According to Palvo Gudimov himself, during the previous year, 2006, the group "Gud:mov" turned from, actually, a side project into a separate, independent collective. And this, we should agree, is a serious achievement – now we see something more than just a sum of separate constituents. Qualitative changes have happened not only to internal feelings – the music has also changed. It has remained, in fact, light, but has become somehow more saturated, complete. It seems that the guys have discovered their sound, their individuality – deserved, light, cheerful. This album, I think, is absolutely able to let the group join the top list of the best representatives of Ukrainian mainstream – the more so that original universality is inherent in it. That is, you can play it just as pleasant melodious background for some activity – or it is possible to listen to it attentively, because it does deserve that. Simple, transparent melodies, minimum of tools – maybe, that is why each instrument speaks very expressively. Only three musicians, but each of them is at his place – to such extent that there are no failures, inappropriate pauses or sharp edges in their music. Nobody interferes with the rest or overshadows them – the album conveys harmony, mutual understanding. As to me, it is success.
Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)
Publisher: Moon records Catalogue number: MR 2007-2 Year: 2007
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Hud:mov
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CD1 |
1. |
| Budem razom |
2. |
| Zv’jazok (dysko) |
3. |
 | Sumuju
4. |
| Basta |
5. |
 | Moja ljubov
6. |
| Pechery N'ju-Jorku |
7. |
| Navesn: |
8. |
| Hameleon |
9. |
 | Obm:njuju
10. |
| V:kna |
11. |
| Zv’jazok (melanhol:ja) |
12. |
 | Ar:zona
| Total playing time: 42:53 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
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"Sofia" is not something soft and sweet. Fresh improvisation music with the Slavonic flavor – bright and rather poignant music, which in no way fits for serving as just a background. It requires attentive listening, and it is just pleasant to listen to it attentively, to track the line of each instrument...
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The main thing is that this music is not committed to a certain style, but rather to a certain brand, a quality of expression. So, if for the sake of this quality one needs to add some atypical colors – it happens in an easy and natural way. Such a cool simplicity. At the same time – it is a team play, in which no one pulls the blanket over himself.
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International price: $17.90USD
Mastering of this release was performed in the USA, in the studio of the legendary sound producer Bob Ludwig, whose experience during the almost half-a-century career includes work with over 1200 musicians. This mastering was born at the height of "Dolce Vita Tour" in 2010 and as brightly as possible it conveys the integral, bright sound of the live concert performance.
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May be, for the sake of that it was worth while changing the group members – with the exception of Guru, of course. Now it is interesting what will happen next. Because judging by ears – to be continued.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
As for me, this work of art is marked by lightness, at that this lightness is more pleasant than vain. You see, there are thoughts present here, and they are different, but they are not put on a pedestal, on the contrary, they fly simply and easily somewhere near your head.
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International price: $15.90USD
, Великобританія
12-07-2011 15:17 |
Альбом сподобався. Взагалі, якщо коротко охарактеризувати цей альбом, особливо у порівнянні з багатьма іншими українськими виконавцями, в мене напрошуються два слова - якість і смак. Не схоже на дешеву попсу.
, Запорожье, Украина
29-07-2008 13:27 |
Я вообще то нахожусь под впечатлением и очень сильным...Вобщем песню "Баста" я услышала на 10 день выхода из роддома,когда родила свою вторую дочку...Все было обыкновенно и буднично,не считая маленького чуда,которое теперь жило снами..Благодаря Пашной харизме,его талантливейшой музыке я просто влюбилась заново в мужа,наши отношения стали ТАКИМИ,какими не были после свадьбы,а мы женаты уже 7 лет!!!
Павел,спасибо,я реально хочу любить,спасибо!!!
, петрозаводск, РФ
04-08-2007 16:39 |
Первый альбом запомнился больше. Из нового нравиться все, кроме "Баста". "Зв`язок" (диско версия) - оригинально.
, киев, украина
17-07-2007 21:49 |
24-05-2007 17:30 |
менi дуже подобається!)
, Сургут, Россия
21-05-2007 15:28 |
Замечательный альбом. Просто классный.
, Львів, Україна
08-02-2007 17:21 |
На жаль, Гудімов себе остаточно вичерпав:( Високо злетів - і тепер не знає, як на тій висоті втриматися, щоб не впасти дуже боляче на Святу землю... Дуже хотілося б вірити в те, що це тільки незначна криза, але... "рекордно-короткими" зйомками відео в українському "шоу-плюс-бізнесі" далеко не втримаєшся:(