The instrumental trio
Port Mone exists since 2006. The perception of music as of some lasting moment, the realization of it being in everything at all times, and thus being able to rise at any point possible, lies at the heart of the creative concept of the group. Three men established the band with idea of live perfomances only and creation of music for movies and plays at times in triangle Minsk-Moscow-Istanbul. Band members are: Alexey Vorsoba (accordeon), Sergey Kravchenko (percussion) and Alexey Vanchuk (bass-guitar). It's hard to compare this music with any styles and forms (and it's true) because of it's mix of ambient, noise, experimental and classical, traditional music. So at first... These three are brand-new phenomena in this everything-mixed music. Port Mone do not trying to be avantgarde. They are. They reached exellent instrumental compositions that connects the whole palette of modern classical music from rock, ambient, psychedelic and extraavantgarde experimental music to pop-music. With only three instruments this band could unite the essence of all modern musical culture legacy into brand-new stylic form. They brings something new big and geniusly performed to the basement of known cultural legacy. And it can't be boring. Sometimes their music differs with slavonic-russian melodies in absolutely unusual minimalistic style, sometimes it is impossible to identify roots of their compositions. Awesome! And original. Minimalistic (and accordeonistic) sequence reminds the very things of best quality no one can recall where could he hear it. Some musical pieces of the band quasi extract best from an arsenal of Meredit Monk, at that time others are crossing with the best gothic post-punk staying in previous limits, and it's good. Compositions by Port Mone are not the likes contextually adjusted time-proven and coldly compiled components, nor narcistic performances or gig rush. It is rather a thoughtful reflections shared by the musicians with the listener. Calm observation of the sound, of the moment instantly born and dead, presents the main creative concept of Port Mone. It’s an attempt to give freedom and time to sound and the instant, without patronizing the listener. A detached but sensual and conceptual attempt to underline the heard, the seen and partly forgotten in the daily routine. What does it sound like – folk, ethno, lounge, minimal or ambient – for listeners to decide. No words to describe effect of these masters of relatively simple music. It have to be heared. Tracks by Port Mone was released on compilations in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Scotland, Sweden. In October of 2009 at russian label Geometria was released the debut album "DiP", which was called the best instrumental album of 2009 in Belarus, and the best foreign release of 2009 in Croatia (by portal
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