Aby MC. Zelene. The modern treatment of traditional Ukrainian folkmusik. /digi-pack/. (Green) | | Track Reviews (6) |
You yourselves might have noticed that this disc is a relative to the album "Korali", which is red in colour as well. Well, such kind of fraternizing is not only exterior, as here the matter concerns the search in a direction, which personally I find to be very interesting. After all, now we, mankind, have a great number of fragments and snatches of old systems and means of the world perception, and it concerns music as much as it concerns many other things. But today it is not enough for us, modern people, only to observe those fragments and to expose them to critical analysis. We need something else – empathy or living old experience again through modern means. In this connection, I think that modern interpretation of the traditional Ukrainian music, which is presented in this album, is one of the steps not only forward, but also deep down. In the first place - deep down. As for me, this attempt seems to be a success. If this attempt is not the last one – and I do hope that this is not the last one – then even we, average listeners, will soon have a very interesting ticket to travel to the city centre. It's quite another matter where we shall go – each person chooses the direction by himself. At long last, all roads lead you know where. "Green" – it is nice. I do recommend. Anton Yozhyk Leyba (Hedgehog) "The modern treatment of traditional Ukrainian folkmusik" series includes: Korali, Zelene, Vesilni, Osiayni; mp3. This project was created in the Kofein studio by:
Olena Lvova - vocal (10) Tanya Shamshetdinova - keyboard Petro Iakovchenko - trumpet, back-vocal (6,11) Andrei Makarenko - back vocal (6,11) Gennady Sidorov - guitars, Mel declamation (3,4), back vocal (6,11) The fragments of the "Ukrainian Ethnic Music" series are used. All the rest of music is composed by Tanya Sha.
Publisher: Atlantic Year: 2005
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- Aby MC
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Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
Cooperation of Astarta (a side project by Eduard Prystupa) with Colin Edwin (Porcupine Tree bass-player) is just an example of such quality implementation of ideas, when first you do not even try to understand what the essence is, but just listen. Listen carefully, because it is delicious.
Domestic price: 306.60UAH,
International price: $21.90USD
In music – as elsewhere – there are revolutionary and evolutionary steps. But in fact the line is not on the "r", but – on the implementation quality. The project "Onuka" in general, and the album "Onuka" in particular – are exactly about the implementation quality...
Domestic price: 250.60UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
...Ukrainian authenticity is primarily the mystical energy of the earth and the complete harmony with the space. This is very powerful music! The new disc by ILLARIA is a kind of a calendar of Ukrainian music traditions. It includes cover versions of well-known folk songs based on authentic archival records.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
On February, 21, 2008, the folklore expedition of the project Dazzle Dreams Sound System left for Nepal. The primary objective of the project is searching and recording of countries' ethnic music – music samples, accumulation of an original record library and its integration into their own music. During one week, the guys accumulated a great number of original samples, and they became part of new tracks by Dazzle Dreams.
Domestic price: 348.60UAH,
International price: $24.90USD
If music of the album were not interesting, even then this release would be worth buying – for the sake of the booklet, because it is a separate transparent trip. However, we a lucky – the music also opens for us something new indeed. Or, maybe, you know other works in the style of "Carpathians new-age with elements of ethnic jazz"?
Domestic price: 390.60UAH,
International price: $27.90USD
The third album of Serhiy Kindzerskyy is a bright mixture of different styles, as he feels equally comfortable in such styles as Progressive, Breakz, DrumNbass, Electro-Tech. Moreover, it is not the first time when Kind of Zero actively involves live instruments into his work – you can hear violin, pipe, electro- and bass-guitar on the new album.
Domestic price: 208.60UAH,
International price: $14.90USD
The new variant, I think, is to unite those who liked "Guliaygorod" at once – and those to whom it then seemed a bit too hard. Because the engine remains as powerful as before, besides the specificity of aerodynamics are now taken into account in the outlines, they have become smoother and swifter, but inside there are now much more cozy nooks. Result – both the speed and comfort have grown.
Domestic price: 502.60UAH,
International price: $35.90USD
They strikingly harmoniously combine clear sorrow, sadness – with joy as clear. And that is why there is inside always a place left for light. Usually, children have this ability – and it does not matter how old they are...
Domestic price: 306.60UAH,
International price: $21.90USD
, Townsville, Australia
04-09-2007 00:45 |
, Івано-Франківськ, Україна
10-08-2007 20:23 |
Хотілося б відмітити музику... Використання ж етнічних вокалів, на мою думку, не дуже підходить для цілковитої гармонії. Я давно знаю цей проект і загалом хочу відмітити їх як команду, що тримає свій стиль на високому якісному рівні. І також підкреслюю, що позитивним моментом є заохочення молоді до українського етносу. Але ж зараз цього забагато... фестивалі... той же альбом "Коралі"... А от якісного, як називають, есід джазу... Пам'ятаю їхню пісню "Роби те, що маєш" - не етнос, але дуже по-українськи.
, Суми, Укрейн
14-02-2007 14:22 |
Да 100% круто!...я сам экспериментирую больше года с таким пением...поэтому респект!!!
, Київ, Україна
13-02-2007 21:55 |
Мені теж дуже сподобалося, але якраз автентичні співи бабусь дуже класно йдуть саме під таку музику, бо окремо вони менше вставляють... А разом!!!
Всім Рекомендую!
, Новосибирск, Russia
30-10-2006 11:56 |
Спасибо Умке, за то, что она есть! Ибо как у нас в Сибири ещё послушаешь украинскую музыку! А по поводу Зелёненького... это лучшее, что я слышал в подобном стиле за последние несколько лет! Пробирает до глубин моей похмельной души :)
, Черкаси, Україна
09-12-2005 20:45 |
Дуже, деже сподобалося. І не тільки мені. Слухали всією стідією дизайну. Гарна тенденція в музиці, яка сприяє зацікавленості молоді до національної творчості та народного етносу. Було б ще краще, якби було створено щось подібне, але з використанням професійних співаків, хорів та студійного запису. Оранжування можна постійно розвивати та вдосконалювати. А в цілому - дуже добре. Отримав задоволення
Domestic: 250.60UAH
International: $17.90USD