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LBB. Lemko Bluegrass Band. /digi-pack/.
Carpathian bluegrass
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD
Komu Vnyz. 4: Shevchenko. (EP). /digi-pack/.
Komu Vnyz. Shevchenko. (EP) (special offer)
Domestic: 507.64UAH
International: $25.90USD
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Catalogue -> NOT discs -> Books: Belles-lettres

Oles ILchenko. Misto z khymeramy. (The City with Chimeras)

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Oles ILchenko. Misto z khymeramy. (The City with Chimeras)
"This kind of works are aptly called "metaphysically true". The writer Oles Ilchenko, based on unique archival materials, recreates events of the first third of the last century... "The City with Chimeras" is, perhaps, the first narrative about the fate and creativity of an architect in the Ukrainian literature – a story that is historically accurate, and yet mystical, detective... The well-known Kyiv architect Wladislaw Horodecki became a legend even during his lifetime. No one else out of more than a hundreds great Kyiv architects has been attracting such an extensive attention. This fiction work is about the architect's life – the life that is often more incredible than the wildest fantasies. And Kyiv – the city of Horodecki's creative apotheosis – as the reader will see, still hides lots of secrets..."
In Ukrainian
Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 116x162 mm
Number of pages: 160
Publisher: Grani-T, Kyiv

1. Smert‘ u kosteli

2. Papery pani Ireny

3. Prorotstvo shamana

4. Skhovanka na staromu mosti

5. Posmishky dyjavola

6. Sakral‘ne sertse mista

7. Ostannja mandrivka

Publisher: Grani-T
Catalogue number: ISBN 9789664652237
Year: 2010

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Oles ILchenko

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Oles ILchenko. Port Gitana.

It is a novel about forced escape and inevitable return, false infatuation and true love, about the daily choices a person makes. Different cities and times are brought together by the mysterious life and destiny of Ukrainian emigrant artist Mark Mazur and his missing collection of paintings..
Domestic price: 213.64UAH, International price: $10.90USD

Petro Yatsenko. Mahnetyzm. (Magnetism)

A magical story of the amazing link between people and cities. The protagonist flees from the occupied Donetsk taking the last train to Kyiv. As a child, she discovered her wonderful talent of seeing people's stories, and now she hears the language of buildings and knows their names. Day after day, she faces new bizarre challenges..
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Artem Chapay. Dyvni lyudy. (Strange People)

Ukrainian scientists have reproduced a Neanderthal man based on DNA. He grows up in a secret institute, and only after coming of age he is introduced to the large world. The Ukrainian Neanderthal man constantly gets involved in strange situations..
Domestic price: 311.64UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Andriy Lyubka. U poshukakh varvariv. (In Search of Barbarians)

This is a story about the lands and nations between Odessa and Trieste, the boundaries where the Balkans start and end. It is a private diary of travel to popular sights, capitals, but also to provinces and unrecognized republics. Lyubka sometimes speaks about that in a humorous manner, while sometimes he scrutinizes that in a scientific way, crosses borders, and challenges stereotypes..
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Myroslav Layuk. Svit ne stvoreny. (The Non-Created World)

..Some of the characters make it almost to the end, where current gets activated in the wire throwing them back to the primitive chaos. However, there are also those who have flashes of revelation, from which a new world emerges. And the reader may stay with the former – or with the latter.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Andriy Lyubka. Tviy pohlyad, Chio-Chio-san. (Your Glance, Cio-Cio-san)

"This is a psychological thriller with elements of erotica and opera arias, where the actions unfold in Poland, Ukraine, and Romania. A detective story with an impressive finale, the aftertaste of which one wants to stretch for a long time. ...This novel reveals the new author for us – mature, skilled, sophisticated." Svyatoslav Pomerantsev
Domestic price: 311.64UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Andriy Lyubka. Killer +.

"Killer +" is the first and, at the same time, the latest prose book by Andriy Lyubka. It was with these texts that he debuted in the genre of short prose, but specifically for this publication, the author wrote two new short stories.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Jacek Dehnel. Matinka Makryna. (Matka Makryna)

Outstanding mystifications are not an invention of the "post-truth era." Matka Makryna Mieczysławska, a holy martyr for the Catholic faith, was begged for favor by dignitaries and aristocrats, she had audiences with the Pope and knew Adam Mickiewicz; Juliusz Slowacki and Stanisław Wyspyński wrote about her...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Pavlo Volvach. Sny neofita. (Dreams of the Neophyte)

..thieves and journalists, Makhno adepts and governors, "Spas" fighters. Legendary poet and dissident Kholodny is presented next to criminal Medved, and mystic Chudin is somehow combined with sex symbol Natalka Shamonina. And the City dominates over all of them. Now Zaporizhya, which Volvach with his "Class" added to the map of the Ukrainian literature.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Paolo Giordano. Chorne i sriblyaste. (Black and Silver/ Like Family)

