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Ivan Malkovych. Podorozhnyk. "Ukrainian Poetry Anthology". (Plantain)

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Ivan Malkovych. Podorozhnyk. "Ukrainian Poetry Anthology". (Plantain)
"The book of selected works by Ivan Malkovych includes poems from the previously published collections "White Stone" (1984), "The Key" (1988), "Poems" (1992), "With an Angel on the Shoulder" (1997), "Poems for Winter" (2006), "Everything is Near" (2010), as well as some of the newest poems. This meeting with the well-known poet clearly emphasizes what has been characteristic of him all through the entire poetic path – the elegance of simplicity and unique lyricism."

The book is in the convenient "pocket" format.
In Ukrainian
Edition type: hard cover, wrapped in valuable cloth with gold stamping
Format: 116x162 mm
Number of pages: 240
Publisher: A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA, Kyiv

- Sad rizdvjanyy \\ Ja zahubyv sviy kljuch: ja holochku sosnovu... \\ Zdajet‘sja, nichni zametili, a snihu nema... \\ Tak dozrivaje krov, tak al‘pinisty zrostu... \\ Vse u nas, bachysh, ne tak... \\ ljublju tebe vpiznavaty... \\ Syzi ranky posnuli... \\ Khovanka \\ Ptashyna elehija \\ Znovu marchije trava... \\ V hrudni kalendari... \\ probach... \\ Vechirnja (husjacha) bukolika \\ Zapakhy v lypakh potopleni... \\ Pojizd \\ Kolo \\ Zblyzhalosja na trydtsjat‘ lit... \\ shchastja povertajet‘sja... \\ Sitnykova elehija \\ Z nichnykh molytov \\ Konotop \\ Bukolika z jevshanom \\ Solomynka \\ Dytynstvo tr‘okh \\ Namarni ljudy \\ Kakhljana (toskna) bukolika \\ Ja vodu skolotyv i doshch pochav lipyty... \\ Roste tryvohy chornyy parashut... \\ Sumnoho y nemynuchoho – ja znaju... \\ Vdoma \\ Sonet z torbynkoju kvasoli \\ Pravitry: Praboh \\ Prakorabel‘ \\ Litopys \ Ozyrnulysja – t‘ma i pit‘ma... \\ Nevidimshcheni mal‘vy \\ HEROJi: 1.Pryyshly posushytysja. Nich 2. Jikh otochyly znenats‘ka... \\ VIYS‘KO: 1. Zvuchyt‘ jak mit: vidvazhne viys‘ko... 2. Ja ne virju v povernennja viys‘ka... \\ Sl‘oza \\ Rusjavi, mov iz l‘onu, sny... \\ Tsyhans‘ke myto \\ Po toy bik zhyta – chorna perukarnja... \\ Tavrija \\ Kubanshchyna \\ Ukrajins‘kyy pivden‘ \\ Ja voliv by buty l‘viv’janynom... \\ Dytynka na Misjatsi (z Kloda Rua) \\ Synovi \\ SYNOChKOVI NA PERShU YOHO KOLJaDU: 1. Ide z khoruhvoju koljadky... 2. Sina zelena kutja... \\ Ponad Dnipro hude metro \\ Napuchuvannja \\ Piymanyy Skovoroda \\ Sjadu na pidvikonnja... \\ Fiakr opivnichnyy \\ Vulyky khmaroderiv, abo Namarnist‘ \\ Po vintsja \\ Podorozhnyk \\ Muzyka, shcho pishla \\ VRAZ BARANChYK NARODYVSJa: 1. Z-za vysokoji stodoly... 2. Nay by khoch baranchyky... 3. Mama meni napysala... \\ khochesh – prozoro – ja budu hora... \\ Nezbahnenna ljubov do mel‘ny kuvannja \\ Koly my v ryby idemo... \\ Perebendja \\ Khor \\ Zhytije chasnyka \\ Zhytije olenjara \\ Verlen (z Grokhov’jaka) \\ Vizyt (z Galchyns‘koho) \\ Venera (z Posvjatovs‘koji) \\ Nichoho ne pytala, jak voda... \\ Bula to maska mista. I meni... \\ VIRShI, JaKI NE POVERNUT‘SJa V HORY: 1. Hutsul‘s‘ka nich i Kryvo rivnja... 2. Ja ljubyv tebe potayno... \\ Daleke lito \\ Ol‘vija dal‘nja sliv tvojikh mayzhe nechutna... \\ Til‘ky spohad \\ tsi bezzvuchni slova shcho nashiptuju jikh... \\ Zori terlys‘, nache poterchata... \\ Ne ozyrajuchys‘ \\ Lesbos \\ Zhytije skrypal‘ok \\ Kupy rum’janku – rum’janysja... \\ Ja khotiv prozhyty... \\ Divchynko moja fialkovaja... \\ Jarynko leviv i kashtaniv... \\ Jarynko, znaju, ty shche virysh... \\ Prytants‘ovuvannja na odniy nozi \\ Dolja \\ Juna moja maybutnja druzhyna \\ Juna moja, berezneva... \\ V peredchutti \\ ShUKANNJa BEZSMERTNYKA: 1. Strimkymy rikamy zelenykh elektrychok... 2. Tsijeji nochi... 3. Nikoly bil‘she... \\ tut de my teper dolikovujemo tse lito... \\ Nelaskavo, nemov z Armavira... \\ Jak dobre (z Ruzhevycha) \\ A teper stan‘ i dyvysja... \\ U STsENI MAKU: 1. Shershennyy virus 2. Lovyty rybku, hraty v skrypku... 3. Intermedija z knjazem 4. Kontsert 9. Maybutnje vidrodzhennja \\ Trokhy hutsul‘s‘koji dzhazy-manteljazy \\ Ivano-Frankivs‘ku \\ Pry tsykh derevakh, v tsim ladu... \\ Otak prozhyv sobi, dyvys‘... \\ Nad zelen-rikoju, na derevtsi, skraju... \\ BEREZIVS‘KI OBRAZKY: 1. Nizhnyy spohad, abo Yva-marzhyna 2. Juz‘ 4. Vechir z prababtseju 5. Virhan \\ kozhnyy den‘... \\ Rozhublenyy i zblidlyy molochay... \\ tak dyvljusja na svoji hory... \\ Shche odna osin‘ \\ Tradytsiynyy portret poeta \\ Zatonulyy Velykden‘ \\ Kanatokhodtsi \\ ZhYTIJe SVJaShchENYKA: 1. Usjak svjashchenyk maje u sobi... 2. Jak sulija, napovnenyy ushchert‘... \\ Karty doli \\ Krajina Sontsja \\ Stsena z Fausta (z Pushkina) \\ VERTEPChYKY, abo RAYS‘KEJe DILO (Vertepne diystvo):

