Vasyl Stus is one of those poets who are known to everybody who knows at least something about Ukrainian poetry. That’s why it is not a surprise to anyone that from time to time musicians of quite different styles and trends turn to his literary heritage. It is not accidental that Sergiy Moroz has found himself among such musicians and not others. After all, he is not only an author and performer, but he is also a laureate of all-Ukrainian “Oberih” festival of author’s songs and song poetry. He is also a laureate of Vasyl Stus prize. That is, some kind of additional connection exists. Still, let a listener judge by himself how much the things correspond to one another. As for me, in this particular case music is much lighter than words. However, it is needed exactly this way – for a contrast. Because in this case the main attention is given not to music, but to words – they are exactly the pearl, around which this disc is wound.
Year: 2005
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Serhij Moroz
Domestic price: 292.04UAH
International price: $14.90USD
CD1 |
1. |
| Stelyly bili obrusy |
2. |
| Ty, moja malen'ka sestro |
3. |
 | Skuchyv
4. |
| Zvorohobylysja ajstry |
5. |
| Na zolotu solomu |
6. |
| Til'ky toboju |
7. |
 | Sosna iz nochi vyplyvla mov schohla
8. |
 | Zazyraju v zavtra
9. |
| Jarij, Dushe… |
10. |
| Zapahlo soncem, voskom i zelom |
11. |
| Rozspivanyj snih |
12. |
 | Na Lysij hori
13. |
| Kolesa hluho stukotjat' |
14. |
| Jaka nesterpno ridna chuzhyna |
| Total playing time: 55:28 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
Like Bystrushkin's previous albums, this record is also a melodic recitation. Slow, thoughtful – as a way to pay tribute, as a way to listen more carefully.
Domestic price: 213.64UAH,
International price: $10.90USD
(this edition is an exclusive thing, and you cannot buy it. But you can get it as a present). – Vasyl Stus, a poet and citizen, belongs to the cohort of daredevils who disagreed with the conventional: one soldier does not make a battle. With all his struggle-of-life, struggle-of-art, Stus and his stubborn like-minders proved the opposite..
Domestic price: 0.00UAH,
International price: $0.00USD
(this edition is an exclusive thing, and you cannot buy it. But you can get it as a present). – The emotionality, tension, and passion of Teliha's poetic language impress and attract. Moreover, her experience is inscribed in urban landscapes, everything seems to be happening right now and to you personally.. – Tanya Sha
Domestic price: 0.00UAH,
International price: $0.00USD
..this is why the album has turned out very easily presented. With the unobtrusive simplicity that knows how to avoid primitivism. Due to this, the lyrics do not get lost in the arrangements – which also matters, because a lot of truly cool, and sometimes – already classical – poems were set to music here.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
...a mysterious story of Stanislaus Perfecki – a poet, a traveler, and a performer who embarks upon a journey from Lviv to the West, and ultimately emerges in Venice, the City of Ghosts. There, he experiences a series of incredible adventures and falls in love with Ada Cytryna, his interpretress. Being forced to part with his beloved woman and unable to fulfil his special top secret mission, Perfecki vanishes..
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
..and one can hear here verses by Stus, Sosyura, Ukrainka, Lysheha, Shevchenko – just listen how up-to-date the lines written by these people in the seemingly different epochs sound. Although in some general sense, they belong to the same epoch – that of self-realization. "Hit that rock"...
Domestic price: 292.04UAH,
International price: $14.90USD
..There is space both for an atmospheric ballad, and for the proprietary hard "art-bombardment", and a recitative prophecy/spell that makes you freeze – in other words, listen. A worthy succinct statement.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
It, sure, happens differently to everyone. Oksana Zabuzhko's poetry is what I, for example, have not read till now, but now – I will definitely go on reading it. Why? Because this recording simply and clearly creates a good impression – and causes the desire to meet again, to find out more. Because having listened to the disc, you get, so to say, a complex pleasure...
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
..the whole album is devoted to writings by Lina Kostenko. And one does not even want to say how much beauty, love, pain, intelligence, passion, contemplation are there in her poems.. Yes, all of this is there. But the main thing is that they are – extremely honest. And it is honesty that is able to make these beauty, pain, love, understanding – significant, deep, perceptible and important for others. For us.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
"Measure" is not just a new album by Iryna Shynkaruk. Actually, this is not even an album in the ordinary sense of the word, it's something different. The singer says that this project currently does not have analogues in Ukraine – and, as far as we know, it does not indeed. Although, it would seem, the idea is extraordinarily simple and obvious..
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
Unusual music-poetic compact disc. Yuri Pokalchuk is reading own poems and poems of Garcia Lorka, Paul Eluard and others accompaniment by famous music
Domestic price: 488.04UAH,
International price: $24.90USD
Domestic price: 488.04UAH,
International price: $24.90USD
This album is really like an explosion, about which you suddenly understand that it is not so much an explosion outside, but most likely an explosion inside. When you look through the window, it moves away. When you knock on the door, it moves near. When you pass by, it is over.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Audio cassette/ ..He is a successor of a certain art tradition, a performer with his own face and style. With a nice face and a clear style.
