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LBB. Lemko Bluegrass Band. /digi-pack/.
Carpathian bluegrass
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD
Komu Vnyz. 4: Shevchenko. (EP). /digi-pack/.
Komu Vnyz. Shevchenko. (EP) (special offer)
Domestic: 507.64UAH
International: $25.90USD
Artists :   A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [0-9]
Albums:   A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [0-9]
Catalogue -> Classical -> Opera and Vocal

Svitlana Klochkova-Kovalenko. Marije... (Maria...)

Reviews (1)
Svitlana Klochkova-Kovalenko. Marije... (Maria...)
I think there is no need to specify once more which Maria is meant here, right? And, I should say, such title of the debut disc by Svitlana Klochkova-Kovalenko is far not an abstract decoration, no. It is a clear sign: deep, serious pieces will sound. The protagonist of the majority of works represented here is, naturally, Maria, the mother of Jesus – but not only. A few more female images, fates arise here, and the main theme is thus represented already from quite a different side. In the end, Maria lives in every woman – but not in each she reveals herself... Composed by various people of various nations in various times, these pieces are real rays of light in human music, soft and warm. Even virtually each of them separately is able to easily remove clouds from one's face. And all together... On the disc, not only thematic unity, but also unity of composition lives – the sequence is built so successfully that sometimes the feeling arises as though you listen to an integral large work. The earthly and celestial interlace for the sake of giving birth to something new – as usual, right? That is why even though this disc comes to light almost on the eve of Christmas holidays, and though it really has quite a direct relation to it – you should not perceive it only in this way. Believe me, the beauty of performance of the pearls collected here will be beauty not only on holidays – and even a weekday will be turned into a small holiday.

Publisher: Music Center
Year: 2007

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Svitlana Klochkova-Kovalenko

Domestic price: 252.84UAH
International price: $12.90USD
1. Mp3O del mio dolche ardo
music: Gluk
2.  Amarilli
music: J. Kachchini
3.  Ave Verum
music: W. A. Mozart
4.  Ave Maria
music: F. Shubert
5. Mp3Ave Maria
music: J. Kachchini
6.  Ave Maria
music: L. Lucci
7.  Stradal‘na maty
music: I. Sonevyts‘kyy
8. Mp3Pid tvoju mylist‘
music: I. Sonevyts‘kyy
9.  Molytva
music: S. Rakhmanynov
lyrics: O. Tolstoy
10.  Arija Odarky z opery "Kupalo"
music: A. Vakhnjanin
11.  Poljubyla ja na pechal‘ svoju
music: S. Rakhmaninov
lyrics: T. Shevchenko
12. Mp3Ave Maria
music: J. Bach
13.  Aliluja
music: I. Sonevyts‘kyy
14. Mp3Marije...
music: O. Havrysh
lyrics: Z. Kucherjava
15.  Marije...
 Total playing time: 51:44

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

Domestic price: 252.84UAH
International price: $12.90USD
See also:

Trio Bortniansky, Natalya Svyrydenko. Trio Bortniansky.

The bases of the ensemble are the most popular instruments of baroque's period – harpsichord and flute in combination with a high and light soprano. Exactly for this composition of performers a lot of musical masterpieces of the XVI-XVIII centuries have been composed...
Domestic price: 409.64UAH, International price: $20.90USD

Golden Pages of the Ukrainian Opera. Golden collection.

It's nice that now within the framework of the "Golden Collection" it is possible to hear at least a small portion of truly exciting opera recordings. And, as is often the case with collections of this series, the disc contains real rarities: the oldest recording presented here was made back in 1940!
Domestic price: 390.04UAH, International price: $19.90USD

Marta Zhekhovych. 4 Seasons.

Only now, when she has become known abroad – they start writing and speaking about Marta in Ukraine. Actually, here is the first album that has come out... On the other hand – we can rejoice in the fact that this progress is still happening. For the voice – it is good, skills – present, and it would be a pity to fail to notice a talented young artist.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Yelyzaveta Chavdar. Best Opera Pieces.

The disk presents some brightest pages of creative work of one of the most outstanding opera stars of 1950s – Yelyzaveta Ivanivna Chavdar, a great Ukrainian singer. Chavdar’s singing enchanted by thorough mastery, perfect and exquisite performance and pure sound of pleasing and unique timbre. Her voice was compared with Stradivarius’ best violin and her performance was considered to be a benchmark...
Domestic price: 605.64UAH, International price: $30.90USD

Andriy Ischenko. Plyve moja dusha... (CD + DVD). (My soul is floating...)

This edition is a bright example of the beauty that leaves among us not trying to attract attention. And despite the common opinion this life brings plenty of sweet fruits, even more than the one on TV.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH, International price: $25.90USD

Borys Hmyrya. Fenomenal'ne mystetstvo. (Fenomenal art)

This disc is a certain illustration of the variety of his creative activity, of his capability to take the high art behind political and geographic bounds. Here you can find Ukrainian folk songs, Russian romances and opera arias.
Domestic price: 292.04UAH, International price: $14.90USD

Borys Hmyrya. Arias.

His heritage contains, for example, 44 opera parts. And every time it is a complete reincarnation, penetration and even trying to understand, expressed not only in make-up and clothes, but also in the intonation of sounding.
Domestic price: 292.04UAH, International price: $14.90USD

Reviews (1)

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7 june 2024
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22 february 2022
The "Return Alive" Foundation
Borys Hmyrya. Velykomu Kobzarevi. /premium, digi-pack/. (To the Great Kobzar)
Hmyria + Shevchenko
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD
Academic Choir of the National radio of Ukraine named after P. Maiboroda, Taras Shtonda. Hospody, Hospody, syloyu Tvoyeyu! Sacred Music. /digi-pack/. (Lord, Lord, with Your Power!)
anticipation of heights
Domestic: 448.84UAH
International: $22.90USD
Sax Kings. Classics & Jazz. Live in concert. /digi-pack/.
Classics & Jazz
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD
Viktoriya Kulykovska. Romantic Guitar.
romantic guitar
Domestic: 252.84UAH
International: $12.90USD