First, Volodymyr Shynkaruk became famous and popular as a bard. Afterwards – as the father of Iryna Shynkaruk. For his daughter, he wrote both lyrics and music for a lot of years in succession – actually, he also helped to create and release records. Some more time has passed, Iryna has delved into waves of popular music – and Volodymyr Shynkaruk kept loyalty to his basic grounds. Thus, his new discs appear from time to time, on which he again acts the former role – as a bard. Poetry, voice, guitar – that is, actually, almost it. But it is hardly possible to say that anything is lacking – because in fact there is enough of everything. To some, maybe, such loyalty may seems a bit strange – for life passes, everything changes. But in such returns, a new sense of the ways passed always reveals itself – for it is not by chance that they, these returns, take place in life of virtually every person. What fruits we gather here – that is already another thing, but we gather them in complete silence. Here already everybody remains face-to-face with own history. Everybody has it in full...
Publisher: UKRmusic Catalogue number: UM-CD 146 Year: 2008
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Volodymyr Shynkaruk
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CD1 |
1. |
 | Pryvit
2. |
| Ostannje lito ljubovi |
3. |
| Pisnja pro liliputa |
4. |
 | Ja zayshov u spohady
5. |
| Svitlo v kintsi tunelju |
6. |
| Zhal‘ |
7. |
 | Seredniy vik
8. |
| Vishchyy son |
9. |
| Vidvertist‘ |
10. |
| Zhinky y choloviky |
11. |
 | Kol‘ory
12. |
| Zamknute kolo |
13. |
 | Kolomyyky
14. |
| Pidslukhana rozmova |
15. |
| Staryy dim |
16. |
 | Doroha u zavtra
17. |
| Shche ne b’je moje sertse na spolokh |
18. |
| Meni nabrydlo |
| Total playing time: 54:02 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
Audio cassette/ ..He is a successor of a certain art tradition, a performer with his own face and style. With a nice face and a clear style.
Domestic price: 213.64UAH,
International price: $10.90USD
Actually, this is the author's album – Igor Bily is the author of all the lyrics, and he did not organize any band to that end. All the songs are for two guitars. Concise, clear, and simple enough. However, the key emphasis is still on the lyrics – it is worth listening, hearing, and understanding. Attentive songs are always relevant.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
...if the inner world of a person is multidimensional – it is possible to wander in these dimensions infinitely, and about each of them it is possible to tell some story. Volodymyr Shynkaruk seems to have in store an infinite number of such histories – and he knows how to tell them honestly, deeply, interestingly. So that at a certain instant his stories become – your own.
Domestic price: 448.84UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
This seems to be that very bardic song, although in the sounding there is now more transparent, delicate sense, which is conveyed not with words, but exactly with music. But at the same time, the word has not become less significant. As it should be when the issue is intelligent, thought over, internally experienced texts, not just rhymed lines of certain meters.
Domestic price: 448.84UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
Edward Drach appeals to the Kyivska Rus history either in strict historical or at a poetic foreshortening at least in this album. Actually, that is what he us a poet for. More precisely - the bard.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
Vasyl Stus is one of those poets who are known to everybody who knows at least something about Ukrainian poetry. That’s why it is not a surprise to anyone that from time to time musicians of quite different styles and trends turn to his literary heritage...
Domestic price: 292.04UAH,
International price: $14.90USD
At a certain moment it seems as if you were listening not to a simple musical album, but to a collection of songs from films. From old and kind films about love, striving, laugh and tears, nonsense and serious questions of life.
Domestic price: 448.84UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
, Одеса, Україна
10-01-2011 14:28 |
Володимир Шинкарук - мій колишній викладач з дисципліни "Українська народна творчість". Заняття проводив у нестандартному форматі: він наспівував нам ті пісні, що були за програмою. Зрозуміло, що диск придбала, бо знала, що купувала. Враження передати словами неможливо. Спасибі Вашому сайту, що даєте можливість доступитися до такого дива!
, Черкаси, Україна
13-12-2008 22:58 |
Прочитал отзывы и обалдел: я тоже так думаю. Но, ребята, мне бы такую "невизнану у широках колах висоту"! Пацан классно пишет, жаль только, что не не русском...
, Житомир, Україна
01-06-2008 17:15 |
Глибина "... тиші" захоплює і допомагає створити приємну, свою тишу, повну роздумів, найпотаємніших відчуттів і мрій. Дорога з музикою диску набуває різних - веселих і сумних - фарб й ніби поєднує з вічним...
Класно, що на сайті розміщено цей диск! В. Шинкарук як завжди на своїй непокореній і часто невизнаній у широких колах висоті.
, Черкаси, Україна
29-04-2008 23:15 |
На свята дочка привезла з Житомира диск В.Шинкарука "Колір тиші". Ми захоплені і вражені якістю музики, поезії та виконання. Зайшли в інтернет, щоб довідатись, де можна придбати інші диски В.Шинкарука. Підкажите?
, Умка
29-04-2008 02:10 |
Здравствуйте, Андрей,
на этот вопрос ответить сложно. "Колір тиші" на сегодняшний день - самый свежий альбом Владимира. Но ходят слухи, что с материалом у него проблем нет - так что ждем)
, Киев, Украина
29-04-2008 00:40 |
Купил у вас диск Шинкарука! Замечательно! Российские барды отдыхают! Когда будет слкдующий?!