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Authentic music of Ukraine. (8 CDs, box set).

Reviews (5)

You see in front of you an extraordinarily interesting premium release – it successfully combines: the intense and diversified contents, which can confidently compete with contents of other collections of this direction; simple but beautiful design of each disc; democratic price. Actually, it is not only pleasant to own such a collection – it is a pleasure to present it – and this also matters.

The contents embrace two lines. One is calendar and ceremonial songs, therefore on the first four discs of the collection it is possible to hear songs for all seasons of the year, and not only festive ones. The second – songs that are, conditionally speaking, domestic. Pieces by triple musicians, ancient chants and dances, as well as (on a double disc) traditional and modern kobza-playing art are represented here. In total, these are 173 pieces, approximately 6 hours of music.

It is necessary to separately mention the high mastery of the performers – a complete list of the musicians involved speaks for itself: folklore groups Kralytsya, Vesnyanka, Volyniany, Lukiny Rosy, Stari Koni, Troyan, the ethno-group Silska Muzyka, Mykola Totovytsky, the ensemble of ancient music directed by K.Chechenya at participation of Nina Matvyenko and Nadiya Boyanivska, as well as Vadym Shevchuk (Yarema), Serhiy Zaharets, Mykola Plekan, Taras Shushaylo, Yevgen Gamaga, Andriy Bilous, Myhaylo Koval. You have already had a chance to see and hear the absolute majority of these performers with us before – therefore, we consider that their mastery will not cause any doubt.

Thus, the collection "Authentic Music of Ukraine" is for everyone who values professionally performed Ukrainian folklore, when they set the objective of, above all, preserving the tradition – and consequently play the music in a manner as close as possible to authentic one.