- Avtoportret pered dzerkalom. Introduktsija

- Rybalka. Intermedija 1

- Misjachnyy kant. Intermedija 2

- Zolotyy lantsjuh. Fars 1

- Ivan ta Vanja. Fars 3

- Hadana nebizhchytsja. Fars 4

- Ivan i Shcheznyk, abo Zelena vezha. Intermedija 5

- Ivan i Kentavr. Intermedija 6

- Povstanets‘ (Stojichnyy sonet). Intermedija 7

- Rays‘keje dilo. Intermedija 8

- Vertep-khmaroder. Poklin vertepnyka

- Zoopsykhichne \\ Skumbrija v tomati (perespiv z Galchyns‘koho) \\ Koly b odynadtsjat‘ ja mav kapeljukhiv (z Galchyns‘koho) \\ Cholovik \\ Cholovik (II) \\ SESTRI: 1. znajesh u dytynstvi... 2. vostannje vid’jizhdzhajuchy... \\ Movby zelenyy pojizd... \\ VSE PORUCh: 1. Vse jasne, i tonke, y nezabutnje, jak lystjachko shkiry... 2. Ryba, jaka proty richky protjazhno plyve... \\ Chas \\ Sproba pastorali \\ Antyhruden‘ \\ V osinni vechory, u vechory studeni... \\ Nich. Osin‘ \\ Sydy, i dumay, i pechal‘s‘... \\ Poslannja do T. \\ Lubok \\ Zyma – to vitchyzna ruky... \\ Iz janholom na plechi

- Kost‘ Moskalets. VIChNO PERShA KNYHA

Publisher: A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA
Catalogue number: ISBN 9786175850510
Year: 2013

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Ivan Malkovych

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