Yelyzaveta Chavdar. Vocal miniatures. (2CD). /collection release/. | | Track Reviews (2) |
"The CD presents some brightest pages of creative work of one of the most outstanding opera stars of 1950s – Elizaveta Chavdar, a great Ukrainian singer. Chavdar's singing enchanted by thorough mastery, perfect and exquisite performance and pure sound of pleasing and unique timbre. Her voice was compared with Stradivarius' best violin and her performance was considered to be a benchmark. She was applaud in Canada, Czechoslovakia, Finland, Germany, Greece, India, Norway, Sweden and other countries where she presented domestic vocal. Release devoted to the 85th anniversary of Elizaveta Chavdar." (information from the CD's polygraphy)
Publisher: National Radio Company of Ukraine Year: 2010
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Yelyzaveta Chavdar
Domestic price: 507.64UAH
International price: $25.90USD
CD1 |
1. |
| Sadok vyshnevyy /The garden of cherry trees
music: M. Lysenko
2. |
 | Doshchyk /Rain
music: M. Lysenko
3. |
| Soloveyko /Nightingale
music: M. Kropyvnyts‘kyy
4. |
 | Khmil‘na /Heady
music: Ja. Tsehljar
5. |
| Kazka synikh hir /The fairy-tail of blue mountains
music: A. Kos-Anatol‘s‘kyy
6. |
 | Solovey i trojanda /The nightingale and the rose
music: A. Kos-Anatol‘s‘kyy
7. |
| Oy, viz‘mu vidertse /Oh, I'll take the pail
music: A. Kos-Anatol‘s‘kyy
8. |
 | Vyshyval‘nytsja /Embroiderer
music: A. Kos-Anatol‘s‘kyy
9. |
| Naydorozhcha /The dearest
music: A. Kos-Anatol‘s‘kyy
10. |
 | Vokaliz /Vocalise
music: M. Rakov
11. |
| Dvi lastivky /Two swallows
music: Je. Brusylovs‘kyy
12. |
 | Kazka /The fairy-tail
music: M. Zavalishyna
13. |
| Metelyk /Butterfly
music: L. Saksons‘kyy
14. |
 | Syluet /The silhouette
music: F. Nadenenko
15. |
| Dva slova /Two words
music: F. Nadenenko
16. |
| Bez vas khochu skazaty /I want to say you lot without you
music: F. Nadenenko
17. |
| Charivni ochenjata /Charming eyes
music: Z. Ljevina
18. |
| Dzherelo /Sourse
music: Z. Ljevina
19. |
| Ja b tebe potsiluvala /I have kissed you
music: M. Cherepnin
20. |
| Chervona romashka /A red daisy
music: Ju. Meytus
21. |
| Rusalka /The nixie
music: R. Hlijer
22. |
| Bolero /Bolero
music: Ts. Kyui
23. |
| Skhidnyy romans /Eastern romance
music: M. Ryms‘kyy-Korsakov
24. |
| Nimfa /The Nymph
music: M. Ryms‘kyy-Korsakov
25. |
| Khmarky nebesni /Heavenly clouds
music: O. Darhomyzhs‘kyy
26. |
| Kanarka /Canary
music: P. Chaykovs‘kyy
27. |
| Serenada /Serenade
music: P. Chaykovs‘kyy
28. |
| Fontanu Bakhchysarays‘koho palatsu /To the fountain of Bakhchysarai palace
music: O. Vlasov
| Total playing time: 75:29 |
CD2 |
1. |
 | Bazhannja /Desire
music: F. Chopin
2. |
| Havot /Gavotte
music: Sh. Lecocq
3. |
 | Farandola /Farandole
music: G. Bizet
4. |
| Pastoral‘ /Pastorale
music: G. Bizet
5. |
 | U dytjachiy /At the nursery
music: J. Strauss
6. |
| Menuet ekzode /Minuet exode
music: G. Weckerlin
7. |
 | Menuet martini /Minuet martini
music: G. Weckerlin
8. |
| Pastoral‘ /Pastorale
music: D. Sarri
9. |
 | Kolyskova /Cradle song
music: B. Godard
10. |
| Probudzhennja /Awakening
music: G. Weckerlin
11. |
 | Koly ty smijeshsja /When you are laughing
music: G. Weckerlin
12. |
| Val‘s /Waltz
music: P. Reikhardt
13. |
 | Ljal‘ka /A doll
music: L. Delib
14. |
| Nedotepa /Muff
music: L. Delib
15. |
| Pered honkamy /Prima delle corse
music: G. Rossini
16. |
| Honky /Le corse
music: G. Rossini
17. |
| Pislja honok /Dopo le corse
music: G. Rossini
18. |
| Ave Marija /Ave Maria
music: L. Gordigiani
19. |
| Zmucheni dumkoju /Affani del pensier
music: G. Gendel
20. |
| Vohon‘ mojeji dushi /Il mio bel fuoco
music: B. Marcello
21. |
| Poverny meni spokiy /Ridonami la calma
music: P. Tosti
22. |
| Poshchady, Bozhe! /Pieta, Signore
music: A. Strabella
23. |
| Sentymental‘na serenada /La serenata sentimentale
music: E. Toselli
24. |
| Vesela /La foletta
music: S. Marchesi
| Total playing time: 70:17 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
Audio cassette/ ..His singing was appreciated even in those countries which he did not visit in his life. At his concerts people applauded with tears in their eyes. It would be easier to count the halls in which he was not invited to perform than the halls in which he was invited to perform..
