I think there is no need to specify once more which Maria is meant here, right? And, I should say, such title of the debut disc by Svitlana Klochkova-Kovalenko is far not an abstract decoration, no. It is a clear sign: deep, serious pieces will sound. The protagonist of the majority of works represented here is, naturally, Maria, the mother of Jesus – but not only. A few more female images, fates arise here, and the main theme is thus represented already from quite a different side. In the end, Maria lives in every woman – but not in each she reveals herself... Composed by various people of various nations in various times, these pieces are real rays of light in human music, soft and warm. Even virtually each of them separately is able to easily remove clouds from one's face. And all together... On the disc, not only thematic unity, but also unity of composition lives – the sequence is built so successfully that sometimes the feeling arises as though you listen to an integral large work. The earthly and celestial interlace for the sake of giving birth to something new – as usual, right? That is why even though this disc comes to light almost on the eve of Christmas holidays, and though it really has quite a direct relation to it – you should not perceive it only in this way. Believe me, the beauty of performance of the pearls collected here will be beauty not only on holidays – and even a weekday will be turned into a small holiday.
Publisher: Music Center Year: 2007
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- Svitlana Klochkova-Kovalenko
Domestic price: 252.84UAH
International price: $12.90USD