Several absolutely young but bright personalities have appeared on the stage – and Tina Karol’ is, certainly, one of them. It is even surprising how quickly she passed the way from the first public performance, the first video clip – to participation in the international competition of variety performers. But she did pass it – and, actually, her vocal makings deserve recognition. With music everything is also ok – but it is a somewhat different thing. What Tina Karol’ is doing now is pop music of the international level and appropriate quality. But I hope that it not forever – as with such voice as hers, it is also possible to sing with the same success folk songs, R'n'B, soul, and disco, and try and search for something in jazz. In general, qualitative pop music already contains various elements today, it is normal. But with such characteristics as those of Tina Karol’, I think, it would be rational to try more purposeful, precisely outlined experiments in various directions, styles. Having listened through the album, I suppose, you will also consider that such a bright start is just obliged to have not less bright continuation. The album is, by the way, in English. Not surprisingly – as it appeared right on the eve of Tina’s departure for participation in the Eurovision competition.
Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)
Publisher: Lavina Music Catalogue number: LM CD 459 Year: 2006
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Tina Karol
Domestic price: 250.60UAH
International price: $17.90USD
CD1 |
1. |
| Money Doesn't Metter |
2. |
 | Russian Boy
3. |
| Life Is Not Enough |
4. |
| Honey |
5. |
| Love Of My Life |
6. |
 | Show Me Your Love
7. |
| Silent Night (ukrainian version) |
8. |
 | Honey (fiesta edit)
9. |
| Money Doesn't Metter (remake) |
10. |
| Show Me Your Love (REMIX radio edit) |
11. |
| Show Me Your Love (REMIX club edit) |
| | Bonus:
12. |
 | Vyshe oblakov
13. |
| Vyshe oblakov (video) |
| Total playing time: 40:33 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
Domestic price: 250.60UAH
International price: $17.90USD
See also:
As a professional singer Tino Valdi (V. Luciw's artistic name) performed numerous international revues, concerts, radio and television programs. He popularized Ukrainian songs and ballads for several decades. V. Luciw did not focus solely on Ukrainian music. He also successfully performed many international and particularly Neapolitan songs, which he recorded, for the first time, in Ukrainian.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Having glanced at the name of the new album by Zhanna Bodnaruk, quite naturally, you might think that the best songs from her creative store are recorded here. She has been at the large scene for already about twenty years – consequently, she for sure has something to boast. But – no. That it, she does have something to boast, certainly, but this album is devoted to quite different songs.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
, луцьк, украіна
12-02-2007 15:34 |
тіночка ти дуже подобаєшся всім!до зіркового життя ти була такою як ми,захоплювалася зірками сцени,хотіла бути схожою.але ти добилась і тепер ти сама зірка!молодець!а те що показуєш своє тіло нічого поганого тому що чим Бог наділив тим треба пишатись а вкого нема ЦЬОГО ті заздрять добивайся слави будь якою ціною поки молода!
09-02-2007 18:10 |
Тиночка,продолжай в том же духе
, Мариуполь, Украина
09-02-2007 17:18 |
Тиночка,я тебя обожаю!Ты СУПЕР-КЛАСС!Твоя новая песня "Ноченька" просто обалденная!Для меня ты-лучшая!!!
, Одесса, Украина
08-02-2007 10:25 |
Тина ты лутше всех!!!Лутше тебя нет никого!!!Твой голос очень красивый и тонкий!!!Не зарывай свой талант в землю(это будет ошибкой)!!!Ты мой кумир,я буду подражать только тебе!!!Я тебя обожаю тебя!Твой первый, новый альбом просто супер!Я тощюсь от песни Ноченька и Пупсьик!!!
, koeln, nimechena
06-02-2007 19:42 |
tina tu samaja luchaja u nas w germaniji mnogo ukrainzew iwsem twoji pesni nrawjatsa
, Иванкив
05-02-2007 18:06 |
Ти просто клас,супер.Просто цукерка.Куда той Ані Лорак чи той Віа Грі.Тебе не можна нізким зрівняти.А твій новий кліп просто перевищує всі рейтинги.
, Симферополь, Украина
02-02-2007 22:50 |
Тина-СУПЕР!!Ты просто секси!Симферополь тебя любит!!!
, Укра
30-01-2007 15:58 |
Тина красивая игрушка для больших дядь
, Бердичев
29-01-2007 17:29 |
Ты супееер!
, у
23-01-2007 20:03 |
ти сексі
Боднюк Яна
, Боярка
21-01-2007 02:15 |
Тиночка,я полюбила тебя и твоё творчество.вообще,я поняла,что ты особенная ещё на Караоке.ты -сильный человечек,и это хорошо.оставайся такой же,как сейчас.новых тебе песен,интересных проэктов и карьерных взлётов.мы с тобой.спасибо,за "Ты отпусти"
, Боярка, Украина
21-01-2007 02:11 |
самая-самая лучшая.ты-мой пример
, Буча, Украъна
20-01-2007 14:07 |
Тина ты лутшая
, Чернигов, Украина
18-01-2007 20:34 |
Очень нужен текст песни Тины Кароль"Honey" в англ.версии. Пожалуйста,сбросьте на e-mail,если есть такая возможность.
, Івано-Франківськ, Укаїна
14-01-2007 22:07 |
Тіна,ти просто найкраща!!!Жду нових пісень!!!
slow drive
Domestic: 306.60UAH
International: $21.90USD