The third part of Franko’s collected works – it is something special. Very correct. And, in my opinion, absolutely necessary. I don’t know about other people, but for me from my very childhood Franko has been something large, serious, deep. Not easy at all. Not child’s. Only afterwards, in quite a mature age already, I discovered for myself the Franko for children, the tale-teller Franko. And, actually, I still enjoy this discovery. He managed to retell simple and known, it would seem, things and plots so... these fairy-tales are a smooth, thin border between sheer folklore and literature – and there are no slants in that or other side, everything is harmoniously balanced. They are not just beautiful, they are wonderful, talented fairy-tales, they will adorn any, not only child's, home library. Actually, I recommend to parents to listen to this disk as well. In addition, pay attention to that "Abu-Kasym’s Sleepers" and "Fox Mykyta" are not prosaic fairy-tales but those written in verse, that is for children it is even more interesting. Well, and since these are still fairy-tales – here, unlike in “grown up’s” books, there are "pictures". That is, nice music decoration – light enough not to attract too much attention. And these tales, let me repeat that, are worth paying attention to.
Anton Jozhik Lejba (Hedgehog)
The text is recorded without contractions, read by the Honored Artist of Ukraine P. Panchuk.
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