It won’t be an exaggeration if I say that Dmytro Hnatyuk personifies the whole epoch in the history of the Ukrainian variety art. Still, his voice is not only history, but also contemporaneity. The songs performed by Hnatyuk are popular today as well, and a new disc is another item of evidence to this fact. At long last, there’s no surprise in that. Dmytro Hnatyuk has such a warm, alive and velvet voice that there seems to be no feeling, no depth, no force or emotions that it wouldn’t be able to render. The matter, of course, doesn’t concern his masterly performance, but it concerns the natural beauty of this voice. I doubt whether another baritone can be found at our variety art who is similar to him at least in terms of expressiveness - except that in opera. Truth to tell, today the requirements to the variety art are not as they used to be before. However that may be, this disc is the repeat of the hour of glory and beauty of that Ukrainian variety art, which we now call classical.
Publisher: Comp music Catalogue number: COMP 0605 Year: 2005
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Dmytro Hnatyuk
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CD1 |
1. |
| Cheremshyna |
2. |
| Jaseny |
3. |
 | Dva kol'ory
4. |
| Ja do tebe, matusju, u pisni idu |
5. |
 | Moja stezhyna
6. |
| Osinnje zoloto |
7. |
| Choven hytajet'sja |
8. |
| Pisnja pro rushnyk |
9. |
 | Cvitut' osinni tyhi nebesa
10. |
| Oj, ty divchyno, z horiha zernja |
11. |
| Krynycja moho dytynstva |
12. |
 | Ochi voloshkovi
13. |
| Kvitka z polonyny |
14. |
| Marichka |
15. |
| Smijut'sja, plachut' solov’ji |
16. |
| Pisnja z polonyny |
17. |
| Chom, chom, zemle moja |
| Total playing time: 78:50 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
Audio cassette/ ..we would like to invite you to plunge into multiplicity of Ukrainian melodies. Melodies polished by multiplicity of an author's imagination..
Domestic price: 292.04UAH,
International price: $14.90USD
...we would like to invite you to plunge into multiplicity of Ukrainian melodies. Melodies polished by multiplicity of an author's imagination...
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
The military theme is a special page in life and work of Borys Hmyrya, taking into account his forced stay in the territory of Ukraine occupied by fascists (1941-1944)... Only a crystal clear person could perform pieces by soviet composers on military topics in that way.
Domestic price: 292.04UAH,
International price: $14.90USD
There is something in it, some transparent depth, which does not leave you indifferent, so that you feel that the song is performed not formally, as it happens sometimes, but it comes from inside. That’s the reason why it sounds somehow intimately – as if this person himself once composed this song and still remembers why and how it happened.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
, Киів, Україна
24-09-2011 14:13 |
Пісні у виконанні талановитого Дмитра Гнатюка, гордості української сцени, слухали молодими наші батьки, вони нагадують безтурботні часи дитинства, добрі часи, коли слово і музика виховували в людях кращі почуття
, Perkinsville, USA
29-02-2008 16:47 |
Wonderful baritone voice, full and filled with emotion, with beautiful orchestration. Recommended for your listening pleasure.
, ---, Ukraine
18-12-2006 05:32 |
> Андрей Шаблевский , Москва, РОССИЯ > 13-11-2006 16:29 >. .. .Слушаю достаточно часто и представьте > себе-не надоедает! Это точно.
, Москва, РОССИЯ
13-11-2006 16:29 |
Все свои впечатления и свою любовь к песням в исполнении Дмитрия Гнатюка я уже выразил в комментариях Дискам№№1 и 2.Слушаю достаточно часто и представьте себе-не надоедает!
Микола Кравчук
, Рівне, Україна
21-09-2006 19:28 |
Диск Дмитра Гнатюка "Черемшина" зберігає записи молодого голосу видатного співака, нагадує (дещо ностальгійно) його ювілейний концерт (50-річчя) у Колонному залі ім.М.Лисенка Київської філармонії...
, Adelaide, Australia
17-03-2006 00:59 |
The beautiful barritone voice of Dmytro Hnatyuk is clear and distinct. The tracks on this disc are as popular with my generation (40+) as they were with my grandparents. Track 7 & 17 are two of my favourites & bring back to me a lot of childhood memories. I thoroughly recommend this disc to anyone who has an emotional connection to that erea. Once again the voice makes listening to this disc a very peasurable experience.