Catalogue -> Audio Books -> Classical

Shota Rustaveli. Vytyaz' u tyhroviy shkuri. (mp3). (The Knight in the Panther's Skin)

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Shota Rustaveli. Vytyaz' u tyhroviy shkuri. (mp3). (The Knight in the Panther's Skin)
"Shota Rustaveli is a Georgian poet of the 12th century. He is considered to be one of the most prominent representatives of the medieval literature. He lived in the luxurious court of the young Queen Tamar during the times of the Georgia's political strength and flourishing of the Georgian lyric with all the features of the knight culture. The Knight in the Panther's Skin is the Georgian national epic poem about the self-sacrificing friendship and love. The main characters Avtandil, a young Arab nobleman, and his friend Tariel, an Indian prince, overcome all barriers on their way to happiness with the help of their devoted friend Nuradin-Pridon. The poem was first published in 1721, and since then it has been translated into almost all languages of the world."The text is presented without reductions. Recited by B. Loboda, Honoured Performer of Ukraine.

In Ukrainian.

Format: mp3

Disclamer: All software proposed AS IS. We do not guarantee that it will be working on your PC. We have tested every CD on our PC and it works fine.

Publisher: Nash Format

Domestic price: 292.04UAH
International price: $14.90USD
1. Mp3Vstup
2. Mp3Povist‘ 1
3. Mp3Povist‘ 2
  Povist‘ 3
  Povist‘ 4
  Povist‘ 5
  Povist‘ 58
  Prykintsevi strofy

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