Anatoly Alexanian, Jazz Impression. Anatoly Alexanian & Jazz Impression. /digi-pack/ | | Track Reviews (6) |
I advise you to read about each member of this group and about the history of its creation at the disc cover. It is perceptive to read, and it is even more perceptive to listen. I think that even old admirers of music performed in the style of jazz will be pleasantly surprised with everything they hear at this disc. Of course, on condition that they have not heard the music of this group before – in this case, I’m sure, it will be pleasant for them to hear it again. And again. And again. Not long ago I happened to be at their concert and, first of all, felt sorry that I had known nothing about the existence of these people before – as I know jazz not so much as it deserves. Then, I got happy that I met them. In the third place – and it may be the main thing – I was frankly impressed and even a bit spellbound with the valuable, extensional and many-dimensional wonder that I heard at that concert. Then I had the feeling that in addition to everything, it was for the sake of such sudden boons that it was worth listening to music, as well as to look for it, even when you did not know for sure what you were looking for. If you are looking for it, it will find you by all means. That’s why I am very glad to present this disc today. To tell the truth, it is not a longplay. Still, everything it contains is enough to think to oneself "I would like to listen to it again!" Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog) Anatoly Alexanian - piano, keyboards Roman Hryn'kiv - bandura Maxim Hladetsky - double bass Alexander Darov - percussions Anaid Alexanian - voice Volodymyr Sorochenko - bass-guitar Alex Krupsky - guitar
Publisher: Symphocarre Catalogue number: 073-S-024-2 Year: 2004
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- Anatoly Alexanian
- Jazz Impression
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..the album is not free improvisation for keyboards, but – a space of co-creation in the ethno-jazz spirit. Space so deep, versatile – there is enough magic of rhythms, and magic of silence, not to mention the fact that Oorzhak's throat singing inevitably adds very characteristic colors.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
..the fact that a Kyivite turns to Lemkian songs is unexpected and interesting. The musicians are very caution about the authentic material, they do not shutter the songs’ architecture. Instead, they delicately unwrap and decorate the main lines, having arrived in their arrangements at a certain common denominator for the generally diverse plays..
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
..the circle is closed for them to reach something new: from the initial composition, only Anastasia Litvinyuk and Ihor Hnydyn have stayed, the rest of the lines are within responsibility of our Polish brethren led by Ewa Novel. And somehow quite expectedly the band's music has regained its distinct ethno-jazz colors, stepping aside from the previous lounge rails.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
..And there ever is love for the music – no matter where musicians roam following the quest while working on new material. Yellow. Life-giving. Hot and humid. Warm. Dry and mirage-like. Joyful. Acute. Crumbling. Spicy. Soft. Diverse and – alive... Listen.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
In its previous album "Pokosy", ShockolaD stepped away from jazz for an almost safe distance – the key definition of the work would be "ethno-lounge". Well, and this time the group seems to have decided to remix all familiar ingredients – both the ethno, and jazz, and acoustic lounge – and, sure, to season it with a few new colors.
Domestic price: 644.84UAH,
International price: $32.90USD
The recording is luxurious – perhaps, one could hardy put it in other words. This is something that so far we have not had: a vocal and instrumental album of Ukrainian folk songs at the intersection of jazz, chamber and symphonic, variety art music (such as, for example, songs by Frank Sinatra or Astrud Gilberto)...
Domestic price: 448.84UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
This is the third album in the official discography of Er.J.Orchestra. And I really hope that it will be not a stop, not completion of the trilogy, but one of the many pearls on the thread. Such music simply must be incarnated, sound, fill the space – at least because honest beauty, dignity, authenticity live in it...
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
Very transparent, juicy, quiet and confident and yet full of irrepressible life – this is what this work appears like. Stylistically, it continues the trend including the albums "Black" and "Red" – the pure jazz-rock line, with no direct immersions into the lounge or symphonicity. But in a much softer, tender version.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
To enrich them with modern colors without destroying the subtle paths of the light joy inherent in Christmas carols and shchedrivkas – which is not an easy task. Since it requires great attention and tolerance. Finally, it just requires love for this music, for the roots – and love that is creative. And it seems – they have succeeded.
Domestic price: 448.84UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
Victor Solomin is virtually the only jazz domra-player in Ukraine, therefore the both of his ethno-jazz projects – "SolominBand" and "DomRa" – have here no immediate analogues just by definition. Besides, "DomRa" can boast two key instruments at once: those are the domra and the vocal, and it is they that provide the "ethnic component" of the sounding here.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
...each of them separately does not really have almost anything too sophisticated, to say nothing about the superfluous – but these transparent lines interlace so pointedly and charmingly, that an indescribably rich matter of light appears. In the case of Er.J.Orchestra, it is not only about concert improvisations – the issue is discovery and creation of old-new worlds, no less.
