Catalogue -> NOT discs -> Books: History

Andriy Kharuk. Mriya pro kryla. History of the Ukrainian Aircraft Industry of 1910-1991. (Dream of Wings)

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Andriy Kharuk. Mriya pro kryla. History of the Ukrainian Aircraft Industry of 1910-1991. (Dream of Wings)
"The publication covers the history of origination, formation and development of the most technologically advanced branch of the Ukrainian industry – aviation. Based on rich archival material, including published studies by Ukrainian and foreign researchers, the stages of creating in Ukraine of key aviation technique items, their launch in series production and further upgrading are analyzed.

Research publication.

In Ukrainian.

Type of the edition: paperback

Format: 144x214 mm

Number of pages: 296

Publisher: Tempora, Kyiv





- Pershi zavody (1910-1914 rr.)

- Persha svitova viyna: burkhlyve zrostannja

- V ohni ta buri revoljutsiji: aviazavody Ukrajiny v 1918-1919 rr.

Rozdil 3. RANNIY RADJaNS‘KYY PERIOD: litakobuduvannja Ukrajiny v 1920-ti rr.

- Vazhkyy spadok: aviazavody Ukrajiny na pochatku 20-kh rr. XX st.

- Probudzhennja: aviatsiyna promyslovist‘ Ukrajiny v druhiy polovyni 20-kh rr. XX st.

Rozdil 4. INDUSTRIALIZATsIJa: aviatsiyna promyslovist‘ Ukrajiny v 1930-ti rr.

- Militaryzatsija: dolja kharkivs‘koho aviazavodu v pershiy polovyni 30-kh rr.

- Ne til‘ky Kharkiv: kyjivs‘kyy i sevastopol‘s‘kyy aviazavody

- Sertse litaka: vyrobnytstvo aviamotoriv zavodom ¹29

- Aviatsiyna promyslovist‘ Ukrajiny v druhiy polovyni 30-kh rr.

- Aviatsiyna promyslovist‘ Ukrajiny naperedodni y na pochatku nimets‘ko-radjans‘koji viyny: mobilizatsija ta evakuatsija

Rozdil 5. Z RUJiN: vidbudova ta povojenna konversija aviatsiynoji promyslovosti Ukrajiny (1943-1950 rr.)

Rozdil 6. NAUKOVO-TEKhNIChNA REVOLJuTsIJa: aviatsiyna promyslovist‘ Ukrajiny v 50-80-kh rr. XX st.

- Pid markoju "An": proektuvannja litakiv u doslidno-konstruktors‘komu bjuro O. K. Antonova ta jikh vyrobnytstvo v 50-70-kh rr.

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- Proektuvannja ta vyrobnytstvo aviatsiynykh dvyhuniv v 50-60-kh rr. XX st.

- Aviatsiyna promyslovist‘ Ukrajiny v druhiy polovyni 70-80-kh rr. XX st.


Vykorystani dzherela ta literatura

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Dodatok 1

Dodatok 2

Dodatok 3

Dodatok 4


Publisher: Tempora
Catalogue number: ISBN 9786175690123
Year: 2010

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Andriy Kharuk

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