I cannot explain exactly what the matter is, but this album seems to differ greatly from other similar albums. Though I understand quite well that this is not an expeditionary recording made in a village, it is a restoration – that is, these people purposely got together, went to studio and sang. At that, I am not going to mention how much time they spent learning to sing these songs correctly. I mean, the songs recorded at this disc reach us not directly, but through second hands. Allegedly. But – there exists "but", and it is very important. It concerns performance. It is somehow very honest and transparent – perhaps, unintentional. Sincere. I do not know how to describe it more, but I really like it. Three women – three voices and sometimes three instruments. It is very simple, and there is the truth in this simplicity, the truth, which cannot be explained, but still it exists. As for the spectrum, wedding songs, vesnyanky, kolyadky and even magic songs sound here. The geography covers half of Ukraine, as well as a part of Poland and Belarus. But I think the matter concerns not geography, to be exact it concerns the correctness of singing.
Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)
Publisher: Gal Records Catalogue number: GAL Records 0189 Year: 2005
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Ensemble of Authentic Music "Korali"
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CD1 |
1. |
| Lezhjet nam bervy (vesil'na) |
2. |
| Sidajte za stolyk (vesil'na) |
3. |
| Oj na mori (vesil'na) |
4. |
| Vyjdu ja na julon'ku (vesil'na) |
5. |
| Shumily luhy (zvychajna) |
6. |
| Oj rano-rano (velykodnja ryndzivka) |
7. |
| Vesna krasna (vesnjanka) |
8. |
 | Oj ne kuj zozule (vesnjanka)
9. |
| A vzhe vesna skresla (vesnjanka) |
10. |
| Svjatyj Jure-Ryhore (vesnjanka) |
11. |
| Krokoveje koleso (vesnjanka) |
12. |
| Oj na hori mlynochok (vesnjanka) |
13. |
| Oj dumaj, dumaj (zvychajna) |
14. |
 | Hej kazav jes my (zvychajna)
15. |
| Voj tam u poli (zvychajna) |
16. |
| Provodyly rusalochok (rusal'na) |
17. |
 | Provedu ja rusalochku (rusal'na)
18. |
| Provodzhala maty syna (sinokisna) |
19. |
 | Na Jvana Kupala (kupal's'ka)
20. |
| Jak posiju rozhu (kupal's'ka) |
21. |
| Na vyhoni (kupal's'ka) |
22. |
| Moja matjunko-kvitko (zhnyvna) |
23. |
| A v nashoho hospodara (obzhynkova) |
24. |
| Oj zijdy, zijdy (zvychajna) |
25. |
| Oj ne hody Barabashu (do charuvannja) |
26. |
| A de zhe vam sut' (koljadka) |
27. |
| Oj rano-rano (schedrivka) |
28. |
| Divka Hannochka (schedrivka) |
29. |
| Jihav Jehorc'o (koljadka) |
30. |
| Oj jasna krasna (koljadka) |
31. |
| Malanka () novorichna hra |
32. |
| V hospodaren'ka je krynychen'ka (zvychajna) |
| Total playing time: 67:43 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
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, Óêðà¿íà
26-01-2006 11:23 |
Âëàñíå, äóæå ö³êàâî, ùî íà äèñêó ïðåäñòàâëåí³ òàê³ ð³çíîìàí³òí³ ç òî÷êè çîðó óêðà¿íñüêèõ åòí³÷íèõ ãðóï ï³ñí³. Ìîæëèâî, ÷åðåç òå â³í çâó÷èòü ñâ³æ³øå: àâòåíòèêà íå íàáðèäàº, áî ñòèëü âèêîíàííÿ ÷àñ â³ä ÷àñó çì³íþºòüñÿ.
slow drive
Domestic: 448.84UAH
International: $22.90USD