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LBB. Lemko Bluegrass Band. /digi-pack/.
Carpathian bluegrass
Domestic: 350.84UAH
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Komu Vnyz. 4: Shevchenko. (EP). /digi-pack/.
Komu Vnyz. Shevchenko. (EP) (special offer)
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Valeriy Haydabura. Teatr, rozviyany po stepu. (The Theatre Scattered In the Steppe)

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Valeriy Haydabura. Teatr, rozviyany po stepu. (The Theatre Scattered In the Steppe)
"The author of the book, corresponding member of the Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Doctor of Arts Valery Haydabura, is known due to his monographic study on the performing arts in Ukraine in the period of Nazi occupation (1941-1944), and this time he is the first one in the national theater studies to address the task of generalizing the years of practice of the post-war theater of the Ukrainian Diaspora and its interpretation as an integral part of the comprehensive history of the twentieth century national art.

The phenomenon of the post-war theater of the Ukrainian Diaspora is explored by the author in the form of a popular research, the methodology is attractive due to its reference to personalism and psychoanalytical potentials of epistology.
The book includes collected materials, documents, personalities, memories, correspondence, as well as presents the author's reflections."
In Ukrainian
Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 166x238ìì mm
Number of pages: 324, illustrated
Publisher: KM-Academy, Kyiv

- Vid avtora


- Dovidka pro tabory peremishchenykh osib (di-pi)

- Stsenichne mystetstvo taborovoho periodu (uryvok iz knyzhky Volodymyra Marunjaka)

- Fenomen ukrajins‘koho teatru u vyhnanni. Ansambl‘ Ukrajins‘kykh Aktoriv pid khudozhnim kerivnytstvom Volodymyra Blavats‘koho (Auhsburh – Rehensburh, 1945-1949)


- U tsentri Frantsiji – ukrajins‘ka divytsja-vojin (p’jat‘ vystav Natali Pylypenko)

- Ukrajins‘kyy teatral‘nyy Paryzh i nevidomi lysty Volodymyra Vynnychenka (Jevhenija Chayka ta Borys Dniprovyy)

- I teatr, i kino, i plativky... (spohady y lysty Borysa Dniprovoho. Frantsija ta Kanada)


- Misterija zhyttja i stseny (Volodymyr Blavats‘kyy)

- Volodymyr Shasharovs‘kyy – fanatyk teatru (spohad Rostyslava Vasylenka)

- Avtohrafy ljubovi Myroslava Radysha

- "Shchastja prosto honylo za mnoju..." (Vladyslav Klekh)

- "I spokiy miy propav – zihraty!" (Vira Levyts‘ka)

- Rekvijem za Bat‘kivshchynoju (Vira Levyts‘ka)

- Muzyka talantu (Jelyzaveta Shasharovs‘ka)

- "Svitlyv Volodymyr Hrytsyn..." (profesija – fotohraf)

- U poshukakh p’jesy, shcho znykla (politychna satyra "Za dvoma zaytsjamy" Mykoly Ponedilka za p’jesoju Mykhayla Staryts‘koho)

- Molod‘ ide za ljud‘my zhertovnoji vdachi (Lidija Krushel‘nyts‘ka ta Studija Mystets‘koho Slova v N‘ju-Yorku)

- "Hirnjachky" ta jikhni teatral‘ni dity

- "Zhyttja proyty ne spljamlene dokorom" (lystuvannja Yosypa Hirnjaka iz kolehoju z "Berezolja")

- "Do kintsja vykonaty sviy obov’jazok!" (nevidomyy lyst Olimpiji Dobrovol‘s‘koji do Natali Pylypenko)

- Yosyp Hirnjak: "Ja buv uchasnykom epokhy, pro jaku rozpovidaju"

- Yosyp Hirnjak: "Spivchuvaju uchytel‘s‘kiy hromadi..."


- Maksymalists‘kyy imperatyv Jurija Bels‘koho

- Juriy Bels‘kyy: "Istorija "Zahravy", jak ja jiji bachu"

- Boli nashoji teatral‘noji istoriji (stattja Yosypa Terlets‘koho)

- Molytva za "Zahravu"

- Zhyttja i stsena Niny Tarnovets‘koji (15 rorkiv v Ukrajins‘komu Narodnomu Teatri)

- Mykhaylo Ljal‘ka – koryfey toronts‘koji "Zahravy"


- Anton Rybits‘kyy ta yoho partnery

- "Ty dorohy zhyttja ob’javyv meni..." (Rostyslav Vasylenko stavyt‘ tvory Ivana Bahrjanoho)

- Svitlo teatral‘noho vohnyshcha (Darija Ljubars‘ka)

- Rechey tajemna sut‘ (Marija Malysh-Fedorets‘)

- Avstraliys‘ka kyjanka (Jevhenija Pavlovs‘ka)


- Valerijan Revuts‘kyy. Persha zirka (Tamara Poznjakivna)

- Doroha, nezabutnja nasha... (lysty Yosypa Hirnjaka y Olimpiji Dobrovol‘s‘koji do Tamary Poznjakivny)

- Tamara Poznjakivna-Varvariv. Pam’jataju i berezhu



- Repertuar providnykh teatriv diaspory povojennoho periodu

- Literatura

- Pokazhchyk imen

Publisher: KM-Academy, publishing house
Catalogue number: ISBN 9789665186199
Year: 2013

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Valeriy Haydabura

Domestic price: 448.84UAH
International price: $22.90USD
See also:

Oksana Zabuzhko. Planeta Polyn. (Planet Wormwood)

This volume contains the most important essays by Oksana Zabuzhko in the last two decades focused on the figures and events that the author considers culturally significant in the context of the current era of a crisis of humanism..
Domestic price: 448.84UAH, International price: $22.90USD

ImR Platform, Svitlana Macenka. Literary and Jazz Improvisations: intermedial studies

Based on the inter-disciplinarity principle, the book highlights a number of theoretical problems relating to the history of jazz, its aesthetics and philosophy, jazzification of literature, and the text as a jazz performance. The publication is illustrated with jazz-themed paintings, graphics, and photographs by Ukrainian artists.
Domestic price: 448.84UAH, International price: $22.90USD

Ketil Bjornstad. Do muzyky. (To Music)

The novel by Norwegian writer, composer, and pianist Ketil Bjornstad helps the reader plunge into the complex and emotional world of young pianists. "To Music" is a novel about growing up, death, love and violence, helplessness and passion.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Prynts G., Kopytsya M., Tsymbalista N. Hmyrya and Shostakovych.

The artistic publication "Hmyrya and Shostakovych" is the result of a research of creative and human relations between Hmyrya and Shostakovych, the two genii artists of the 20th century. The study is based on a rich archive material and is represented as a bio-memoir, historical and musical, as well as and sources expert publication.
Domestic price: 429.24UAH, International price: $21.90USD

The DAKH theatre. Photo album. (Ukr/Eng).

The core of the book are photographs of the DAKH theatre, which was created by the prominent Ukrainian art director Vladyslav Troitskyi. The DAKH is an open area for the creative work, and its history is primarily the story of people who formed it. The book contains unique texts on the theatre and the individuals who contributed to its creation.
Domestic price: 1370.04UAH, International price: $69.90USD

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7 june 2024
UMKA plans to take a break
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The "Return Alive" Foundation
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Domestic: 468.44UAH
International: $23.90USD
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