Several absolutely young but bright personalities have appeared on the stage – and Tina Karol’ is, certainly, one of them. It is even surprising how quickly she passed the way from the first public performance, the first video clip – to participation in the international competition of variety performers. But she did pass it – and, actually, her vocal makings deserve recognition. With music everything is also ok – but it is a somewhat different thing. What Tina Karol’ is doing now is pop music of the international level and appropriate quality. But I hope that it not forever – as with such voice as hers, it is also possible to sing with the same success folk songs, R'n'B, soul, and disco, and try and search for something in jazz. In general, qualitative pop music already contains various elements today, it is normal. But with such characteristics as those of Tina Karol’, I think, it would be rational to try more purposeful, precisely outlined experiments in various directions, styles. Having listened through the album, I suppose, you will also consider that such a bright start is just obliged to have not less bright continuation. The album is, by the way, in English. Not surprisingly – as it appeared right on the eve of Tina’s departure for participation in the Eurovision competition.
Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)
Publisher: Lavina Music Catalogue number: LM CD 459 Year: 2006
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Tina Karol
Domestic price: 350.84UAH
International price: $17.90USD
CD1 |
1. |
| Money Doesn't Metter |
2. |
 | Russian Boy
3. |
| Life Is Not Enough |
4. |
| Honey |
5. |
| Love Of My Life |
6. |
 | Show Me Your Love
7. |
| Silent Night (ukrainian version) |
8. |
 | Honey (fiesta edit)
9. |
| Money Doesn't Metter (remake) |
10. |
| Show Me Your Love (REMIX radio edit) |
11. |
| Show Me Your Love (REMIX club edit) |
| | Bonus:
12. |
 | Vyshe oblakov
13. |
| Vyshe oblakov (video) |
| Total playing time: 40:33 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
Domestic price: 350.84UAH
International price: $17.90USD
See also:
As a professional singer Tino Valdi (V. Luciw's artistic name) performed numerous international revues, concerts, radio and television programs. He popularized Ukrainian songs and ballads for several decades. V. Luciw did not focus solely on Ukrainian music. He also successfully performed many international and particularly Neapolitan songs, which he recorded, for the first time, in Ukrainian.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
Having glanced at the name of the new album by Zhanna Bodnaruk, quite naturally, you might think that the best songs from her creative store are recorded here. She has been at the large scene for already about twenty years – consequently, she for sure has something to boast. But – no. That it, she does have something to boast, certainly, but this album is devoted to quite different songs.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
18-06-2006 18:20 |
A brilliant CD from Tina... I hope her career will last a long time... Her performance at the Euro Song Contest was brilliant. Tina you are Fantastic...
, maia, Portugal
13-06-2006 23:20 |
Congratulations!!! your music was amazing and your voice beautiful!!! I loved a lot your music!!!
, Київ, Україна
12-06-2006 02:28 |
А до нас не приїжджай, будь ласка
, Kyiv, Ukraine
07-06-2006 17:12 |
I love Tina Karol.She is beautiful and cool!
, луцьк, україна
07-06-2006 12:04 |
тіна приїджай .ми тебе чекаємо.
, Полтава, Ukraine
04-06-2006 16:15 |
Тіна єдина здалася мені живою на цьогорічному Євробаченні. Білан з його гримасами виглядав натренованою мавпою порівняно з нею. Її хочеться дивитися і слухати знову і знову.
, Теребовля, Україна
04-06-2006 14:41 |
Тіна! приїжджай до нас з концертом!!! Ми тебе дуже любимо!!!
04-06-2006 14:37 |
Ти най-най-найкрасивіша і найенергійніша дівчинка!!!
, Melbourne, Australia
03-06-2006 04:15 |
I think that you are amazing and the best singer because when i heard u singing SHOW ME YOUR LOVE i fall in love with da song and the way you sang it was so good! im with you all the way and keep on singing! love mehtap xoxoxoxoxo hugz and kisses [mwa] Luv Ya!
, Odessa, Ukraine
02-06-2006 21:47 |
ремикс ничего сама песенка тоже даёт жару
, San Francisco, USA
02-06-2006 00:52 |
By coincidence, I was visiting Kiev last weekend. I had a blast in the "Day of Kiev" festival. I had the honor to see Tina up close. Although I couldn't undersntand a work in Ukrainian, I could sing all the songs. Don't ask me how. Before flying back to the US, I bought her CD...She's great!!!
, chernivtsi, Ukraine
29-05-2006 17:38 |
Тиночка ты супер!!! Песня Show me your love мне очень понравилась! Желаю тебе удач,побед!!!
, Lisboa, Portugal
27-05-2006 21:55 |
Linda Karol, com uma voz divina algo de fascinante Г© a tua beleza adorei ver-te no festival continua, adorava que viesses cantar a portugal, beijos grandes
, Helsinki, Finland
26-05-2006 18:51 |
My vse rodilis, zhivem, delaem oshibki, ispravljaem ix, uchimsja na nix, ljubim, zhdem, nademsja i verim... Tina bila xorowei na Eurovision 2006. Ona zapomnilas mnogim i eto uzhe xorowo.
A kak mne prijatno slishat sdes za granicei, 4to Ukraina zdorovo vistupila, 4to ukraina super, 4to sluwajut pesenku show me your love... eto ochen prijatno! jeto bezumno prijatno. i li4no ja za Tinu golosovala :-)
spasibo tebe za eto!
Oleg (UMKA)
, Kyiv, Ukraine
26-05-2006 14:23 |
Helena, you left your message on the Ukrainian Online Music Shop. So yes you can have Tina's CD in Sweden. Please feel free to place your order any time.