Gift Ideas
The premium box set includes the following CDs: - "With Ukraine in heart", - "International songs", - "Ukrainian folk song & dumy".
Domestic price: 856.52UAH 770.87UAH
International price: $43.70USD $39.33USD
I do not even know whether I should refer to Illya's music as complicated one. Objectively, presumably, yes – although, to my mind, its flow and development in every play is so natural, easy that the architecture just steps back to the background. Because in his hands the music matter stops being an abstract idea – it comes back to life..
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
A "Psal'ma" is a folk song with a religious meaning or content. On this disc the Kyiv folk group "Bozhychi" features a series of ancient Ukrainian psal'ms, recording in the course of several folk expeditions to the eastern part of Ukraine – the Dnipropetrovs'k, Donets'k, Luhans'k and Kharkiv regions. These songs are played without additional editing, in a manner inherent to folk singers.
Domestic price: 546.84UAH,
International price: $27.90USD
Regarding songs by Boombox, it has always been interesting to listen to the lyrics – among other things, due to their disposition to (and the ability of) playfulness. But the further, the less verbal balancing they contain – but more poignant senses, refined formulas, comprehensive observations. The new (mini)album "Naked King" is a very vivid evidence of that..
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
(this disc is an exclusive thing, and you cannot buy it. But you can get it as a present). The film named by Charlie Chaplin one of the most impressive sound symphonies was released on April 2, 1931, but shortly after was removed from distribution and forgotten...
Domestic price: 0.00UAH,
International price: $0.00USD
This item is not available for the moment
Basically, this CD is a second release of "For the Great Kobzar", copies of which have long been sold out – but. The first – and, perhaps, the most valuable – difference is that the new publication is a collection of restored records.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
The disk "To the Great Kobzar" is small in size but a valuable present for all the fans on the occasion of Taras Shevchenko's 200th anniversary. This is a special and wonderful recording. Special – because especially for this release archive records were restored, and it was done as diligently and well as it is currently possible...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
..100 years ago, Mykola Sadovsky translated the second edition of this novel, which we present with a few minor but extremely important and indicative inserts from the first edition. Illustrated by brilliant Ukrainian graphic artist Vladyslav Yerko.
Domestic price: 448.84UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
A detailed and impartial analysis of the Cossack Revolution, reproduction of glorious military victories, campaigns for Lublin and Warsaw, a detailed description of heavy defeats, diplomatic victories and failures in negotiations with Warsaw, Bakhchisarai, Istanbul, Moscow, and Stockholm...
Domestic price: 801.64UAH,
International price: $40.90USD
The core of the book are photographs of the DAKH theatre, which was created by the prominent Ukrainian art director Vladyslav Troitskyi. The DAKH is an open area for the creative work, and its history is primarily the story of people who formed it. The book contains unique texts on the theatre and the individuals who contributed to its creation.
Domestic price: 1370.04UAH,
International price: $69.90USD
Jamala – and the debut album illustrates this very nicely – creates light music in the best Western tradition. And not just coolly – at a high quality level. Her love for soul, funk, jazz, burlesque and even classical music – it's all here, in this music so many things are mixed that you cannot guess everything at once...
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
..it is difficult to explain magic – and there is some of it, and one does not need to be an apologist of relevance to feel it. Ivan Dorn and his friends produce true pop music – lightweight, smart, eclectic, and specific. Young. With genuine charm. Cool, nothing to say...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH 280.67UAH
International price: $17.90USD $14.32USD
From every page of this book, the fresh wind of joy presented by famous Ukrainian science fiction writers Maryna and Serhiy Dyachenko and the wonderful artist Arsen Dzhanikyan will blow on the reader. This is how people of the third millennium write, draw and think...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Brevity, clarity of lines, softness of accents – sometimes even on the edge of being toylike. Transparent, like light shade. Add a bit of a bare nerve – and this would be "disruption" music, but for the time being The Elephants offer indie-pop-tronic with elements of fabulousness. And they do it so that one wants to believe it.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
Lesia Ukrainka's complex and deeply dramatic relations with Christianity, which form the core of her mature work, have never been the subject of professional theological analysis. Until today, when the Primate of the UGCC Sviatoslav Shevchuk and writer Oksana Zabuzhko meet to exchange views on works by Lesia Ukrainka based on stories from the evangelical and early Christian history..
