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LBB. Lemko Bluegrass Band. /digi-pack/.
карпатский блюграсс
В Украине: 350.84 грн (*)
Другие страны: $17.90USD
Кому Вниз. 4: Шевченко. (EP). /digi-pack/.
Кому Вниз. Шевченко. (EP) (special offer)
В Украине: 507.64 грн (*)
Другие страны: $25.90USD
Исполнители :   А Б В Г Ґ Д Е Ё Є Ж З И І Ї Й К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Э Ю Я
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [0-9]
Альбомы:   А Б В Г Ґ Д Е Ё Є Ж З И І Ї Й К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Э Ю Я
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [0-9]


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Иван Козловский. Чорные брови, карие очи. Украинские народные песни. Ч.2.
  , Perkinsville, USA
16-09-2007 01:46

An OK CD but not one of my favorites. Too much sliding of note/phrases and some tracks are speaking, not singing. Perhaps if I understood Ukrainian I would enjoy the spoken tracks which appear to have much feeling. I would not buy another CD of this artist.

Александр Малинин. Червона калина.
  , Perkinsville, USA
16-09-2007 01:43

A fantastic Russian tenor singer of Ukrainian music some of which which sets the feet tapping and makes the heart happy (even though I do not understand the language). Other tracks are filled with emotion and feeling which shows in his singing, as though it comes from his deep inner being and making it a delight to hear. There is nothing mediocre about this fine artist even though there is some sliding of notes. This CD will be enjoyed for a very long time.

Николай Шопша. Невмируща пісня. (Бессмертная песня)
  , Perkinsville, USA
16-09-2007 01:05

This cd of bass singer Mykola Shopsha is wonderful for anyone who loves to listen to the bass voice as much as I do. It is not heavy but melodic with much expression and perfection. Mykola's is not the deepest bass voice I have heard, but is very impressive in it's delivery of beautiful Ukrainian music. A true delight to the ear, even though I do not understand the language. A delectable range of music which is a delight.

Лучшее из украинского фольклора. Международный фестиваль украинской музыки и песни "Горицвет". (DVD).
  , Perkinsville, USA
15-09-2007 23:02

This is a wonderful DVD of Ukrainian folk music with beautiful scenery, since it was filmed in the rural country side. Again, this part of the Ukraine looks astonishingly like my own native New England State of Vermont. Although I do not understand Ukrainian the music and photography is more than enough for me. For anyone who loves the folk music of the Ukraine it is a wonderful CD. It will be enjoyed for a very long time.

Виталий Билоножко. Давайте разом заспіваєм, браття!
  , Одеса, Найкраща країна
15-09-2007 20:40

Дуже гарний альбом! Якщо вам є що згадати, ви сповнені любові
до рідної землі і вам не байдужа мила Україна - то ці пісні для вас.
Дякую тобі Віталію за справжю національну свідомість!

Квитка Цисык. Two Colors. (Два Кольори).
  , Brisbane, Australia
15-09-2007 18:58

The loss of such a talented voice is not to be replaced easily. I have both CD's and they are regarded as two of the best in my collection.The breadth of her voice is amazing, with youthfullness and maturity combined.You can hear the young girl singing and also the mature mother within, with wisdom and tolerance.Never may these cd's stop being played.

Мандры. Дорога.
  , Brisbane, Australia
15-09-2007 18:48

Top stuff! Doroha sounds like you are on a road and the clarity of voice makes the difference.Ukrainian singers are known for clear singing which makes it worth listening to.Another CD being worn out in the car whilst driving around at work.
Let's hope the boys decide to release more English speaking versions so the rest of the world can hear them.

. Расскажи...
  , Brisbane, Australia
15-09-2007 18:41

I have to agree with all of you, specialy, Fr@nky.Man! you said it all.Have nearly worn out the CD playing it in the car.Such a cheeky teenage sounding voice should be registered and released with a warning note."May cause delusions of romantic enhancement,use with care" My apprentices want to emigrate to Ukraine after seeing the cover photo and hearing her sing.
What is important ,above all else, is the clear crisp voice and presentation.You can actually understand what she is singing about.

. .
  , Киев, Украина
14-09-2007 12:22

Диск ОЧЕНЬ классный, даже если кто НЕ любит классику, все равно рекомендую впечатление обещаю. Я был сам на этом концерте, но после концерта очень долго ждал диск и вот дождался, смотрю ДИСК по 5 раз на день!

