Zakus Band
Zakus Band by Igor Zakus is: Zakus himself (bass-guitar), Dmitry "Bobeen" Alexandrov (sax), Volodymyr Shabaltas (guitar), Rodion Ivanov (keyboards) and Olexander Lebedenko (drums) - and others...
This disc is double exclusive. First – as any recording of a live concert, it has fixated instantaneous changes of moods and states of the musicians, fluctuations of temperature in the hall. This is evident. But the main thing – now you have in front of you not just a concert by Igor Zakus with friends, but also a presentation of his absolutely new program, "Kolomyyky".
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
Season 2007 was opened and closed with performances by, actually, Igor Zakus with Z-Band – and the both concerts have now become constituent parts of this series. At closing of the season, an absolutely new program sounded – "Kolomyiky". Well, and the program "Zakus Was Here" sounded during the opening, and it is it that you are going to hear here.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
This disc is double exclusive. First – as any recording of a live concert, it has fixated instantaneous changes of moods and states of the musicians, fluctuations of temperature in the hall. This is evident. But the main thing – now you have in front of you not just a concert by Igor Zakus with friends, but also a presentation of his absolutely new program, "Kolomyyky".
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
"Kolomyikas" is a good album with bright pieces that are able to capture the audience as it is, even without associations with the material it derives from. In the end, there was no "weak link" in the team of the album’s creators. That is, probably, the reason why, without regard to the intense structure, there is within the music fabric – freedom, which makes it possible to breathe deeply.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
In his time, Igor Zakus became virtually the first jazz bass-player in Ukraine who released a solo album. Thus, the new album by Igor Zakus is what nobody seems to have done before in the Ukrainian jazz. And the word "song" in the title "Ukrainian Bass Song" appears far not by chance. Generally speaking, this is also an album of duets
Domestic price: 546.84UAH,
International price: $27.90USD
Colors permanently change, mix up, sometimes in quite strange directions – for some musicians migrate from one team to another, practically never leaving the scene. As a result, there arises absolutely warm, friendly, "private" atmosphere – curiously combining the sense of the large scene and, at the same time, the feeling of an almost family jam in a small club.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
Yelena Popova strikes with universality, it is difficult to define where she succeeds better – in energetic "hits" or in lyric, delicate ballads. Here she sounds with a bright flash, promises an explosion – and does not cheat, grants powerful emotional splashes. And in a minute – softly, almost in whisper lulls in cozy intonations, causes quiet tremor with her ability to breathe transparently in thick autumn color...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Another volume of the audio reference book by the "Jazz Kolo" project is, as you see, focused on masters of drumkit playing. It is nice to see that this time there again appears so much material that the compilers did not manage to squeeze everything into one disc. It is nice to see that there is enough space both for "veterans" of the Ukrainian jazz, and for the absolutely young generation..
Domestic price: 605.64UAH,
International price: $30.90USD