Looking at a photo or video by Alla Kudlay, you would never say that she has been singing for approximately 30 years already – and this is only if we take into consideration professional performances. By the way, do you know that in its time Alla Kudlay's professional career started not just anywhere but – at the State Academic Ukrainian Folk Choir named G.Veryovka! However, during the time that has passed since then a lot of things have changed cardinally – and, in particular, the singer's style. However, if there is a serious school in a person's biography, it is always noticeable, no matter how much time has passed. Therefore, no wonder that in Alla Kudlay's manner of singing it is still possible to hear some notes and techniques characteristic of folklore material performers. Although, in the end, virtually all Ukrainian variety art of the "classic", so to say, standard stands with both of its feet on the folklore basis, that is obvious. Exactly this, presumably, led to that stunning success that was a matter of course for variety art performers in the 1960-80s. Briefly, it is nice to hear that the voice of Alla Kudlay has not lost its expressiveness and brightness, which once gained for her such a large army of fans of various age groups.
Publisher: Artur Music Catalogue number: CD 400 Year: 2007
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Alla Kudlay
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CD1 |
1. |
| Kazaly dobri ljudy |
2. |
 | Ne zhurjus‘
3. |
| Druzjam |
4. |
| Tebe |
5. |
 | Tam de ty
6. |
| Naprasno |
7. |
| Ja rjadom |
8. |
 | Poputchyky
9. |
 | Khloptsi kucherjavi
10. |
| Kokhanka |
11. |
| Krasyva zhinka |
12. |
| Chervoni vyshni |
13. |
 | Ukrajina
14. |
| Tanho bez vidpovidi |
15. |
| Zachekay |
16. |
| Slava Ukrajini |
17. |
| Poputchyky (duet z Nykolo) |
18. |
| Obiymy (duet z M. Kudlay) |
| | Video:
19. |
| Druzjam |
| Total playing time: 74:20 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
Honestly speaking, it is even strange how she succeeded in combining so quietly, without tension these different things – but she did succeed in that, no doubt. Moreover, all that together generates some new sensations – ambiguous but interesting. In any case, it seems that this disc is really able to make fans of Ukrainian variety art happy – because, evidently, nobody has yet introduced it in this form.
Domestic price: 221.48UAH,
International price: $11.30USD
She appears on TV and radio not so often as, for example, Povaliy or Bilozir. And it’s a pity, because at her early twenties Iryna Shynkaruk is inferior to none of her more experienced colleagues. She can represent Ukrainian variety revealing its bright sides better than many singers.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
Lyudmyla Yermakova, obviously, has nothing to complain about – she has not only achieved success and recognition, but she keeps writing and singing. A lot of her songs have appeared, so to say, in the treasury of Ukrainian variety art. You will hear the songs that are the reflection of all the mentioned talents: here, she is both the composer and the poetess, and in a few cases – the performer as well.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
30-04-2010 21:36 |
My most favourite singer. Not only in Ukraine, but also in Tokyo I lsten to her songs thank's to the www.umka.com.ua. I didn't know her name. But I looked for the many database, at last I found her name. And I have bought her last album and mp3. Often I hear her songs during the night. And I learned many Ukrainian words through her songs. I had private lesson with her. My literal knowledge has grown up. If you have not listened her songs, please listen to her last album. It is very interesting.
, ïîòàâà, óêðàèíà
22-02-2010 08:26 |
àëüáîì ïðîñòî ñóïåð ñïàñèáî ÀËËÅ ÊÓÄËÀÉ!
, êèåâ, óêðàèíà
06-03-2009 07:48 |
êëàññíûé àëüáîì,êàê è ñàìà ÍÀÐÎÄÍÀß ÀËËÀ ÊÓÄËÀÉ!ÁÐÀÂÎ!