Due to this book, one can once again see how closely life and death are intertwined, how strong the mutual influences existing between them are. On the other hand, it is a very realistic story about a family and relationships among its members..
Domestic price: 233.24UAH, International price: $11.90USD

Bohdan Logvynenko. Perekhozhi. South-East Asia. (Passers-by)

These short stories are like portraits of those who the author met during his travels in Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Singapore. Portraits of people living and true – no decorations, no tricks, or artistic metaphors. Portraits that are simple and spontaneou...
Domestic price: 311.64UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Bohdan Logvynenko. Saint Porno. Istoria pro kino i tilo. (The Story of the Cinema and Body)

This is a challenge, a provocation of a book. About shattered stereotypes and stunning revelation. This is a story of a girl from a Ukrainian province who discovered adrenaline, personal freedom, and favorite work on the shooting set with windows shut tight..
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Bohdan Oslavsky. Lyontom: dorohy i lyudy. (Lyontom: Roads and People)

To "lyntom" – to go idle, wander, mop around. So they say in Velyka Kamyanka, where the path of Bohdan Oslavsky started. It took him from Kyiv electric trains through Kuban plains and mountains of the Caucasus, sands of the Kyzylkum and Karakum, bazaars of Samarkand and Bukhara, through the Fergana Valley back to Ukraine.
Domestic price: 154.84UAH, International price: $7.90USD

Petro Yatsenko. Korotky putivnyk iz halytskoho seksu. (A Short Guide to the Galician Sex)

An important feature of this work is a combination of the ironic and sexual, beautiful and useful, in fact, it is in this format, perhaps, that this novel fits into the quite long literary tradition, rooted back in the times of the Renaissance prose.
Domestic price: 331.24UAH, International price: $16.90USD

Lyubko Deresh. Trokhy pitmy. (A Bit of Darkness)

The new edition!  "This book is about the darkness inside. Releasing it out, I release space for light inside me..." Lyubko Deresh
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Petro Yatsenko. Sichkarnya, abo Ostannya mandrivka moho dida. (Chaff Cutter or the Last Trip of My Grandfather)

One of the brightest representatives of the new literary generation, Petro Yatsenko creates in his novels the original Lviv text full of extraordinary positive energy. His new work based on documentary materials depicts the central Ukraine – the small village of Shmyrky near Podillya Tovtry.
Domestic price: 292.04UAH, International price: $14.90USD

Petro Yatsenko. Derevo bodhi / Povernennya prydurkiv. (Bodhi Tree / Softheads' Return)

Bodhi tree is the plant, sitting under which Gautama Buddha achieved enlightenment. Though, in fact, it is a normal tree of the fig family. Hundreds of thousands, millions of such trees grow all over the world, even in the homestead of a lonely 35-year old woman, the character of the novel by Peter Yatsenko "Bodhi Tree"...
Domestic price: 292.04UAH, International price: $14.90USD

Serhiy Stepa. Derevo Diraka. (Dirac Tree)

Finally, the novel on the life of the Ukrainian expatriate intellectual in Hungary, filled with actual observations and exciting experiences, is published in Ukraine...
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Volodymyr Yeshkilev. Bohynya i Konsul'tant. (Goddess and Consultant)

The author managed to combine in the text a huge number of interesting topics, and this combination is done so skillfully, and the author's characters and the atmosphere of the book appear so "lively", that after the first assumption "even this might happen", the novel is even no longer perceived as fantasy...
Domestic price: 311.64UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Michael (Mykhaylo Myshkalo). Storozhi trotuaru. (Guardians of the Pavement)

"Guardian..." is the first in the Ukrainian literature direct voice of the "lost generation" of the edge of the 1980's-1990's. The generation of "guest workers" that floated away around the world in search of the promised land. The generation that got lost at the civilization turn, and whose experience, often tragic, still awaits for its chronicler...
Domestic price: 292.04UAH, International price: $14.90USD

Anton Sanchenko. Kruz ta Lys. Naperedodni. (Kruse and Lys. On the Eve)

It is not surprising that the first Russian circumnavigation expedition was commanded by a German and a Ukrainian. ..Anton Sanchenko undertook to reconstruct the onset of Yuri Lysyansky's stellar career. The result is a fascinating and witty story..
Domestic price: 448.84UAH, International price: $22.90USD

Oles ILchenko. Misto z khymeramy. /supplemented and revised edition/. (The City with Chimeras)

The novel offers a chance to go back in time and immerse oneself into the life of Kyiv in the early twentieth century. Attentive readers will learn more about mysteries of the life of famous architect Wladyslaw Horodecki, and together with characters of the novel they will get an opportunity to unriddle the main secret of Kyiv.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH, International price: $25.90USD

Volodymyr Rutkivsky. Syni Vody. /new edition/. (Blue Water)

..Year 1361. Following the will of fate, Volyn prince Dmytro Bobrok finds himself in the epicenter of the events that ultimately lead to the battle at Syni Vody (Blue Water) – one of the biggest battles in the history of the ancient Ukraine... This is a new – abriged and refined – version of the novel.
Domestic price: 429.24UAH, International price: $21.90USD

