Maria Burmaka said about the new album that every song here was an echo of real stories from her life – as it always happens to all real songs, doesn't it? And there is no doubt about authenticity of these songs – this can be felt, this is nice. And if one perceives every such life story as a sort of a film – actually, the quite logical title for the disc appears, "Soundtracks". Briefly, it is possible to say that the new album by Maria Burmaka is an example of the high-quality and, if you wish, intelligent modern Ukrainian pop-music as it might be. Nothing to say, it is good when not only an album has its own face, but – every song in it. And not only due to contents of the lyrics, as imagery of music is also important, whatever you might say. And in "Soundtracks" you hear with your own ears that exactly as much attention was paid to each song as it was necessary – not less. As a result, there arises something more than conditional ideality – saturated sounding, appropriateness of all details appear then. In other words – these are truly real, live songs. And that is why they directly touch something live within you – there are no masks, everything is honest. We could say that Maria has arrived at the sense-contents-realization of art, with which she once began – but at a qualitatively higher level, with some fresh internal force. As to me – a wonderful course of events.
Publisher: Moon records Catalogue number: MR 2810-2 Year: 2008
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Maria Burmaka
Domestic price: 350.84UAH
International price: $17.90USD
CD1 |
1. |
| Zabud‘ |
2. |
 | Den‘ narodzhennja
3. |
 | Probach
4. |
| Mozhesh dali |
5. |
 | Pid oblachkom
6. |
| I jakshcho kolys‘ |
7. |
| Ty zustrinesh jiji |
8. |
| Ne tomu |
9. |
 | Poranena v sertse
10. |
| Poproshchatys‘ ne zumily |
| | Bonus:
11. |
 | Litnja pisnja
12. |
 | Aresht
13. |
| Probach (dance mix) |
14. |
| Ne biysja zhyty (mix) |
| | Video:
15. |
| Ne tomu |
16. |
| Probach |
17. |
| Probach (mix) |
18. |
| Poproshchatys‘ ne zumily |
19. |
| I jakshcho kolys‘ |
| Total playing time: 57:38 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
Domestic price: 350.84UAH
International price: $17.90USD
See also:
..the debut album by KAZKA is finally officially released on physical media. The release is of high quality, it's nice to keep it in your hands – well, and the fact that the album as such is worth paying attention to is obvious: in 2017, the project was one of the brightest debutants of the Ukrainian pop scene, and when the album was presented, it was already listened to far beyond Ukraine.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
The new album – despite its light sounding – turns out not even colorful, but rich, thought over not just superficially – thus, quite diverse. This applies to the singing, the manner – this also applies to the arrangements. Tayanna, obviously, places the quality bar high.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
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Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
Anyway, the album turns out really atmospheric – it seems to invite to recall the past, but at the same time goes slightly beyond time limits. Because Lucyna's songs are about stories that occur at all times – where there are two people and something between them..
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
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Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
You now see already the fourth album released with the name of Rosava on the cover – and it is again absolutely different from all previous ones. However, there is still something in common: this is again – cool. Beautiful.. If all Ukrainian pop-music stuck to such level – the word "muzak" would, probably, quickly disappear from our language..
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International price: $25.90USD
After the album "Oma" Iryna Bilyk had all grounds for the "star dizziness" – and one could hardly reproach her for it seriously. She unquestionably proved that Ukrainian pop-music both must and could be rich in content, diverse, high-quality, bright, modern – real...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Frankly speaking – we have long not heard absolutely new names in the domain of the lyrically intellectual song. Such what would be not quite rock, and far not pop. New albums – yes, but new people – for approximately a few months already, if not years, we have not had novices here. Well, meet – Tanya Gosudareva, it seems, has the mission of correcting this historic injustice.
Domestic price: 233.24UAH,
International price: $11.90USD
...it seems as if the songs were recorded not by one group, but they worked with each single song separately. May be, it was not so easy to do that – taking into account the fact that in general this is a dancing music. And the result, that is, the album itself, is light and free from any extra burden...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
The album consists of a dozen of lyrical songs, a dozen of different but light moods. For even during separation the mood may – and, I think, should – remain light. If you accept it easily – it goes easy. The river should flow, shouldn't it?
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
Well, we have an opportunity to congratulate ourselves – and in particular old fans of Natalia Mogylevs'ka. The external interval in her work has appeared rather long, but it was worth waiting for. She has arranged for herself a really bright, powerful returning.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
...regardless of the age of these songs, one can see a slim and tender girl in each of them, the girl who with the first words of a song and with melodies used to open plainly the hearts of those who wanted to hear...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
The album consists of a dozen of lyrical songs, a dozen of different but light moods. For even during separation the mood may – and, I think, should – remain light. If you accept it easily – it goes easy. The river should flow, shouldn't it?
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
, Київ
24-12-2012 14:21 |
до Космоса з Полтави:
мені здається, це просто смішно - порівнювати Бурмаку і Поплавського. За всієї поваги до гумористичних здібностей останнього - це був би надто сильний для нього комплімент (і вокально, до речі, також). Зрештою, з названих Вами трьох лише Поплавський і є представником української естради - і то в гіршому розумінні цього визначення. Бурмака і Юркеш - це не естрадна пісня. Рок, поп-рок, арт-панк, бард-рок... Вони виконують розумні пісні. Різної глибини - але ніколи не нижче плінтуса )
Цікаво, то я таки дійсно деградую, якщо помічаю, що в цих піснях є і думка. і серце? бідний я...
, Полтава
22-12-2012 16:05 |
Мария Бурмака-это полный бред,это хуже,чем поплавский.Никаких способностей,отсуствие какого-либо вокала...Это позор нашей эстрады.Но если такие,как поплавский,бурмака,юрко юрченко нравятся,то значит деградация набирает ход.
, Київ, Женева
09-03-2008 13:03 |
Від"їжджаючи з України купила декілька нових дисків, щоб слухати "дома". Диск "Саундтреки " мене просто вразив, розчулив, ввів в світлу печаль і переконав, що життя прекрасне. Одночасно. Марія Бурмака--це по-моєму недооцінене явище в Україні.. Є деякі пісні на грані геніальності. Дякую.
, Чернігів
15-02-2008 22:02 |
Урра!!! Дочекались нарешті. Марія - в топі, як завжди!
slow drive
Domestic: 448.84UAH
International: $22.90USD