"Demydivsky Album" is a successor of "Trip to Kosakivka" not only chronologically: in the aspect of the style, sounding – from the first seconds, there arises a sort of a recognizing effect. And, if this were somebody else, this could be a drawback, but in the case of Ocheretyany Kit this effect is definitely pleasant. However – which, in the end, is also pleasant – the first impression appears somewhat deceitful. One should only listen to the lyrics – and in songs by this group one should always listen to lyrics – to understand that the issue is already absolutely different. If "Trip", quite in line with the title, can be defined as a recording of trips in space and time, "Demydivsky" album looks like an attempt to stop and go deep, realize the time and space, in which you are here and now. And considering the specific manner of the group, it follows that "here and now" is somewhere out of space and time.. Although it does not prevent the songs from being absolutely warm by touch, native – a lot of details, trifles sound here, in which virtually each of us, probably, will recognize something from his or her own life. This is some different view of life on earth and on the Earth, of harmony – a view from inside, live experience, not external research. And without regard to the entire seeming simplicity of the things described – or, probably, exactly due to such simplicity – the album acquires some even esoteric aftertaste. Ocheretyany Kit, actually, could be referred to as performers of imaginary folklore – and, in our opinion, very few people in Ukraine could be compared with them in this fanciful but so light art... The publication contains a 20-page booklet with photos, texts and background stories of the songs.
Publisher: UKRmusic Catalogue number: UM-CD 220 Year: 2010
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Ocheretyany Kit
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CD1 |
1. |
 | Reyky
lyrics: Roman Kril‘
2. |
| Medeja
lyrics: Roman Kril‘
3. |
| Okil Rovu
lyrics: Roman Kril‘
4. |
 | Tabu
lyrics: Roman Kril‘
5. |
| Horilchanyy dzen
lyrics: Roman Kril‘
6. |
 | Kinomekhanik
lyrics: Roman Kril‘
7. |
| Ranishni zvuky
lyrics: Roman Kril‘
8. |
 | Pifahor
lyrics: Roman Kril‘
9. |
| Distatysja raju
lyrics: Roman Kril‘
10. |
| Naljahay na vesla
lyrics: Roman Kril‘
| | bonus:
11. |
| Zdajet‘sja (Ja. Shpachyns‘ka)
lyrics: Jana Shpachyns‘ka
12. |
 | Rover (Ja. Shpachyns‘ka)
lyrics: Jana Shpachyns‘ka
13. |
| Khazjajin (P. Nechytaylo)
lyrics: Pavlo Nechytaylo
14. |
| Kosmozoo lyrics: Roman Kril‘
15. |
| Reka lyrics: Roman Kril‘
16. |
| Zombi lyrics: Roman Kril‘
17. |
 | Ranishni zvuky (2007)
| | video:
18. |
| Mandrivka v Kosakivku |
19. |
| Okil Rovy |
20. |
| Ranishni zvuky |
| Total playing time: 45:07 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
Svyatoslav Vakarchuk's third solo project is an expected change in tonlity, The Orangery builds up a space to approximate comfort. Approximate – because there are enough disturbing notes, but they do not set the key mood. Basically, it seems – it is about the desire to speak so quietly that one could get as close as possible..
Domestic price: 448.84UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
..this is why the album has turned out very easily presented. With the unobtrusive simplicity that knows how to avoid primitivism. Due to this, the lyrics do not get lost in the arrangements – which also matters, because a lot of truly cool, and sometimes – already classical – poems were set to music here.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
..One can simply enjoy the concise arrangements with colorful spices. Or one can discover in these melodies, intonations, and pauses styling on the verge of grotesque. Or – one can hear stories that it is impossible to tell in any other way than this. Sentimental and ironic. And ask: why?
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
..it is absence of didacticism in the lyrics and of any mention of magic, as opposed to the skill of noticing the details that make up the everyday life – but noticing in a way that the listener slightly shifts the "assembly point". The reality's magic is routine, this is what one can hear and feel here at full force.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
This is music with its own identity. And it's not only about interesting arrangements – listen to the lyrics: this is not simulation of rural folklore, this is its urban rethinking, but not limited to the city. Somewhere there, a universal key to the roots reside...
Domestic price: 605.64UAH,
International price: $30.90USD
An anniversary (10 years since the release) re-issue on CD of one of the most prominent Ukrainian rock albums. For the sake of this release, complete re-mastering of the material from the original master tapes was performed – and the original author design was restored.
Domestic price: 429.24UAH,
International price: $21.90USD
It was planned that this disc would only be sold at concerts, but now "Freakish Power" can encounter us anywhere and anytime, and this is – incredibly good. Another fragrant brick for Podillya foundation... I sincerely advise you to cast away umbrellas and the rest of protection means – otherwise there is the risk of just failing to contain.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
11 tracks, but they are somehow so saturated and diverse that it may seem there are twice more of them. First, there are both author's and folk texts there – and some author's ones really resemble folk songs, this is a compliment.. And second – within one album, actually, three manners and ways of performing are mixed: skilful "folk" singing, powerful ethno-rock and the "acoustics"..
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
I would not like to speak here in a lot of detail about the ability to combine the green with the hot, and the fretted with the tart – these specific features have acquired even more expressive outlines from the times of the debut disc. Propala Hramota boldly creates modern folklore – do not be too lazy to listen to the lyrics, this is a really important decoration of every song.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Here it is – real, serious, exact. You know, about such dicks one is both eager and reluctant to speak – they bend to one's soul with their curves so that words become almost superfluous. But it is also desirable to keep quiet about such things only eye-to-eye, in order to by all means share one's feeling, warmth, acceptance.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
The group offers to us radiant, expressive pictures. They masterfully implement the style eclecticism in the music line – it became the background for poetry both varied and transparent. Moreover, the whole album is penetrated with kind humor.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
, Bristol, United Kingdom
03-02-2011 12:01 |
In one word superb.
, Êè¿â, Óêðà¿íà
22-12-2010 18:53 |
Ïðèºìíà ñàìå òàêà ñòèëüîâà ãðàíü, ùî ³ ñïðàâä³ íàãàäóº òåïëó äðóæíþ áåñ³äó. Ëþáëþ ¿õ çà â³ä÷óòòÿ äîìó, çà âï³çíàâàí³ñòü ñèòóàö³é ³ íàñòðî¿â ó òåêñòàõ, í³áè ñóñ³ä âèéøîâ ³ç êâàðòèðè ç â³äðîì òåïëî¿ âîäè - ÿ äóìàëà, ùîá ïîìèòè ìàøèíó, à â³í - ùîá ïîëèòè ãîðòåí糿... ))
, Õàðê³â, Óêðà¿íà
20-07-2010 07:08 |
Ñë³äêóþ çà íèìè äîñèòü äàâíî. Íîâèé àëüáîì õî÷åòüñÿ ïåðåñëóõîâóâàòè ùå ³ ùå. Êîæíîãî ðàçó çâó÷èòü çíàéîìî ³ íåçíàéìî.
, Òåðíîï³ëü
27-05-2010 12:54 |
Òâîð÷³ñòü "Î÷åðåòÿíîãî êîòà" ñêîð³øå íàãàäóº äæàçîâó ðîçìîâó ì³æ äîáðèìè ïðèÿòåëÿìè, äðóçÿìè. Ïðèºìíî, áåç íàäðèâó ³ õàìñòâà. Ãàðí³ ãîëîñè òà ìåëîäèêà. Áðàâî!