Roman Klochko. Domivka dlya mynuloho. About museums, history, and arts. (Home for the Past)

This collection of stories invites readers to the backstage of various museums and speaks about how they operate. What was the discovery that helped decipher ancient Egyptian inscriptions? What are the scenes depicted on the legendary Scythian pectoral about? Look in the book for answers to all of these questions..
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Larysa Denysenko. Ya i Konstytutsiya. (I and the Constitution)

Do you know what the Constitution of Ukraine is? And how our entire life and the life of the entire country can fit in one book? This is the supreme law that establishes and determines the state system, controls authorities, reminds us of respect, and makes it possible for you to feel safe and to make all of your dreams come true.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Mykola Hohol. Taras Bulba. /premium edition/.

..100 years ago, Mykola Sadovsky translated the second edition of this novel, which we present with a few minor but extremely important and indicative inserts from the first edition. Illustrated by brilliant Ukrainian graphic artist Vladyslav Yerko.
Domestic price: 448.84UAH, International price: $22.90USD

Halyna Kyrpa. Trynadsyaty misyats u rotsi. (The Thirteenth Month of the Year)

Katrusya tries to understand the world of adults, to comprehend death, friendship and lies, to hear everything live and inanimate around. These stories picture the special and moving world of childhood, where children and adults meet on equal terms.
Domestic price: 213.64UAH, International price: $10.90USD

Anthology of the Modern Ukrainian Literature for Children to Read at the 1st, 2nd Years of Studies.

Poems, stories, and tales by modern authors illustrated by contemporary artists will entertain and unobtrusively teach the youngest school-children to be attentive to the surrounding and the environment, will help overcome fear, will improve their memory and develop their language skills. Besides, children will have a chance to discover new writers..
Domestic price: 311.64UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Volodymyr Rutkivsky. Dzhury i Kudlatyk. (Dzhuras and Shaggy)

With the advent of this "unplanned" novel, the trilogy turned into a tetralogy. This is an unusual book. Historical and modern, funny and wise. It narrates about life and death, the earthly and celestial, about the first tender feelings (and not only among humans), moving in time, where loyalty and friendship remain unchanged..
Domestic price: 331.24UAH, International price: $16.90USD

Andrey Sheptytsky. vid A do Ya. Children's encyclopedia. /compiled by H.Tereschuk, O.Dumanska/. (Sheptytsky from A to Z)

"Sheptytsky from A to Z" is a kind of an ABC that reveals to its readers the major milestones of the great Metropolitan's life, tells them about his family, his formation as a human and a spiritual mentor of his contemporaries. Readers will find out where Metropolitan Andriy was born and studied, how he followed the calling of his heart..
Domestic price: 566.44UAH, International price: $28.90USD

Volodymyr Rutkivsky. Dzhury i pidvodny choven. /second edition/. (Dzhuras and the Submarine)

For you, our dear reader, unbelievable adventures, reckless victories and new discoveries are in store. Together with characters of the novel, you will defend Kyiv, will swim over unapproachable Dnipro rapids, discover secrets of the underground Khortytya, you will storm Ochakiv fortress. You will also find out how Sanko helped Hrytsko to become an invincible haracternyk warrior...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Volodymyr Rutkivsky. Dzhury kozaka Shvayky. /fourth edition/. (Armor-Bearers of Cossack Shvayka)

All of us know the names of Severyn Nalyvayko, Bogdan Khmelnytsky, Ivan Mazepa. And who were the first Cossacks? Where did they come from? Answers to these questions you will find in the new action historical novel by Volodymyr Rutkivsky – one of the most outstanding modern Ukrainian writers for children.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Volodymyr Rutkivsky. Dzhury-kharakternyky. /second edition/. (Harakternyk Armor-Bearers)

In the new action novel, readers will meet their favorite characters from the previous novel "Armor-Bearers of Cossack Shvayka" – the young harakternyk Sanko and his true friend Hrytsyk. The boys have grown up, matured, and now they take part in military exercises together with adult Cossacks as equal...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

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Tetiana Shkolna. Dobraja hodynonka. Ukrainian folk songs. /cassette/. (The Right Time)
Dobraja hodynonka. Ukrainian folk songs. /cassette
Domestic: 194.04UAH
International: $9.90USD
Uladzimer Arlov. Krajevyd z mentolovym aromatom. (The Landscape with Menthol Aroma)
Uladzimer Arlov. The Landscape..
Domestic: 311.64UAH 280.48UAH
International: $15.90USD $14.31USD
Anton Sanchenko. Kruz ta Lys. Naperedodni. (Kruse and Lys. On the Eve)
Kruse and Lys. On the Eve
Domestic: 448.84UAH
International: $22.90USD
Yaroslav Faizulin. Istorija.UA: postati, fakty, versiji. (History.UA: figures, facts, versions)
History.UA: figures, facts, versions
Domestic: 468.44UAH
International: $23.90USD