trychi/Ponedilok", acoustic duo " Dilya and Orest Krysa". As a violist, guitarist and percussionist Orest collaborates with various musical bands: NeDilya, Ghurt YoGhurt, Hulyayhorod, Astarta, Viktor Pushkar, Viktor Pavlik, Sonyachna mashyna (the Solar machine), Kyiv Ethno Trio, etc. photo (c) by Roman Kolyada
..this is why the album has turned out very easily presented. With the unobtrusive simplicity that knows how to avoid primitivism. Due to this, the lyrics do not get lost in the arrangements – which also matters, because a lot of truly cool, and sometimes – already classical – poems were set to music here.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
(this edition is an exclusive thing, and you cannot buy it. But you can get it as a present). – It just so happens that it is women who usually sing lullabies. We decided to advance the tradition and create an album of lullabies sung by men.. – Tanya Sha
Domestic price: 0.00UAH,
International price: $0.00USD
(this edition is an exclusive thing, and you cannot buy it. But you can get it as a present). – Vasyl Stus, a poet and citizen, belongs to the cohort of daredevils who disagreed with the conventional: one soldier does not make a battle. With all his struggle-of-life, struggle-of-art, Stus and his stubborn like-minders proved the opposite..
Domestic price: 0.00UAH,
International price: $0.00USD