Sofia Rotaru devoted this album to her husband – Anatoliy Yevdokymenko. I guess we must also thank him, as it is still a question: would so many people love Sofia Rotaru if it were not for his inspired work and his life itself? Though, of course, I do not disclaim obvious things – precious talent of this woman. There still exist legends about her industry and devotion to her work. Possibly, not unfounded. You will have the chance to hear by yourself that Sofia Rotaru’s voice has not lost its lustre, strength and expressiveness within all these years. It is well known that a good cognac has to brew for years. This disk is a devotion and it is only natural that old and well-known songs are included into it, but these songs were a bit renewed from musical point of view. I think, it is pleasant to recognize old friends. Still pay your attention to the song "Odnа kаlynа" ("One snowball tree") – it is the song which Sofia Rotaru bombards Ukrainian radio and hit parades with long enough.
Publisher: Artur Music Catalogue number: CD 189 Year: 2003
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Sofija Rotaru
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CD1 |
1. |
 | Odna kalyna
2. |
| Chervona ruta |
3. |
| Melanholije |
4. |
| Dva perstenja |
5. |
| Sjare albastre |
6. |
| Yoanne (Ivanku) |
7. |
| Syzokrylyj ptah |
8. |
 | Mal'vy
9. |
 | Se vyj
10. |
| Cheremshyna |
11. |
| Krede me |
12. |
| Romantyke |
13. |
| Vodohraj |
14. |
| Kraj |
15. |
 | Pisnja bude pomizh namy
16. |
| Chekaj |
| Total playing time: 65:27 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
Honestly speaking, it is even strange how she succeeded in combining so quietly, without tension these different things – but she did succeed in that, no doubt. Moreover, all that together generates some new sensations – ambiguous but interesting. In any case, it seems that this disc is really able to make fans of Ukrainian variety art happy – because, evidently, nobody has yet introduced it in this form.
Domestic price: 221.48UAH,
International price: $11.30USD
She appears on TV and radio not so often as, for example, Povaliy or Bilozir. And it’s a pity, because at her early twenties Iryna Shynkaruk is inferior to none of her more experienced colleagues. She can represent Ukrainian variety revealing its bright sides better than many singers.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
Lyudmyla Yermakova, obviously, has nothing to complain about – she has not only achieved success and recognition, but she keeps writing and singing. A lot of her songs have appeared, so to say, in the treasury of Ukrainian variety art. You will hear the songs that are the reflection of all the mentioned talents: here, she is both the composer and the poetess, and in a few cases – the performer as well.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
, Бишкек, Кыргызстан
01-08-2005 08:42 |
Шикарный альбом, шикарной певици и не менее шикарной женщины. София Михайловна-богиня, лучше нее нет на всем свете, ее голос прекрасен, она словно ангел посланый с небес для того, что бы мир сделать лучше. Этот альбо полон любви и в то же время боли, боли душевной от того, что нельзя вернуть человека всей ЕЕ жизни-Анатолия Кириловича Евдакименко!!!
, Canberra, Australia
22-06-2005 10:48 |
Sofija is fantastic. Her unique voice (she sounds so much like Shirley Bassey!) adds a whole new dimension to her music. There are straight forward dance-style tracks sitting perfectly comfortably alongside grand diva songs that would be right at home on a James Bond soundtrack. This is great stuff.
, Wyszebórz, Polska
16-06-2005 13:51 |
All the best music
, Sacramento,California, USA
14-06-2005 04:34 |
We love Sofia Rotaru songs sow much
, santiago, chile
07-05-2005 07:46 |
seсora rotaru soy devoto de sus hermosas canciones y admirador de su belleza,soy entusiasta difusor de su hermosa voz entre mi familia y amistades.dado lo lejano de mi pais solicito a ud tener la gentileza de enviar a mi e-mail la letra de ODNA KALINA,y si ud tiene informacion de sus seguidores en mi idioma con quienes contactarme le reitero mi fervorosa admiracion desde chile su fans ERNESTO MOYA
, Levittown, USA
22-04-2005 04:51 |
Do you have the text for Odna Kalyna?
, uacho, peru
12-04-2005 10:15 |
vosjetitelno, kak poluchit? ili kupit zhdu otveta do svidania