Иннеса. Ґердан. Новый звук этнической Украины.
  , Houston, TX, USA
12-09-2007 18:34

Love it! Melodic, majestic, and expressive. A new spin on violin music. Usually attempts to combine traditional string instruments with electonic music fail miserably, but not so with this CD. After listening to the song samples, I knew I had to have it. Now that I have received it, I cannot stop listening to it. Quite a performance.

Фольклорный гурт "Веснянка". Ой, заграли музиченьки.
  , Perkinsville, USA
11-09-2007 17:47

Is it possible to feel at home in a country you have never visited? This CD with its folk music of the Ukraine makes me feel that way. Some of the tracks are the type of music played at our rural country folk dances with fiddle playing. One track sounds like a calliope (a steam driven music maker which plays music on whistles and/or piano/organ keys within the machine). A true delight! The music is ideal for dancing and sets the feet tapping and making a happy heart. If you want to be filled with joy, I highly recommend this CD.

Ансамбль классического пения "Голоса Украины". Музыка молитв.
  , Perkinsville, USA
11-09-2007 17:33

Accolades to this professional and wonderful choir who sing Ukrainian Church music at its finest. The acoustics of the Eastern European Churches are incredible, making the singing ethereal as though it is coming directly from Heaven. It is like nothing I have ever heard in the USA. It is one of my favorites for this kind of singing. As always, I am in absolute awe of the a cappella singing of the beautiful music of the Church. If anyone is stressed out, this will bring peace and quiet to the spirit and soul.

Фольк-шоу группа "Українські вечорниці". Україна – любов моя.
  , Perkinsville, USA
11-09-2007 16:54

WOW! This CD is a treasure and recommended to anyone who loves Ukrainian folk music. The Ukraine has so many diverse folk instruments it is interesting to learn of their origins and use. I had to research the kobza since I was not familiar with it. Similar to the mandolin, it's roots in the Ukraine go back to the 1300's, and similar instruments may have been used in as early as 500. It was traditionally used by a bard or minstrel. There is a diversity of music from lively folk, to quieter tracks all are done professionally giving much enjoyment to the listener. This CD will be enjoyed for many years to come.

Фольклорная группа "Київ", Анатолий Руденко. Веселі українські народні пісні.
  , Perkinsville, USA
11-09-2007 16:27

Want to put an instant smile on your face and set your feet tapping, or dancing around the room? Then do purchase this wonderful CD filled with happy Ukrainian folk songs. The music and artists are top of the line, showcasing the rich tapestry of folk music of the Ukraine. You will not be disappointed if you have "happy feet" and a "happy spirit". My home makes a wonderful dance floor for me to happily exercise to the music of this special CD. It will be enjoyed much in the years to come.

Этническая Украина. Гуцульские мелодии.
  , Perkinsville, USA
11-09-2007 16:19

Five gold stars to the producers of this ethnic Hutsul folk music CD. I must admit I had to research the origins of the Hutsul peoples. This is wonderful music played at its best. I recommend it highly for anyone who loves Ukrainian folk music. The flavors of the various tracks are diverse with some reflecting their closeness to Middle Eastern roots. All in all a CD filled with delightful, lively music and some tracks of quieter, soothing folk music. Although my own roots are not Ukrainian, I am completely smitten by the music of this beautiful country.

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22 февраля 2022
Благотворительный фонд "Вернись живым"
Юрий Шевелев, Леонид Плющ. Листування: 1979-1995. (Переписка: 1979-1995)
Плющ, Шевелев. Переписка: 1979-1995
В Украине: 507.64 грн (*)
Другие страны: $25.90USD
Киев Акустик Трио. Moment.
В Украине: 280.28 грн (*)
Другие страны: $14.30USD
Александр Быструшкин. Жовті пси Карпат. /mini-pack/. (Желтые псы Карпат)
Жовті пси Карпат
В Украине: 213.64 грн (*)
Другие страны: $10.90USD
Shopping Hour. Sunce Вітер. (подарочное издание). /digi-pack/. (Солнце Ветер)
музыка мира
В Украине: 350.84 грн (*)
Другие страны: $17.90USD