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LBB. Lemko Bluegrass Band. /digi-pack/.
Carpathian bluegrass
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD
Komu Vnyz. 4: Shevchenko. (EP). /digi-pack/.
Komu Vnyz. Shevchenko. (EP) (special offer)
Domestic: 507.64UAH
International: $25.90USD
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Catalogue -> NOT discs -> Books: "History Uncensored" series

Collection "History Uncensored". 10 books.

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Collection "History Uncensored". 10 books.
"The objective of the books in this series is to speak about the Ukrainian past relying on facts rather than fabrications or orders. To create the future, one needs not only the will and courage, not only persistence and daily work, but also knowledge about our history. Uncensored. For the first time in 15 years, a multi-volume popular exposition of the history of our country is published in Ukraine. The authors do not follow an ideological order, their assessments sometimes do not coincide, allowing the reader be the judge in these disputes." Volodymyr Vyatrovych

Publisher: BookClub

Unfortunately we do not have some items of this set on the stock.
This set consists of:
Knyazi i hetmany usieji Rusi. "Cherez shablyu maem pravo". The series "History Uncensored". (Princes and Hetmans of all Rus. "The Right of the Sword")
the Cossack Revolution of 1648-1649; Pereyaslav Council and the world after Pereyaslav; the War of Coasts and its consequences; the Hetman State in late 17th - early 18th centuries
Domestic price: 0.00UAH, International price: $0.00USD
Tini zgadanykh predkiv. Vid sklavyniv do rusyniv. The series "History Uncensored". (Shadows of Ancestors Recalled. From Sklavyns to Rusyns)
The peoples of Ukraine in the olden days; Ukraine at the time of the Great Migration: in search for Slavs; Beginning of Rus and early stages of the state's development; "Golden Age" of Rus: from the early 11th century till the death of Yaroslav
Domestic price: 0.00UAH, International price: $0.00USD
Lytsari Dykoho Polya. Pluhom i mushketom. The series "History Uncensored". (Wild Field Knights. With the Plow and Musket)
Fighting against the Great Horde: Birth of the Crimean Khanate; Ukrainian Cossacks in late 15th - first half of the 16th centuries; The Ukrainian movement in Sloboda Ukraine; Establishment and development of cities in Southern Ukraine
Domestic price: 0.00UAH, International price: $0.00USD
Narodzhennya krainy. Vid krayu do derzhavy. The series "History Uncensored". (The Birth of the State. From the land to the state)
How did the name "Ukraine" root during the centuries? How was the territory of Ukraine formed? What symbols did our ancestors use? How did state borders of Ukraine form and change?.. For the first time in 15 years, a multi-volume popular exposition of the history of our country is published in Ukraine.
Domestic price: 0.00UAH, International price: $0.00USD
Pole bytvy – Ukraina. Vid "volodariv stepu" do "kiborhiv". The series "History Uncensored". (Battlefield Ukraine. From the "Lords of the Steppe" to "Cyborgs")
Which military conflicts took place in the Ukrainian territory? What is the foundation of the Ukrainian military tradition? What needs to be recalled and restored, what must be constantly reminded? What is true in our history, and what is propaganda?.. For the first time in 15 years, a multi-volume popular exposition of the history of our country is published in Ukraine.
Domestic price: 0.00UAH, International price: $0.00USD
Rus "pislya Rusi". Mizh koronoyu i bulavoyu. The series "History Uncensored". (Rus "after Rus". Between the Crown and Mace)
Rus in the second half of the 11th - first half of the 13th centuries; the State of the Romanovyches; the Ukrainian land and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania; Ukraine as part of Rzeczpospolita
Domestic price: 0.00UAH, International price: $0.00USD
U kihtiakh dvohlavykh orliv. Tvorennya modernoi natsii. The series "History Uncensored". (In the Claws of the Double-Headed Eagles. Creation of the Modern Nation)
Over-the-Dnipro Ukraine of the Post-Reform Era; Cyril and Methodius Fraternity; The Polish Uprisings of 1830-1831 and 1863; "Disappearance" and "Revival": the Long Ukrainian 19th Century
Domestic price: 0.00UAH, International price: $0.00USD
Na biy za voliu. Peremoha cherez porazky. The series "History Uncensored". (In the Fight for Freedom. The Victory Through Defeats)
Tsentralna Rada and ukrainization in the Russian army of 1917-1918; The Wars with the Soviet Russia and the White Army of 1917-1919; The Insurgence Movement in Ukraine in 1918-1921; The War of WUPR and UPR against Poland in 1918-1919
Domestic price: 0.00UAH, International price: $0.00USD
Ukraina radyanska. Ilyuzii ta katastrofy "komunistychnoho rayu". The series "History Uncensored". (Soviet Ukraine. Illusions and Disaster of "communist paradise")
Bolsheviks' national policy as a means to revive the empire; Kryvdonbas case: on the true circumstances surrounding the appearance and disappearance of DKR; The Holodomor as a natural result of Bolsheviks' policy and the features of illusion generation in Ukraine in the post-Holodomor 1933-1938; Bolsheviks "dizzy with success" and the methods of their treatment
Domestic price: 0.00UAH, International price: $0.00USD
Vid Reihstahu do Ivodzimy. U polumji viyny. The series "History Uncensored". (From the Reichstag to Iwo Jima. In the flame of war)
The Ukrainian issue in the late 1930s: Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact; The total destruction war: Ukraine in the Soviet-German war of 1941-1945; The Act of 30 June 1941 – the attempt to OUN(b) to restore the Ukrainian statehood; The difficult choice of the ally: Ukrainians between Western democracies and the Nazi Germany
Domestic price: 0.00UAH, International price: $0.00USD
Unfortunately we do not have some items of this set on the stock.
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7 june 2024
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Sofi Oksanen. Sobachy maydanchyk. (The Dog Park)
Sofi Oksanen. The Dog Park
Domestic: 409.64UAH
International: $20.90USD
Yaroslav Faizulin. Istorija.UA: postati, fakty, versiji. (History.UA: figures, facts, versions)
History.UA: figures, facts, versions
Domestic: 468.44UAH
International: $23.90USD
Yuriy Shevelyov, Leonid Plyusch. Lystuvannya: 1979-1995. (Correspondence: 1979-1995)
Plyusch, Shevelyov. Correspondence: 1979-1995
Domestic: 507.64UAH
International: $25.90USD
Taras Pastukh. Polumja vidihrije pamjat... Memories of Oleh Lysheha. (Flames Will Warm Up the Memory)
Memories of Oleh Lysheha
Domestic: 546.84UAH
International: $27.90USD