Publisher: Ukraїnika
Catalogue number: ua cd 01-08/08-08
Year: 2008

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  Svjata nich. Christmas Carols and Schedrivky. (Holy Night)
1. Mp3Khodyla pava (Folk ensemble "Kralytsia")
2.  Oy, uchora iz vechora (Folk ensemble "Kralytsia")
3. Mp3Melanka khodyla (Folk ensemble "Kralytsia")
4. Mp3A v tim domku (Folk ensemble "Kralytsia")
5.  Oy, na richtsi, na Yordani (Folk ensemble "Kralytsia")
6. Mp3Dobryy vechir tobi, pan-khazjajinu (Folk ensemble "Kralytsia")
7.  Oy, rano-rano kury popeli (Folk ensemble "Kralytsia")
8. Mp3Oy, chy je vdoma Yvanova zhona (Folk ensemble "Kralytsia")
9.  Shchedryy vechir (Folk ensemble "Kralytsia")
10.  Oy, hoviy-hoviy, ta y na torhovi (Folk ensemble "Kralytsia")
11. Mp3Na horodi, na kurhani (Folk ensemble "Kralytsia")
12.  Oy, u poli, poli (Folk ensemble "Kralytsia")
13.  Oy, na richtsi, na Yordantsi (Folk ensemble "Kralytsia")
14.  Vashoho dvora ne mynajemo (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
15.  Svjataja Varvara (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
16.  Oy, tam, na hori tserkvu budujut‘ (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
17.  Oy, z-za hiron‘ky (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
18.  Oy, volje-volje (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
19.  Oy, v nedilen‘ku (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
20.  Ytymu cherez pole (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
21.  Koljadyn-koljadyn (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
22.  Cherez sadochok (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
23.  Oy, shchodryy vechor (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
24.  Y u konets stola sydyt‘ Mykolay (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
25.  A ja shchodruju, kovbasku chuju (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
26.  Ziron‘ka jasna (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
27.  Na Yordani tikha voda stojala (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
  total time: 52:48
  Vesna, vesnjanochko. Spring and Easter Songs.
28.  Volodar, volodar (Folklore group "Stari Koni" (Old Horses))
29. Mp3Vykhod‘te po yodnomu (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
30. Mp3Oy, vykhod‘te, vesnjanky (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
31.  Oy, vyydu ja na poljanku (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
32. Mp3Vesna-krasna, shcho ty nam prynesla (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
33.  Vesna zimu pokhilila (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
34. Mp3Bojare-bojare (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
35. Mp3Oy, vesna-vesna (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
36.  Da pora djevky sijat‘ l‘on (Folk ensemble "Kralytsia")
37.  A v kryvoho tantsja (Folk ensemble "Kralytsia")
38. Mp3Oy, na hori tserkovka (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
39.  Da selo, nashe selo (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
40.  Oy, hey, vesna, hey, krasna (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
41.  Vesna-vesna, vesnjanochko (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
42.  Vil butuje, vesnu chuje (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
43.  Postavlju ja svjechu (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
44.  Oy, strjelila strjela (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
45.  Jak poletiv Viktor (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
46.  Oy, snih, ta y metelytsja (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
47.  Zbyraytysa, divky-molodytsi (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
48.  Oy, vyydu ja na rechen‘ku (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
49.  Sjeryje husy (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
50.  Oy, ne rosty, krope (Ethnogroup "Silska muzyka")
51.  A vzhe nedalechko (Folk group "Volynjany")
52.  Oy, ty, vesno-krasna (Folk group "Volynjany")
53.  Oy, ziyshov-ziyshov (Folk group "Volynjany")
  total time: 41:49
  Na Ivana Kupala. Kupala, Mermaid and Petriv Songs. (On Ivan Kupala Day)
54. Mp3Oy, na Ivana Kupala ("Lukyni Rosy" folk ensemble)
55.  Oy, za valom, za valochkom ("Lukyni Rosy" folk ensemble)
56. Mp3Yo, u horodi krokis, krokis ("Lukyni Rosy" folk ensemble)
57.  A v horodi svynja ryla ("Lukyni Rosy" folk ensemble)
58.  Na Yvana Kupala suchka v borshch upala ("Lukyni Rosy" folk ensemble)
59. Mp3Oy, na Kupala na Ivana ("Lukyni Rosy" folk ensemble)
60.  Oy, khodyla divchynon‘ka po polju ("Lukyni Rosy" folk ensemble)
61.  Oy, kupavsja Ivan ("Lukyni Rosy" folk ensemble)
62. Mp3Provedu svoju rusalochku ("Lukyni Rosy" folk ensemble)
63.  Vedu rusalku ("Lukyni Rosy" folk ensemble)
64.  A v horodi bereza stojala (Folk ensemble "Kralytsia")
65. Mp3Hodi, hodi, zozulja, kuvaty (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
66.  Oy, na Yvana, na Kupayla (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
67.  Oy ty Kupaylo khorosheje (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
68. Mp3Oy, na Yvana (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
69.  Oy, khotiv zhe rak zhenytysja (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
70.  Pokladu kladochku (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
71.  Provedu ja rusalochku (Folk group "Volynjany")
72.  A v kovalikhi sobaki likhi (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
73.  Na Ivana, na Kupayla (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
74.  Nashyji khloptsy, lovtsy-lovtsy (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
75.  Petrovochka (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
76.  Na Ivana Kupala (Folklore group "Stari Koni" (Old Horses))
  total time: 32:30
  Divych-vechir. Wedding songs.
77.  V nashoho starosty (ansambl‘ Trojan)
78. Mp3Oy, borom, borom (ansambl‘ Trojan)
79. Mp3Oy, na mori, da na ozeri (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
80.  Blahoslovy, Bozhe ("Lukyni Rosy" folk ensemble)
81.  Maslom kosu mazhut‘ ("Lukyni Rosy" folk ensemble)
82. Mp3Maty donechtsi kison‘ku plela ("Lukyni Rosy" folk ensemble)
