Neo, Modern, Avantgard
I do not know whether I will grow fond of opera, but I really like this disc. In this case, modernization, fortunately, does not mean vulgarization. The sound is so soft, mild, deep that it is impossible to come off it.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Levkovych's stile can be characterized as vivid, colorful and original. His works are composed in a very modern manner utilizing a serial technique, while being simple and romantic. He applies the timbers of different instruments very well and experiments with orchestral sounds.
Domestic price: 488.04UAH,
International price: $24.90USD
Several pieces in the beginning are just about how it was before. And then – you catches yourself thinking: no, this is not ragtime – but a clear echo, and the figure of a ballroom pianist emerges in your imagination.. And then – you discover that it was the beginning, because the music departs from the shore of abstract lyricism and starts its travel throughout the world..
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
World evergreens, unexpected arrangements of classics and folklore. Seemingly a strange combination – but when performed by ManSound, all of that sounds not only interesting, but also remarkably harmonious in its diversity. Note: on the web site, the CD is indicated as "not available for the moment" only because it cannot be ordered separately.
Domestic price: 0.00UAH,
International price: $0.00USD
This item is not available for the moment
What color will it be – salty, as the sea, green, as life, or boundless, as the sky? We’ll see... Anyway, this album has free internal horizons – thus, one cannot grasp, embrace everything at the first try...
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
I recommend not to do anything for some time, there is a nice alternative. Without exaggeration and flattery – discs by exactly this man can be called original electronic symphonies, and I am not sure that there are analogues of this phenomenon in Ukraine.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Volodymyr Runchak and his chamber ensemble "New Music in Ukraine" do invaluable work – they do not let new music keep silent, convey it to an enormous audience. They have carried out over three hundred world and Ukrainian premieres of pieces by modern composers. In particular – within exactly this concerto series "New Music in Ukraine".
Domestic price: 429.24UAH,
International price: $21.90USD
Volodymyr Runchak and his chamber ensemble "New Music in Ukraine" do invaluable work – they do not let new music keep silent, convey it to an enormous audience. They have carried out over three hundred world and Ukrainian premieres of pieces by modern composers. In particular – within exactly this concerto series "New Music in Ukraine".
Domestic price: 429.24UAH,
International price: $21.90USD
Volodymyr Runchak and his chamber ensemble "New Music in Ukraine" do invaluable work – they do not let new music keep silent, convey it to an enormous audience. They have carried out over three hundred world and Ukrainian premieres of pieces by modern composers. In particular – within exactly this concerto series "New Music in Ukraine".
Domestic price: 429.24UAH,
International price: $21.90USD
Volodymyr Runchak and his chamber ensemble "New Music in Ukraine" do invaluable work – they do not let new music keep silent, convey it to an enormous audience. They have carried out over three hundred world and Ukrainian premieres of pieces by modern composers. In particular – within exactly this concerto series "New Music in Ukraine".
Domestic price: 429.24UAH,
International price: $21.90USD
Volodymyr Runchak and his chamber ensemble "New Music in Ukraine" do invaluable work – they do not let new music keep silent, convey it to an enormous audience. They have carried out over three hundred world and Ukrainian premieres of pieces by modern composers. In particular – within exactly this concerto series "New Music in Ukraine".
Domestic price: 429.24UAH,
International price: $21.90USD
Volodymyr Runchak and his chamber ensemble "New Music in Ukraine" do invaluable work – they do not let new music keep silent, convey it to an enormous audience. They have carried out over three hundred world and Ukrainian premieres of pieces by modern composers. In particular – within exactly this concerto series "New Music in Ukraine".
Domestic price: 429.24UAH,
International price: $21.90USD
His "Meditation" is a symphony for a violoncello and a chamber orchestra. Meditation in a general sense is a state, a process and quality at the same time. Since a symphony is called to reproduce and to recreate the first, the second and the third, it is hopeless to reproduce the content. This music...
Domestic price: 703.64UAH,
International price: $35.90USD
This album is a phenomenon in the modern Ukrainian music. Here we have, first, interpretation of the European classics in the Latin American vein, which they definitely have not tried here so far. And, second – not only the music, but also the vocal manner has been reconsidered. Radically..
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD