Yuriy Yatsenko's "Kapelysta Muzyka", Yevhenia Miroshnychenko. Uljubleni ukrajins'ki melodiji. (Favourite Ukrainian melodies) | | Track Reviews (1) |
Well, ladies and gentlemen, we would like to invite you to plunge into multiplicity of Ukrainian melodies. It happened long-long ago, in the 16-th century, when musical workshops only appeared in Ukraine, that folk songs and dances made in the first place the backbone of the repertoire of all ensembles of those times. It's natural. Still, it is also natural that in the course of time there appeared more and more author's adaptations of folk melodies and their transference for performance on different instruments. And I think that nobody would deny the fact that the quality and skill of adaptation, as well as comprehension of material, directly influences a listener's interest. Due to all those facts, it is pleasant that the recordings of already recognised masters, such as Mykhailo Zavadskyi and Yuriy Yatsenko, are presented at this disc. The latter, by the way, is a famous poly-instrumentalist, thanks to whom the art of performance on a fret kobza, mandolin, banjo and similar instruments is being revived now. So, ladies and gentlemen, I repeat once more - we would like to invite you to plunge into multiplicity of Ukrainian melodies. Melodies polished by multiplicity of an author's imagination.
Publisher: Taras Bulba Entertainment Catalogue number: TBE-007-2 Year: 2004
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Yevhenia Miroshnychenko
- Yuriy Yatsenko's "Kapelysta Muzyka"
Domestic price: 409.64UAH
International price: $20.90USD
CD1 |
1. |
| Ukrainian Shumka (Ukrajins'ka shumka)
music: Myhajlo Zavads'kyj
2. |
| There stands the Mountain High (Stojit' hora vysoka)
music: Ukrainian Traditional Song
3. |
 | Trouble Maker
music: Ukrainian Traditional Song
4. |
| Roman
music: Ukrainian Traditional Song
5. |
| Polka – the Lover (Pol'ka – kohanochka)
music: Ukrainian Traditional Dance
6. |
| The Snowstorm (Metelycja)
music: Ukrainian Traditional Dance
7. |
| Chabarashka # 12 (Chabarashka ¹ 12)
music: Myhajlo Zavads'kyj
8. |
 | Chabarashka # 15
(Chabarashka ¹ 15)
music: Myhajlo Zavads'kyj
9. |
| Four Oxes I Pasture (Chotyry voly pasu ja)
music: Ukrainian Traditional Song
10. |
| Greenly Periwinkle (Zelenen'kyj barvinochku)
music: Ukrainian Traditional Song
11. |
 | Oh I Used to Have Millet in my Shed
(Oj mala ja u komori proso)
music: Ukrainian Traditional Song
12. |
| Jackdaw Flying Over Gully (Letyt' halka cherez balku)
music: Ukrainian Traditional Song
13. |
| Oh Willow, Willow (Oj, verbo, verbo)
music: Ukrainian Traditional Song
14. |
| Mykola
music: Ukrainian Traditional Dance
15. |
| Kateryna
music: Ukrainian Traditional Dance
16. |
| There Stands the Mountain High (Stojit' hora vysoka)
music: Ukrainian Traditional Song
17. |
| In a Cherry Orchard (U vyshnevomu sadochku)
music: Ukrainian Traditional Song
18. |
| Violin Playing in a Street (Na vulyci skrypka hraje)
music: Ukrainian Traditional Song
19. |
 | Kozak
music: Myhajlo Zavads'kyj
| Total playing time: 51:24 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
Domestic price: 409.64UAH
International price: $20.90USD
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02-09-2005 20:01 |
good day--- i am a huge fan of yevheniya miroshnychenko and have all her albums from the last 30 years---there are a limited number of cds and i am always loking for them...the compilation on this cd is very easy listening...and superb combo of instrumental and of course the voice of the legendary ukrainian nightnigale...if any more of miroshnichenkos works are avaliable on cd i would definitely be interested i n buying them...this cd is a quality rcording with excellent balance of material and recording technique...a most entertaining collection of ukrainian folk melodies for the listener that appreciates the beauty of ukr folk music...regards michael curry