Domestic price: 213.64UAH,
International price: $10.90USD
Audio cassette/ ..As he himself used to say, the variety art presented Ukrainian folk songs too one-sidedly – only facetious and everyday songs were performed. Now you will feel how the interweaving of his wonderful voice and the Kapella performance raise a Ukrainian song high up to the skies revealing people’s soul..
Domestic price: 213.64UAH,
International price: $10.90USD
Audio cassette/ ..A wonderful and unique voice. Not only because this bass-cantante, possessors of which are scarce in the world, is defined as an ideal one. Its power is in its lightness..
Domestic price: 213.64UAH,
International price: $10.90USD
..the entire album is recorded based on poems by Taras Shevchenko. It is unlikely that for many his poetry conjures purely lyrical images – but the music leaves you no chance. Even dramatic, heavy lines are revealed in a different light here, because the music permeates them with – peace.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
The disk "To the Great Kobzar" is small in size but a valuable present for all the fans on the occasion of Taras Shevchenko's 200th anniversary. This is a special and wonderful recording. Special – because especially for this release archive records were restored, and it was done as diligently and well as it is currently possible...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
This disc was created on the eve of Mykola Lysenko's anniversary – and, perhaps, it should be emphasized that it is work by young performers. It's nice – both because they have managed to record and release this program, and because they chose him – Lysenko. Let us just keep it in mind that one can talk about it, or one can – do it. And it is done – well.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
It's nice that now within the framework of the "Golden Collection" it is possible to hear at least a small portion of truly exciting opera recordings. And, as is often the case with collections of this series, the disc contains real rarities: the oldest recording presented here was made back in 1940!
Domestic price: 390.04UAH,
International price: $19.90USD
The love theme in songs by Grieg-Andersen, as well as in folk poetry, are closely linked with nature. And this is understandable. Only in nature and through it you can find the purity and lyrical originality of the feeling that permeated music by Grieg and poetry by Andersen ...
Domestic price: 292.04UAH,
International price: $14.90USD
What is the secret of the unique attractiveness of Hmyrya's art for the wide audience of listeners?.. Hmyrya captures with his sincerity and the depth of the truth of life, which he conveys in infinitely diverse tints and semi-tone...
Domestic price: 292.04UAH,
International price: $14.90USD
In the repertoire of B. Hmyrya, there are more than 100 pieces by foreign composers. Among them, opera parties – 10, arias – 21, romances – 67 and a few folk songs. The singer was proud of this, because he realized that, while mastering the heights of the world art, he enriched his people as well...
Domestic price: 292.04UAH,
International price: $14.90USD
Marvelous lyric-dramatic soprano of Nataliya and the professionalism, mastery of performance of National orchestra of folk instruments under the leadership of Victor Gutsal, the national artist of Ukraine, can not leave you different... In this album there are represented the best songs which are the masterpieces of Ukrainian classic music.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
Mykola Shopsha has a bass of a great beauty and force. A number of modern Ukrainian composers – as, for example, Yevgen Stankovych – write some oeuvres especially for him, taking into account the force and range of this voice. A serious proof of respect, isn’t it?
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
And you will not notice as you get transferred in another dimension, another way of reality perception. Let alone the very voice of Ivan Kozlovs'ky, this wonderful instrument. Open, gentle, transparent...
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
Olesya Charivna sings the songs on poems of Taras Shevchenko, Lesia Ukrajinka, Ivan Franko and folk songs. Music and elaboratings were made by Mykola Lysenko
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
It will be surprising if you are not excited with the tenderness and deepness of his voice and with the nuances he plays with, as well as the way he pierces the wind in which he sounds.
Domestic price: 292.04UAH,
International price: $14.90USD
, Київ, Україна
27-10-2015 10:52 |
Все знают, что старые способы записи (тем более по трансляции) не могут вполне передать красоту тембра голоса, тем не менее и в записи Е. Чавдар производит самое сильное художественное впечатление. А голос действительно необыкновенно красивый, чистый и яркий. Однажды услышишь и уже не забудешь никогда. Рада была узнать, что Джулия Ламацци (Вицепрезидент театра Комо в Италии, член жюри вокальных конкурсов во многих странах) тоже познакомилась с записями Е. Чавдар и оценила ее как певицу самого высокого мирового уровня!
, Тель- Авив, Израиль
22-10-2015 12:16 |
Голос необыкновенной красоты, способный передать тончайшие оттенки чувств: от игрушечных холодноватых переживаний 2-х кукол ("В детской" Штрауса, "Кукла" Делиба) до всепоглощающей нежности и бешеного азарта "Венецианских гонок" Россини, от вселенской печали "Восточного романса " Римского-Корсакова, до легкомысленного "Гавота" Лекока, от солнечного сияния в "Желании" Шопена до призрачного лунного освещения в романсе Черепнина "Я б тебя поцеловала "
Каждая вокальная миниатюра в исполнении Е. Чавдар превращается в маленький шедевр.
Спасибо Л.Павлюк и всем создателям этого замечательного альбома.