Domestic price: 1330.84UAH,
International price: $67.90USD
"Two years ago, during my visit to Chisinau, my mother and I started working on the first book: during the month we reread about three hundred Moldovan folk tales and selected from among them the thirteen that particularly appealed to us." Stephan Nederytsya
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
..intertwining love for the music of the 1960-70s, and the ability to speak modern, at the intersection of styles. With the taste for styling tricks – to speak one's own language. Actually, Pianoboy manages to combine in one bottle magnitude – and seclusion, intimacy.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
In 1926, under extremely complicated circumstances, three Roerichs brought to Moscow Mahatma's message to leaders of the Soviet Union – the so-called letter of warning offering assistance, as well as the book "Community" from "Agni Yoga” series. However, the help was rejected. The country began rapidly slipping into totalitarianism.
Domestic price: 358.68UAH,
International price: $18.30USD
Samhein is the time beyond time, the few days absent from the calendar, the moment when our world collides with the other one, when spirits of the deceased descend from the hills and wander freely among the living. These are the last days for gathering crops, the time of the year's sum-up, the time to regain peace with yourself and with the world around you...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Fortunately, sometimes you run across the albums about which it is very difficult to say anything – because you just frankly like them. Because, in spite of external simplicity, they contain so many ideas, various subtleties – one's ears just go astray..) Because the music tells you stories without words, while the words tell you stories full to the brims with music..
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
A large illustrated premium edition. This treatise is a guidebook for lots of famous military leaders and politicians. The tips of the old commander have not lost their relevance today, as we learn to make decisions and achieve the set goals.
Domestic price: 448.84UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
..this time they even manage without their signature prankish skits between tracks. Moreover, the symbolism of the number 7 is multi-layered – for example, it is a symbol of the unity of Heaven and Earth, the soul and the body. And if one perceives lyrics of the new album from this perspective – maybe, that could turn out a fairly good story of wandering and revelation..
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
11 tracks, but they are somehow so saturated and diverse that it may seem there are twice more of them. First, there are both author's and folk texts there – and some author's ones really resemble folk songs, this is a compliment.. And second – within one album, actually, three manners and ways of performing are mixed: skilful "folk" singing, powerful ethno-rock and the "acoustics"..
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
"The Bandura Players Trio of the Ukrainian Radio" – the creative credo of this small but amazingly brilliant team is coded in this name. Although its main task is to make audio records for the Ukrainian radio Fund (as it is a well-known collection, which reflects the history of Ukrainian culture) the Trio has a surprisingly bright creative biography..
Domestic price: 448.84UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
The ACOUSTIC program did not still become a full-fledged unplugged. The concert was also complemented by a group of strings, winds, percussion – in short, the sound turns out somewhat unexpected and very rich, the arrangements could not remain unchanged either. The habitual drive has not disappeared, though, it has shifted to a slightly different plane.
Domestic price: 448.84UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
Chavdar's singing enchanted by thorough mastery, perfect and exquisite performance and pure sound of pleasing and unique timbre. Her voice was compared with Stradivarius' best violin and her performance was considered to be a benchmark.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
"Sheptytsky from A to Z" is a kind of an ABC that reveals to its readers the major milestones of the great Metropolitan's life, tells them about his family, his formation as a human and a spiritual mentor of his contemporaries. Readers will find out where Metropolitan Andriy was born and studied, how he followed the calling of his heart..
Domestic price: 566.44UAH,
International price: $28.90USD
Is the studio version different from the concert one? No doubt. Without disclosing all secrets, it is enough to say that it remains up to date to go beyond one language and one culture. In my opinion, the album represents the Ukrainian music, but the music which is done by the new generation. It is the product of the new world. The entire world.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD