The comprehensively analyzed creative process and the result of the work by the singer and composer on the cycle of romances "Five Days". Reveals the true reason why Hmyrya refused to sing the bass part "Babyn Yar" in the Thirteenth Symphony by Shostakovych. The section devoted to the thematic evenings "Listening to Borys Hmyrya", which at the beginning of the 1970s was founded by the singer's wife Vira Avgustivna Hmyrya is interesting.
The study is based on a rich archive material and is represented as a bio-memoir, historical and musical, as well as and sources expert publication.
The book will be interesting for fans of the art of Hmyrya and Shostakovych, useful for professional vocalists, conservatories teachers and students, students of music schools."
The letters texts are offered in the original language (Russian).
Artistic publication.
In Ukrainian.
Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 144x206 mm
Number of pages: 295, illustrated editon
Publisher: Borys Hmyrya Foundation, Kyiv
Zamist‘ vstupu
1. Hmyrja Borys Romanovych
2. Shostakovych Dmytro Dmytrovych
3. Istorija napysannja ta poetychna osnova virshiv tsyklu "P’jat‘ dniv" Je. Dolmatovs‘koho
4. Pochatok tvorchoji spivpratsi D. Shostakovycha i B. Hmyri
5. Muzychna versija romansiv
6. Muzychni ta literaturni popravky B. Hmyri v rukopysi not romansiv
7. Kontsertne vykonannja romansiv ta retsenziji
8. Hmyrja pro svoje tvorche kredo
9. Pravda pro Babyn Jar
10. Chomu Hmyrja ne spivav u Trynadtsjatiy symfoniji
11. "Slukhajemo Borysa Hmyrju". Posmertne zvuchannja romansiv D. Shostakovycha v oseli Hmyri
12. Berehynja muzychnoji spadshchyny spivaka
13. Khto i jaka vona, Berehynja spadshchyny Hmyri
Retsenziji zamist‘ pisljamovy
Pro avtoriv
Imennyy pokazhchyk