Oxana Bilozir. Horobyna Nich. (collection release). (Rowan Night) | | Track Reviews (5) |
As we can see, Oksana Bilozir has already produced second releases of almost the whole of her creative reserve – there are just a couple of albums left still waiting for their turn. On the one hand, that is significant in the sense that – and here we speak as an operating shop – discs by Oksana Bilozir are still permanently in demand. That is, they are not just ordered – they are ordered quite often. And this happens disregarding the fact that these are mostly second releases of albums of the past years. In other words, years pass, but her popularity – does not. On the other hand... Well, for example, the album "Rowan Night". It first appeared to the light of the day approximately 10 years ago, right? However, one enjoys listening to it now not less, and frequently more than to a large part of modern variety art. It is clear that instruments have become much more accomplished during these years. But the melodies, but the voice – nobody can ever take that away. So, it appears that we were right having written here a few years ago that this album was one of those "true" variety art albums that it was really never late to offer to the public, because they would always be in demand.
Publisher: Golden Music.ua Catalogue number: GM.UA 01 107 Year: 2008
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- Oxana Bilozir
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CD1 |
1. |
 | Horobyna nich
2. |
| Svjatkova |
3. |
 | Charivna bojkivchanka
4. |
| Ukrajinochka |
5. |
| Dum-dum |
6. |
| Pshenychne pereveslo |
7. |
| Oj zelene zhyto, zelene |
8. |
| Niby vchora |
9. |
| Zhuravli |
10. |
 | O, hospody
11. |
| Bat'kivs'ka pisnja |
12. |
| Lystopad |
13. |
| Kafe |
14. |
| Pokajannja |
| Total playing time: 57:32 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
Honestly speaking, it is even strange how she succeeded in combining so quietly, without tension these different things – but she did succeed in that, no doubt. Moreover, all that together generates some new sensations – ambiguous but interesting. In any case, it seems that this disc is really able to make fans of Ukrainian variety art happy – because, evidently, nobody has yet introduced it in this form.
Domestic price: 221.48UAH,
International price: $11.30USD
She appears on TV and radio not so often as, for example, Povaliy or Bilozir. And it’s a pity, because at her early twenties Iryna Shynkaruk is inferior to none of her more experienced colleagues. She can represent Ukrainian variety revealing its bright sides better than many singers.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
Lyudmyla Yermakova, obviously, has nothing to complain about – she has not only achieved success and recognition, but she keeps writing and singing. A lot of her songs have appeared, so to say, in the treasury of Ukrainian variety art. You will hear the songs that are the reflection of all the mentioned talents: here, she is both the composer and the poetess, and in a few cases – the performer as well.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
, Конотоп, Україна
22-05-2008 19:59 |
Скупив би все, та грошенят бракує ... Клас!
, Ст.Самбір, Україна
20-04-2007 20:10 |
Як довго ми чекали волі слова...і ось воно співа,бринить. Бринить,співає наша мова,чарує,тішить і п'янить
, The Woodlands, Texas,, USA
06-05-2006 06:17 |
I don't speak Ukrainian, but I just love this CD! I first came across it on a Russian music website. Although they were out of stock, I was able to listen to the whole album all the way through. I knew that I had to have it. Oksana Bilozir has a very beautiful voice, strong and clear, not fragile and whispery. As she is so indentified with traditional Ukrainian music, I feel as though I am hearing it truly from the source. Excellent album. Can't wait to buy some of her other albums as well.
, Timisoara, Rumunia
11-02-2006 19:15 |
Vebachaius za pocherk, maiu tilke latenski bukve. Ukraintzi Rumunii bahato sluxaiut Ocsanu Bilozir. tze odna z nasheh uliubleneh spivachioc. Pozdorovliaemo ii ! Moje kolesi pobachemosi i budemo mate nahodu sluhate ii najevo.
, Nottingham, UK
19-04-2005 14:47 |
Songs such as Ukrainochka hold so true for me and so many others. Oksana is such a great singer and the range of songs on this album are fantastic!