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LBB. Lemko Bluegrass Band. /digi-pack/.
Carpathian bluegrass
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD
Komu Vnyz. 4: Shevchenko. (EP). /digi-pack/.
Komu Vnyz. Shevchenko. (EP) (special offer)
Domestic: 507.64UAH
International: $25.90USD
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Catalogue -> NOT discs -> Books: Culture

Prynts G., Kopytsya M., Tsymbalista N. Hmyrya and Shostakovych.

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Prynts G., Kopytsya M., Tsymbalista N. Hmyrya and Shostakovych.
"The artistic publication "Hmyrya and Shostakovych" is the result of a research of creative and human relations between Hmyrya and Shostakovych, the two genii artists of the 20th century.

The comprehensively analyzed creative process and the result of the work by the singer and composer on the cycle of romances "Five Days". Reveals the true reason why Hmyrya refused to sing the bass part "Babyn Yar" in the Thirteenth Symphony by Shostakovych. The section devoted to the thematic evenings "Listening to Borys Hmyrya", which at the beginning of the 1970s was founded by the singer's wife Vira Avgustivna Hmyrya is interesting.

The study is based on a rich archive material and is represented as a bio-memoir, historical and musical, as well as and sources expert publication.

The book will be interesting for fans of the art of Hmyrya and Shostakovych, useful for professional vocalists, conservatories teachers and students, students of music schools."

The letters texts are offered in the original language (Russian).

Artistic publication.

In Ukrainian.

Type of the edition: hard cover

Format: 144x206 mm

Number of pages: 295, illustrated editon

Publisher: Borys Hmyrya Foundation, Kyiv






Zamist‘ vstupu

1. Hmyrja Borys Romanovych

2. Shostakovych Dmytro Dmytrovych

3. Istorija napysannja ta poetychna osnova virshiv tsyklu "P’jat‘ dniv" Je. Dolmatovs‘koho

4. Pochatok tvorchoji spivpratsi D. Shostakovycha i B. Hmyri

5. Muzychna versija romansiv

6. Muzychni ta literaturni popravky B. Hmyri v rukopysi not romansiv

7. Kontsertne vykonannja romansiv ta retsenziji

8. Hmyrja pro svoje tvorche kredo

9. Pravda pro Babyn Jar

10. Chomu Hmyrja ne spivav u Trynadtsjatiy symfoniji

11. "Slukhajemo Borysa Hmyrju". Posmertne zvuchannja romansiv D. Shostakovycha v oseli Hmyri

12. Berehynja muzychnoji spadshchyny spivaka

13. Khto i jaka vona, Berehynja spadshchyny Hmyri

Retsenziji zamist‘ pisljamovy

Pro avtoriv

Imennyy pokazhchyk

Catalogue number: ISBN 9667357252
Year: 2006

Domestic price: 429.24UAH
International price: $21.90USD
See also:

Oksana Zabuzhko. Planeta Polyn. (Planet Wormwood)

This volume contains the most important essays by Oksana Zabuzhko in the last two decades focused on the figures and events that the author considers culturally significant in the context of the current era of a crisis of humanism..
Domestic price: 448.84UAH, International price: $22.90USD

ImR Platform, Svitlana Macenka. Literary and Jazz Improvisations: intermedial studies

Based on the inter-disciplinarity principle, the book highlights a number of theoretical problems relating to the history of jazz, its aesthetics and philosophy, jazzification of literature, and the text as a jazz performance. The publication is illustrated with jazz-themed paintings, graphics, and photographs by Ukrainian artists.
Domestic price: 448.84UAH, International price: $22.90USD

Ketil Bjornstad. Do muzyky. (To Music)

The novel by Norwegian writer, composer, and pianist Ketil Bjornstad helps the reader plunge into the complex and emotional world of young pianists. "To Music" is a novel about growing up, death, love and violence, helplessness and passion.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Valeriy Haydabura. Teatr, rozviyany po stepu. (The Theatre Scattered In the Steppe)

This time Valery Haydabura is the first one in the national theater studies to address the task of generalizing the years of practice of the post-war theater of the Ukrainian Diaspora and its interpretation as an integral part of the comprehensive history of the twentieth century national art.
Domestic price: 448.84UAH, International price: $22.90USD

The DAKH theatre. Photo album. (Ukr/Eng).

The core of the book are photographs of the DAKH theatre, which was created by the prominent Ukrainian art director Vladyslav Troitskyi. The DAKH is an open area for the creative work, and its history is primarily the story of people who formed it. The book contains unique texts on the theatre and the individuals who contributed to its creation.
Domestic price: 1370.04UAH, International price: $69.90USD

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7 june 2024
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22 february 2022
The "Return Alive" Foundation
Yuriy Shevelyov, Leonid Plyusch. Lystuvannya: 1979-1995. (Correspondence: 1979-1995)
Plyusch, Shevelyov. Correspondence: 1979-1995
Domestic: 507.64UAH
International: $25.90USD
Tamara Martseniuk. "Zakhysnyky halaktyky": vlada i kryza v cholovichomu sviti. ("Defenders of the Galaxy": the power and crisis in the male world)
the power and crisis in the male world
Domestic: 409.64UAH
International: $20.90USD
Dorota Terakowska. Tam, de padajut Anhely. (Where Angels Fall)
Where Angels Fall
Domestic: 252.84UAH
International: $12.90USD
Uladzimer Arlov. Krajevyd z mentolovym aromatom. (The Landscape with Menthol Aroma)
Uladzimer Arlov. The Landscape..
Domestic: 311.64UAH 280.48UAH
International: $15.90USD $14.31USD