Some day he had to become a people's artist of the Ukrainian SSR. But instead, on that day he became a people's artist of the Soviet Union. And naturally, it is not accidental. His heritage contains, for example, 44 opera parts. And every time it is a complete reincarnation, penetration and even trying to understand, expressed not only in make-up and clothes, but also in the intonation of sounding. Being an artist-philosopher, he sometimes had the understanding of a true interpretation of a character which differed from the usual and established one. He also had such performing depth which enabled him to demonstrate this understanding brightly and to prove its appropriateness. It is understandable that such state of things caused envy and slander. That is why it was not very easy for him to work in his native Kyiv Opera House. Notwithstanding all that, he was recognised in the whole world. As for the prophet in his own Motherland, we know all about that. Still, Borys Hmyrya remained merely Ukrainian singer who never accepted any proposal to work on continuing basis in theatres beyond the bounds of Ukraine. You know, it is worth while being proud of such a compatriot.
Publisher: JRC Catalogue number: JRC 00376-2 Year: 2001
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- Borys Hmyrya
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