You are holding in your hands one of the six discs, presented by us, with the recordings of Borys Hmyrya’s singing. In his lifetime, in 1962, his name entered the International Encyclopaedia “Who is who?”, in 1992 it entered the List of the most glorious Ukrainians (one hundred people) who became famous within one thousand years of the Ukrainian history. It sounds great, but still it is a paper. It is difficult for me even to imagine the number of hearts in which his name is written with the letters of soul. It was not important whether those people who listened to his singing knew Ukrainian. Because his voice penetrates inside, wrap you up, coddles, excites, purifies you. I am sure that those who listen to the singing of this man, learn the meaning of the word “catharsis” from their own experience. This disc is a certain illustration of the variety of his creative activity, of his capability to take the high art behind political and geographic bounds. Here you can find Ukrainian folk songs, Russian romances and opera arias. Even translations from the world classics – for example, “Elegy” by J. Masne translated, be the way, by Borys Hmyrya himself. All that is alive without exception – alive, magic, blazing. He simply fascinates and captivates you. May be, it is possible to finish with one word – the Artist...
Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)
Catalogue number: 03-016-2 Year: 2003
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Borys Hmyrya
Domestic price: 208.60UAH
International price: $14.90USD
CD1 |
1. |
| Tyho, tyho Dunaj vodu nese |
2. |
| Jihav kozak na vijnon'ku |
3. |
| Oj divchyno-horlycja |
4. |
 | Zibralysja vsi burlaky
5. |
| Hrycju, Hrycju do roboty |
6. |
| V misjaci ijuli |
7. |
| Oj Dnipro, Dnipro |
8. |
| Ja bachyv, jak viter berizku zlomyv |
9. |
 | Elehija
10. |
| Starovynna pisnja |
11. |
| Ni vidhuku, ni slova |
12. |
| Ja chekav tebe |
13. |
| Pisnja Karasja "Oj schos' duzhe zahuljavsja" |
14. |
| Arija Karasja "Teper ja turok, ne kozak" |
15. |
 | Monoloh Tarasa Bul'by
16. |
| Arija Ostapa |
17. |
| Duma Voloha z poemy T.Shevchenka "Hajdamaky" |
18. |
| Arija Val'ka |
19. |
| Arija Kochubeja |
20. |
| Rechytatyv Halyc'koho |
21. |
| Arija Oloferna |
22. |
| Arija Hul'el'mo |
23. |
 | Kuplety Mefistofelja
| Total playing time: 73:44 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
Domestic price: 208.60UAH
International price: $14.90USD
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The bases of the ensemble are the most popular instruments of baroque's period – harpsichord and flute in combination with a high and light soprano. Exactly for this composition of performers a lot of musical masterpieces of the XVI-XVIII centuries have been composed...
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Domestic price: 278.60UAH,
International price: $19.90USD
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Domestic price: 208.60UAH,
International price: $14.90USD
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Domestic price: 208.60UAH,
International price: $14.90USD
The disk presents some brightest pages of creative work of one of the most outstanding opera stars of 1950s – Yelyzaveta Ivanivna Chavdar, a great Ukrainian singer. Chavdar’s singing enchanted by thorough mastery, perfect and exquisite performance and pure sound of pleasing and unique timbre. Her voice was compared with Stradivarius’ best violin and her performance was considered to be a benchmark...
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This edition is a bright example of the beauty that leaves among us not trying to attract attention. And despite the common opinion this life brings plenty of sweet fruits, even more than the one on TV.
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International price: $29.90USD
His heritage contains, for example, 44 opera parts. And every time it is a complete reincarnation, penetration and even trying to understand, expressed not only in make-up and clothes, but also in the intonation of sounding.
Domestic price: 208.60UAH,
International price: $14.90USD
03-04-2010 00:32 |
Микола, дело в том, что сайт Умка - это магазин. На сегодняшний день мы занимаемся продажей музыки на физических носителях. Фрагменты, представленные на сайте, выложены исключительно для ознакомления - в качестве иллюстрации содержания дисков. Иными словами, при необходимости у нас можно купить диски с нужными записями.
, Москва, Россия
02-04-2010 21:05 |
Огромное спасибо за фрагменты, я сейчас с женой ларисой билан -открыл в москве в культурном центре украинский музыкально-драматический театр "ЭНЕЙ"! Ваш материал весьма к стати! Но плохо, что отрывки! Нам очень нужны песни на стихи маруси чурай! Помогите если возможно!
light magic
Domestic: 250.60UAH
International: $17.90USD