Domestic price: 605.64UAH,
International price: $30.90USD
ShockolaD again combines Ukrainian folklore with improvisational music, and the ethnic component, as well as before, is strong and expressive – but this time the group represents fusion that literally borders on world music. In other words, in our view, this is soft music understandable for a very wide public – which, nevertheless, remains pleasantly intelligent, delicate.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
"Kolomyikas" is a good album with bright pieces that are able to capture the audience as it is, even without associations with the material it derives from. In the end, there was no "weak link" in the team of the album’s creators. That is, probably, the reason why, without regard to the intense structure, there is within the music fabric – freedom, which makes it possible to breathe deeply.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
...the album at once creates elated, festive mood – but in a surprising way. In the correct way. Because, although about a half of the compositions can hardly be called merry ones – a smile is very expressly felt in them. Somewhere dim, somewhere transparent, somewhere dreamy, somewhere thoughtful – but it is present in each piece, and it warms.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
It seems to me that none who has at least once heard performance by Motion Trio – and the more so none who has seen it – will ever forget, mix it up with anybody. And the thing is not only original composition – although you will hardly find among performers of jazz, art rock, folk fusion another trio what would consist exceptionally of accordions.
Domestic price: 605.64UAH,
International price: $30.90USD
It is great pleasure – to listen to music that has let in, changed, satiated and breathed out so many bright impressions, lives, root... When music is wide open – everybody can drink from it, see one's face in it, find in its one's real.
Domestic price: 448.84UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
Михаил Оськин
, Киев
24-03-2008 23:56 |
Я не слышал ничего красивее и проникновеннее в нашем джазе, чем пьеса Full Moon in Korea. Чувство и образный ряд завораживают своей искренностью. Это пример того, как мало средств надо для передачи настоящих состояний, как можно играть чувство, как можно видеть образы, играть образы, избегая всякой нарочистости. Если вы чувствовали что-то подобное в жизни, эта пьеса тронет самую глубину вашего сердца.
, Москва, Россия
15-01-2008 01:42 |
На диске две композиции. Это очень мало для обычного альбома и за такую цену. Однако музыка не разочаровала. Обе композиции довольно интересны и слушаются легко.
, Винница
24-11-2006 03:40 |
Размыто... Не понравилось... Платить 11$ за 25 минут сомнительного качества, музыку - большая глупость, как мне кажеться...
, Київ, Україна
15-11-2006 11:48 |
Музика просто чудова. Після прослуховування диску я просто вражена. Хотілося б сказати масу хороших слів, і в той же час не хочеться нічого говорити. Просто рекомендую усім ПОСЛУХАЙТЕ цю музику. Впевнена байдужих не залишиться, Впевнена - кожен знайде у ній щось своє, потаємне, можливо теж щось таке, що захоче зплишити із собою. Абсолютна згідна із рецензією, і не просто думаю, а кажу: „Хочу ще!” . Дуже розчаровує те, що диск короткий(усього 2 композиціі). Із задоволенням придбала "ще і ще". Бажаю натхнення і творчих успіхів гурту, і більше дисків.
07-03-2006 09:22 |
10 октября 2005 в Національній філармонії України прошел концерт АНТОЛІЙ АЛЕКСАНЬЯН і ансамбль "Джаз Імпресіоністів". Думаю, что позитивные стороны уже написаны или рассказаны, потому напишу, что было негативным. В отличие от нашего инструмента интересно было послушать ДУДУК, армянский нар. инструмент, а вот украинский инструмент - БАНДУРА, к моей большой заинтересованности, прозвучал не интересно. Последнее время в "Джаз импрессионистов" играл другой бандурист, более молодой и виртуозный, но руководитель, наверное, решил сменить его на более раскрученную "звёздочку". Звучание инструмента с добавлением эффектов производило впечатление плохого синтезатора, хотя бандуру было слышно, что признаться, бывает редко! Группа (здесь не говорю о сольных эпизодах) на 80% исполнила музыку со своего альбома 1995 (если не ошибаюсь, купить который невозможно), где некоторые композиции, почему-то изменили названия. Режиссура концерта, не выдерживает никакой критики вообще! Начало концерта, всё было бы ничего, если бы не отсутствие ведущего Алексея Когана, который умеет и может спасти неудачные проекты. Почему он не присутствовал, неизвестно. В конце концерта не играл полный состав, а вместо бандуры вышел гитарист (в программе его не было – видно Когана пришел сменить), который пытался что-то играть. А через два произведения Анатолий Алексаньян сообщил аудитории, что концерт вообще-то окончен. В это время бандурист бегал по сцене с букетами цветов, не зная, куда себя деть. Все это выглядело по-детски, не интересно, примитивно, если хотите!
no doubt
, Kiev
14-11-2005 16:30 |
Аффтар, пиши исчо!
Domestic: 280.28UAH
International: $14.30USD
Domestic: 311.64UAH
International: $15.90USD