83. Mp3Oy, matinka, sira y utinka ("Lukyni Rosy" folk ensemble)
84.  V nashomu seli novyna ("Lukyni Rosy" folk ensemble)
85. Mp3Oy, khodyla Manjechka ("Lukyni Rosy" folk ensemble)
86. Mp3Divych-vechir ("Lukyni Rosy" folk ensemble)
87.  Khreshchatyy barvinku ("Lukyni Rosy" folk ensemble)
88.  A my vili viljechko ("Lukyni Rosy" folk ensemble)
89.  Po luzhochku zjeljenjen‘komu ("Lukyni Rosy" folk ensemble)
90.  Oy, koly my Marusi vil‘tse vyly ("Lukyni Rosy" folk ensemble)
91.  Oy, jak tobi, moja mamtsju ("Lukyni Rosy" folk ensemble)
92.  Rozstupitesja vorohy ("Lukyni Rosy" folk ensemble)
93.  Shcho y u luzi, y u shyrokomu ("Lukyni Rosy" folk ensemble)
94.  Oy, sosonka ("Lukyni Rosy" folk ensemble)
95.  Kuda pishla Marusyna maty ("Lukyni Rosy" folk ensemble)
96.  Oy, jak tobi, Manjechka, ne zhal‘ bude ("Lukyni Rosy" folk ensemble)
97.  Davay, mat‘onko, povecherajem z toboju (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
98.  Oy, rano-rano (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
99.  A my svjechjechku radili (Folk ensemble "Kralytsia")
100.  De ty, kalyno, rosla (Folk ensemble "Kralytsia")
101.  Oy, brat sestru da za stol vede (Ethnogroup "Silska muzyka")
102.  A sosonka litom i zymoy zelena (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
103.  Za novoju da svjetlitseju (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
104.  Vyyshla Haljusja (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
  total time: 41:21
  Oy, zahraly muzychen‘ky. Triple Musicians. (Oj, Musicians Started Playing)
105. Mp3Polis‘ka pol‘ka (Mykola Totovyts‘kyy)
106.  Pol‘ka "Iz horodu bul‘bu perla" (Mykola Totovyts‘kyy)
107. Mp3Pol‘ka (Ethnogroup "Silska muzyka")
108.  Val‘s (Ethnogroup "Silska muzyka")
109. Mp3Pol‘ka (Ethnogroup "Silska muzyka")
110. Mp3Oberek (Ethnogroup "Silska muzyka")
111.  Pol‘ka "Rukhlja" (Ethnogroup "Silska muzyka")
112.  Pol‘ka (Ethnogroup "Silska muzyka")
113. Mp3Marsh (Ethnogroup "Silska muzyka")
114.  Jak divchynon‘ka po bazarchyku yshla (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
115.  Mushnivs‘ka pol‘ka (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
116. Mp3Pol‘ka "Kapusta" (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
117.  Val‘s (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
118.  Blazhovs‘ka pol‘ka (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
119.  Pol‘ka (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
120.  Narechen‘ka (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
121.  Pol‘ka "Subota" (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
122.  Mushnivs‘ka pol‘ka (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
123.  A tsja pol‘ka dribno skache (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
124.  Pol‘ka "Hop sja sjusja" (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
125.  Oyra (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
126.  Khrapyn‘s‘ki pol‘ky (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
127.  Korobochka (Folk group "Vesnyanka")
  total time: 45:03
  A u poli richka. Ancient Ukrainian Chants and Dances. (And the River in the Field)
128. Mp3Sjujita tantsiv z Boryspil‘shchyny (Ancient Music Ensemble of Kostjantin Chechenja)
129.  Tanets‘ (Ancient Music Ensemble of Kostjantin Chechenja)
130. Mp3Bystren‘kiji richen‘ky (Nina Matvienko, Ancient Music Ensemble of Kostjantin Chechenja)
131.  Kto kripko na Boha upovaja (Nina Matvienko, Ancient Music Ensemble of Kostjantin Chechenja)
lyrics: Feofan Prokopovych
132. Mp3Rusyns‘kyy tanets‘ (Ancient Music Ensemble of Kostjantin Chechenja)
133. Mp3Oy, bida, bida mni, chaytsi-nebozi (Nina Matvienko, Ancient Music Ensemble of Kostjantin Chechenja)
lyrics: Ivan Mazepa
134.  Tanets‘ (Ancient Music Ensemble of Kostjantin Chechenja)
135.  Syzyy holubochku (N. Bojanivs‘ka (Ancient Music Ensemble of Kostjantin Chechenja)
136.  Akh, ushly moji lita (N. Bojanivs‘ka (Ancient Music Ensemble of Kostjantin Chechenja)
137. Mp3Oy ty, ptychko zhovtoboka (N. Bojanivs‘ka (Ancient Music Ensemble of Kostjantin Chechenja)
lyrics: Hryhoriy Skovoroda
138. Mp3Hayduts‘kyy tanets‘ (Ancient Music Ensemble of Kostjantin Chechenja)
139.  Kozats‘kyy tanets‘ (Ancient Music Ensemble of Kostjantin Chechenja)
140.  Rozlylysja vody (N. Bojanivs‘ka (Ancient Music Ensemble of Kostjantin Chechenja)
141.  Oy, dolom-dolom; Ziydu ja na horu (Ancient Music Ensemble of Kostjantin Chechenja)
142.  Zakljuchnyy tanets‘ z "Vertepu" (Ancient Music Ensemble of Kostjantin Chechenja)
143.  Kant (Ancient Music Ensemble of Kostjantin Chechenja)
144.  A u poli richka (N. Bojanivs‘ka (Ancient Music Ensemble of Kostjantin Chechenja)
145.  Okh, nesnosnym zhalem (N. Bojanivs‘ka (Ancient Music Ensemble of Kostjantin Chechenja)
146.  Oy, perestan‘, miy naymylishyy, do mene khodyty (N. Bojanivs‘ka (Ancient Music Ensemble of Kostjantin Chechenja)
  total time: 57:01
  Sydyt‘ kozak ta v kobzon‘ku hraje. From Traditional Performance to Kobza-Playing. (Cossack Sits and Plays the Kobza)
  CD 1:
147. Mp3Bukovyns‘kyy lirnyk (Vadym Shevchuk)
148. Mp3Molodychka, Savradym, Mlynok (Serhiy Zakharec')
149.  Plach nevol‘nykiv (Serhiy Zakharec')
150. Mp3Pobratavsja sokil (Vadym Shevchuk)
151.  Heorhiju (Vadym Shevchuk)
152. Mp3Vsjakomu horodu nrav i prava (Mykola Plekan)
153.  Pisnja pro smert‘ kozaka (Mykola Plekan)
154.  Pro bidu (Mykola Plekan)
155. Mp3Strastjam Khrystovym (Mykola Plekan)
156.  Kozak- valets‘, Oy, jikhav ne zajikhav, Tsyhanochka, Dudochka, Kozak (Taras Shushaylo)
157.  Oy, hore-hore (Jevhen Hamaha)
158.  Pro Khomu ta Jaremu (Andriy Bilous)
  total time: 51:08
  CD 2:
159. Mp3Po horam-horam sam Hospod‘ khodyv (Mykhaylo Koval')
160.  Sobralas‘ bidnota (Mykhaylo Koval')
161. Mp3Hey, u mene buv konjaka (Mykhaylo Koval')
162.  Kysil‘ (Taras Shushaylo)
163. Mp3Shchyhol‘ (Jevhen Hamaha)
164.  Odarochka (Serhiy Zakharec')
165.  Oy, kryknuly siri husy (Mykola Plekan)
166.  Oy, prodala divchynon‘ka kurku
167. Mp3Pro Karmeljuka (Mykola Plekan (Serhiy Zakharec')
168.  Poltavs‘kyy marsh (Serhiy Zakharec')
169. Mp3Pro Bondarivnu (Serhiy Zakharec')
170.  Pry dorozi zhuk (Serhiy Zakharec')
171.  Kozachky, Tropak, Zaporozhets‘ (Serhiy Zakharec')
  total time: 48:27

