Catalogue -> Variety Art -> Female Singers

Nadija Shestak. Zhinocha dolja. (A Woman's Destiny)

Reviews (2)
Nadija Shestak. Zhinocha dolja. (A Woman's Destiny)
It is not for the first time we are meeting here with Nadiya Krutova-Shestak, thus we can state that she holds to the particularly clear way in the creation. And this way is how her songs are balanced upon the two styles of variety performance. On the one hand it is clear that both singer voice and manner of performance start with the so called “old school”. The school that widely uses the folk motives both in the text writing and the manner of singing itself. And on the other hand it can be established as the “adult people modern variety ”. So different new technologies are used in the creation of these songs, but new rhythms which are typical for the youth music are not used. As a result – we’ve got the songs which are easy to sing even without music accompaniment, because the leading part is devoted to the melody but not for the rhythm. I suppose they are wanted to be sang because the strength and the beauty of Nataliya voice are real. Anyway, perhaps, woman has to sing in this way when she knows for sure that she is a real woman.

Publisher: Atlantic
Year: 2005

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Nadija Shestak

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1.  Ja pochynaju vse spochatku
music: H. Tatarchenko
lyrics: V. Kryschenko
2.  Zhinochi sl'ozy
music: M. Hadenko
lyrics: M. Hadenko
3. Mp3Mynaje den'
music: M. Mozhovyj
lyrics: Ju. Rybchyns'kyj
4.  Zaciluju
music: V. Spotykajlo
lyrics: V. Spotykajlo
5.  Na stanciji chekannja
music: V. Korepanov
lyrics: V. Kryschenko
6. Mp3Ja ne mozhu bez tebe
music: V. Volkomor
lyrics: L. Zolotonosha
7.  Lito v tvojih ochah
music: O. Zlotnyk
lyrics: O. Vratar'ov
8.  Ne zalyshaj
music: V. Domshyns'kyj
lyrics: V. Kryschenko
9. Mp3Oj, u luzi
music: L. Ostapenko
lyrics: V. Ivanyc'kyj
10.  Ty pryhadaj
music: T. Kukuruza
lyrics: T. Kukuruza
11.  Ja – tvoja vechorova zorja
music: T. Kukuruza
lyrics: V. Demcjuh
12.  Zacharuj mene
music: M. Hadenko
lyrics: M. Hadenko
13. Mp3Kohanyj
music: I. Poklad
lyrics: I. Barah
14.  Ne sudylosja
music: I. Pushkar
lyrics: D. Hol'de
15.  Tebe zabudu
music: O. Zlotnyk
lyrics: I. Lazarevs'kyj
 Total playing time: 59:04

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

See also:

Natalka Samsonova. Vsi moji pisni. (All of My Songs)

Honestly speaking, it is even strange how she succeeded in combining so quietly, without tension these different things – but she did succeed in that, no doubt. Moreover, all that together generates some new sensations – ambiguous but interesting. In any case, it seems that this disc is really able to make fans of Ukrainian variety art happy – because, evidently, nobody has yet introduced it in this form.
Domestic price: 158.20UAH, International price: $11.30USD

Iryna Shynkaruk. Tse moja i tvoja Ukrajina. (This is my and your Ukraine)

She appears on TV and radio not so often as, for example, Povaliy or Bilozir. And it’s a pity, because at her early twenties Iryna Shynkaruk is inferior to none of her more experienced colleagues. She can represent Ukrainian variety revealing its bright sides better than many singers.
Domestic price: 208.60UAH, International price: $14.90USD

Lyudmyla Yermakova. Pisnja zhyttja moho. (Song of My Life)

Lyudmyla Yermakova, obviously, has nothing to complain about – she has not only achieved success and recognition, but she keeps writing and singing. A lot of her songs have appeared, so to say, in the treasury of Ukrainian variety art. You will hear the songs that are the reflection of all the mentioned talents: here, she is both the composer and the poetess, and in a few cases – the performer as well.
Domestic price: 180.60UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Reviews (2)

  , fort wayne, U.S.A
30-09-2009 12:05

Песни Надежды Шестак слушают и получат удовольствие не только Украина и Россия, но и Америка. Так держать, Надюшка! Мы все очень любим слушать твои песни, твой необыкновенный голос, завораживающий. Смотрим видео твоих концертов с огромным удовольствием. Больше таких талантливых артистов, как НАДЕЖДА КРУТОВА-ШЕСТАК!!! С глубоким уважением и любовью Галина Мартынюк и Виктор Пономаренко.

  , Київ, Україна
14-03-2008 12:28

Сам по собі диск непоганий, але не подобається те, що багато сумних пісень. Але талант і Божий дар Надії Шестак не перестає бути бальзамом на душу! Господь її щедро обдарував!