Taras Chubay, Kuzma Skryabin, Molotov 20. Nashi Partyzany. (Our Guerrillas) | | Track Reviews (15) |
This is, without exaggeration, a legendary album. And it was not even about the list of the project's authors.. The album was first released in 2000 – and it was perhaps the first collection of insurgents' songs in modern arrangements in Ukraine. And it still, in my opinion, remains the best one. Definitely a cool collection of the songs – but it's only half the story. The skillful arrangements – that's a fact (after all, back in the mid-1990s Chubay was already established as one of the best arrangement composers of the Ukrainian independent scene, and it was in his interpretations that a number of lyrics became really significant for Ukraine). But even that would probably not be enough – if not the voice of Taras Chubay. This is the case where everything came together – and when combined, it suddenly (?) generated something third, that's more than the sum of the components. An incredibly beautiful album – one listens to it once, twice, twenty times, and one keeps listening – and still it gives you creeps, and still something is caught in the eye and does not let it dry out...
Publisher: Karavan CD Catalogue number: KCD 110 Year: 2000
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Taras Chubay
- Molotov 20
- Kuzma Skryabin
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Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
Taras mainly sings folk songs – and far not all of these songs are as known and popular as they deserve being. But here one should be grateful not only for revival of some songs, but also for how they sound in his performance: Taras Zhytynsky has the voice and intonations that it is just difficult not to trust to.
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
Our regular visitors long ago already got convinced that appearance of new discs of the "Golden Collection" series is always a reason for good moods, didn't they? And we are happy to admit that the tradition is kept on – compilers of the series, as well as before, discover new original themes for the collections – this is important, you should agree.
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
In this version of the release, all the lyrics in the book are presented translated into English. \ POETY is a strong and sound, but at the same time – multi-layered project by Solomiya Chubay. It is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of her father – and it is a testimony to poetry, which happened not only due to, but also despite of. And that knows how to be different. Alive.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
Audio cassette/ ..This is, without exaggeration, a legendary album. And it was not even about the list of the project's authors.. The album was first released in 2000 – and it was perhaps the first collection of insurgents' songs in modern arrangements in Ukraine. And it still, in my opinion, remains the best one.
Domestic price: 292.04UAH,
International price: $14.90USD
, Україна
20-07-2009 17:41 |
Слава Україні! =)
, Україна
27-01-2009 17:31 |
Дякую адміністраторам сайту що сповістили та дали можливість придбати цей диск. Цей диск піднімає настрій та бажання жити в нашій країні, коли хочеться втікти від цього хаосу що зараз відбуваеться
, Умка
15-10-2008 19:21 |
Олеже, Вам потрібно було просто залишити свій мейл у сірому полі попереднього замовлення. Ми зробили це за Вас - отже, коли диск знову з'явиться у нас на складі, Вам буде відправлено автоматичне повідомлення про його появу.
, Первомайськ, Україна
15-10-2008 14:59 |
хочу придбати цей диск мій E-mail: Rover_sf@mail.ru
, Київ
15-09-2008 15:05 |
Купив диск, тому що альбом дуже сподобався - п'ять з п'яти.
, san jose,ca., united states
04-08-2007 20:14 |
these songs are fantastic,remind me of cym,the songs we sang. it is like actually being in ukraine. now i understand my families lov for the ukraine it is a godsent.love it
hecmop demkib
, харьков, украина
12-02-2007 16:24 |
це просто висчий клас
, London, UK
02-01-2007 11:05 |
This album is brilliant! I’m truly impressed.
, Boaton, MA, USA
04-08-2006 00:31 |
Fabulous modern versions of some of the best partyzanzki pisni ever written It is wonderful to see this music is not being forgotten !!!
, Хмельницький
01-04-2006 19:07 |
Це просто супер!!! Так тримати!
, Мурманськ, Росія
23-02-2006 23:03 |
Коли купив цей диск був дуже радий. Чудова музика. У майбутньому хочу ще декілька дисків з цієї тематики купити
, Харків, Україна
04-02-2006 11:21 |
Справді чудовий диск! Історичні пісні, які для багатьох НАШИХ ветеранів є майже священними, тепер отримали новий подих, нове обличчя. Молодець, Чубай!
, Харків
29-09-2005 21:55 |
Музика сподобалась. Прокидається ностальгія за селом, яке знаходиться у львівській області
, Дніпропетровськ
18-08-2005 22:39 |
Один з найулюбленіших моїх дисків!
11-06-2005 11:10 |
Very good album, I think.