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

See also:

Tetiana Shkolna. Dobraja hodynonka. Ukrainian folk songs. /cassette/. (The Right Time)

Audio cassette/ ..In her time Tetiana Shkolna went by herself into the folklore expeditions through the whole territory of Ukraine to study and to record folk songs from their original sources. That is why most of the songs recorded at her album are performed unaccompanied..
Domestic price: 194.04UAH, International price: $9.90USD

Ladovytsi. A Bozhaya Maty po svitu khodyla. /digi-pack/. (Oh Mother of God walked along the world)

"Ladovytsi" have a very respectful attitude to preservation of the tradition – thus, we are talking about reproduction of the authentic performance. However, you don't need to think about that – just listen, because the songs are really good. They somehow imperceptibly dissolve the exhaustion and habit of the routine – and fill with the hope for joy.
Domestic price: 429.24UAH, International price: $21.90USD

Uliana Horbachevska. Dole. /digi-pack/. (Destiny)

Perhaps, it would sound surprising if one said – silent music. But – how else could one put it? No, it does not keep silent, it is something different. This is the beauty that can only be born in pure silence, in the situation of total immersion into, total emergence from...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

"Bozhychi" folk ensemble. Psalmy. Pomyshlyayte, chelovetsy. /digi-pack/. (Reason Thee, Men. Psalmas)

A "Psal'ma" is a folk song with a religious meaning or content. On this disc the Kyiv folk group "Bozhychi" features a series of ancient Ukrainian psal'ms, recording in the course of several folk expeditions to the eastern part of Ukraine – the Dnipropetrovs'k, Donets'k, Luhans'k and Kharkiv regions. These songs are played without additional editing, in a manner inherent to folk singers.
Domestic price: 546.84UAH, International price: $27.90USD

Folklore Theater by Ostap Stakhiv. A vzhe vesna vskresla. (And Spring Has Already Resurrected)

Ostap Stakhiv is related to a considerable number of various projects in this or that way linked with revival and popularization of Ukrainian, in particular singing folklore. One of ways to do that was creation of Ostap Stakhiv's Folklore Theater – and you will be able to hear some outcomes of the work already now, on this disc.
Domestic price: 292.04UAH, International price: $14.90USD

"Bozhychi" folk ensemble. Vik ljubysh – ne naljubyshsja. (You Love Forever – And You Do Not Love Enough)

At presentation of this album "Bozhychi" told approximately the following about its appearance: that once they revised all of their materials collected in folklore expeditions and understood that the majority of the songs they collected were about love. In this or that form, in various situations of life, but – about love.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH, International price: $25.90USD

"Bozhychi" folk ensemble. Kotylаsja oj jasnа zorja z nebа. (Rolled, oh, the clear star from the sky)

“Bozhychi” have created and recreated a kind, high-quality and multicolour space of ritual songs of the Ukrainian Prydnipovya and, first of all, of Livoberezhzhya.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH, International price: $25.90USD

"Drevo" group, Hurtopravtsi, "Volodar" group, "Otava" group, "Dyke pole" group. Zberimosja, rode... /v.2/. (Let's gather the family)

These voices and melodies possess a real magic, which has no bounds either in time or in space.
Domestic price: 429.24UAH, International price: $21.90USD

Reviews (5)

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7 june 2024
UMKA plans to take a break
22 february 2022
The "Return Alive" Foundation
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