Domestic price: 213.64UAH,
International price: $10.90USD
Actually, this is the author's album – Igor Bily is the author of all the lyrics, and he did not organize any band to that end. All the songs are for two guitars. Concise, clear, and simple enough. However, the key emphasis is still on the lyrics – it is worth listening, hearing, and understanding. Attentive songs are always relevant.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
...if the inner world of a person is multidimensional – it is possible to wander in these dimensions infinitely, and about each of them it is possible to tell some story. Volodymyr Shynkaruk seems to have in store an infinite number of such histories – and he knows how to tell them honestly, deeply, interestingly. So that at a certain instant his stories become – your own.
Domestic price: 448.84UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
This seems to be that very bardic song, although in the sounding there is now more transparent, delicate sense, which is conveyed not with words, but exactly with music. But at the same time, the word has not become less significant. As it should be when the issue is intelligent, thought over, internally experienced texts, not just rhymed lines of certain meters.
Domestic price: 448.84UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
Edward Drach appeals to the Kyivska Rus history either in strict historical or at a poetic foreshortening at least in this album. Actually, that is what he us a poet for. More precisely - the bard.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
At a certain moment it seems as if you were listening not to a simple musical album, but to a collection of songs from films. From old and kind films about love, striving, laugh and tears, nonsense and serious questions of life.
Domestic price: 448.84UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
, Seattle, US
10-04-2010 20:35 |
CD прекрасна і доставки дуже швидко. Спасибі!
, Warszawa, Poland
11-10-2008 23:29 |
j taka szaslywa wo meni vdalosj vreshti znajty tsiu muzyku ja ii shukaju 13 rokiv pochula pershyj raz v 1995.Djkuju Wam Sergiju!
, Київ, Україна
19-10-2007 18:35 |
Дуже дякуємо за Ваші пісні! Це чудовий альбом!
Ваша музика глибока, легка і світла, а Ваш голос дуже гарний.
Дякую долі за зустріч з Вами і Ігорем Якубовським.
Ваша музика ввійшла в наш дім.
, Украина
18-09-2007 18:47 |
Такие авторы, как Сергей Мороз, - авторы реликтовые. Они должны были бы составлять основу украинской национальной культуры.
В век тотального засилья поп-массовой культуры этот человек умудряется не только быть верен себе, чистоте своего таланта, но и создавать высокодуховные музыкальные произведения. Он – из немногих, если не единственный в украинской культуре, кто может мирскую музыку делать наполненной Духом Божьим. Не относясь к музыке церковной, Богослужебной, она тем не менее соединяет нас с Господом, о чём бы ни говорила и какую бы тему ни выбирала.
Не виден на горизонте украинской эстрады ещё музыкант, чьи творения обладали бы таким свойством.
А если это качество музыки некоторыми пока не понимается – не вина автора, это нормально, мир и божественная сфера – вещи разные (и пересекаются только в глубине обращённых сердец да в церквах).
Следует думать, именно это является причиной, по которой творчество С.Мороза ещё не широко известно. Но даже то, что автор делает с душой воспринимающего его произведения человека вопреки желанию этой души, меняя хоть на невидимую каплю вектор её направленности с земного на Божественный мир и Божественный свет, – уже стоит создания подобных вещей и чтобы они, подобно молитве или церковному песнопению, приближали людей к Богу.
В данном случае композитор и певец положил на музыку стихи выдающегося поэта В.Стуса, но точно так же он делает с текстами менее известных поэтов и со своими собственными. Он не выбирает «духовные» стихи, он сам их наполняет высокой духовностью своей музыки, при этом органически сливаясь с их "земным" содержанием, и способен это сделать почти с любым текстом – даже не очень сильным…
Сколько ещё этих капель автору надо бросить на грешную украинскую (и не только) землю, чтоб она, наконец, стала мягкой и начала источать струи своей энергии к Богу, тяготеть к Нему? Трудно сказать. Но безусловно ясно одно, что работа С.Мороза выполняет прежде всего функцию Богоугодного духовного служения людям и что такая миссия поручена этому одарённому человеку свыше. А когда люди захотят во всей полноте осознать, ощутить то, что Господь зовёт их всех к Себе, в том числе и через эту музыку, – зависит от воли Бога.
Автору же – только всяческих успехов, помнить о том, что быть искренним и исполнительным перед Отцом Небесным – очень благоугодно Ему, и идти своим путём уверенно дальше, ни в коей мере не сбиваясь на кич и суррогатное искусство! Награда будет впереди, и адекватной той мере честности и правдивости, которая запечатлевается в произведениях художника на века!