Congratulations – our collection of recordings by modern opera singers of Ukraine has been replenished with one more glorified name. Mykola Shopsha has a bass of a great beauty and force, it has been for almost thirty years now recognized by connoisseurs and critics all over the world. Eloquence, expressiveness, the great masterful performance make it possible for him to include into his repertoire over 30 opera roles, more than 500 chamber pieces – and to perform them inimitably. Moreover. A number of modern Ukrainian composers – as, for example, Yevhen Stankovych – write some oeuvres especially for him, taking into account the force and range of this voice. A serious proof of respect, isn’t it? Thus, there is no sense to continue speaking; it is necessary to listen, as the main thing is already clear. You will hear an opera bass that is very similar to a large powerful river – the force of the current thrills you so much that you do not notice the depth at once. But, when you do notice the depth, you forget about all the rest. It is even more interesting to observe it due to that you hear here not opera arias but chamber pieces, and almost half of them are folk songs (and even some Russian romances). Thus, you can see that mastery reveals brightly here.
Publisher: UKRmusic Catalogue number: UM-CD 042 Year: 2006
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Mykola Shopsha
Domestic price: 350.84UAH
International price: $17.90USD
CD1 |
1. |
| Nalyvajmo, brattja
music: V. Lisovol
lyrics: V. Kryschenko
2. |
| Banduryste, orle syzyj
music: narodna
lyrics: T. Shevchenko
3. |
 | Elehija
music: Zh. Massne
lyrics: L. Halle (per. B Hnydja)
4. |
| Oj, choho ty, dube
music: K. Stecenko
lyrics: S. Cherkasenko
5. |
| Dyvljus' ja na nebo
music: L. Olexandrova
lyrics: M. Petrenko
6. |
| Vzjav by ja banduru
music: folk song
lyrics: folk song
7. |
 | Oj vydno selo
music: folk song
lyrics: folk song
8. |
| Kalyna
music: O. Bilash
lyrics: D. Pavlychko
9. |
| Zhuravli
music: O. Bilash
lyrics: V. Lihostov
10. |
| Melodija
music: O. Bilash
lyrics: B. Olijnyk
11. |
| Materi
music: O. Bilash
lyrics: M. Lukiv
12. |
| Oj u luzi
music: folk song
lyrics: folk song
13. |
| Odna hora vysokaja
music: folk song
lyrics: folk song
14. |
 | Tam, de Jatran' kruto v’jet'sja
music: folk song
lyrics: folk song
15. |
| Oh i ne stelysja, hreschatyj barvinku
music: folk song
lyrics: folk song
16. |
| Hej, nute, hlopci
music: folk song
lyrics: folk song
17. |
| O, esly b moh vyrazyt' v zvuke
music: L. Malashkin
lyrics: H. Lyshyn
18. |
 | Utro tumannoe
music: A. Abaz
lyrics: I. Turhenjev
19. |
| Hory, hory, moja zvezda
music: P. Bulahov
lyrics: V. Chujevs'kyj
20. |
| Jamschyk, ne hony loshadej
music: Ja. Fel'dman
lyrics: M. Ritter
| Total playing time: 59:26 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
Domestic price: 350.84UAH
International price: $17.90USD
See also:
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Domestic price: 213.64UAH,
International price: $10.90USD
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Domestic price: 213.64UAH,
International price: $10.90USD
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Domestic price: 213.64UAH,
International price: $10.90USD
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Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
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International price: $17.90USD
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Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
It's nice that now within the framework of the "Golden Collection" it is possible to hear at least a small portion of truly exciting opera recordings. And, as is often the case with collections of this series, the disc contains real rarities: the oldest recording presented here was made back in 1940!
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International price: $19.90USD
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International price: $14.90USD
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International price: $14.90USD
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International price: $25.90USD
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Domestic price: 292.04UAH,
International price: $14.90USD
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Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
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Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
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Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
It will be surprising if you are not excited with the tenderness and deepness of his voice and with the nuances he plays with, as well as the way he pierces the wind in which he sounds.
Domestic price: 292.04UAH,
International price: $14.90USD
, Днепропетровск
08-05-2009 20:31 |
Хотелось бы узнать, нет ли еще дисков с его записями?
, Вюрцбург, Германия
12-02-2008 12:56 |
Мой отец впервые услышал Шопшу в каком-то телевизионном концерте и был просто потрясен его голосом, попросил меня разыскать альбом с его песнями. UMKA оперативно выполнила заказ, и уже через пару дней мой папа смог наслаждаться прекрасным сильным басом этого исполнителя. Спасибо!
, Perkinsville, USA
16-09-2007 01:05 |
This cd of bass singer Mykola Shopsha is wonderful for anyone who loves to listen to the bass voice as much as I do. It is not heavy but melodic with much expression and perfection. Mykola's is not the deepest bass voice I have heard, but is very impressive in it's delivery of beautiful Ukrainian music. A true delight to the ear, even though I do not understand the language. A delectable range of music which is a delight.
, Москва, Россия
04-12-2006 17:19 |
Начал он за здравие: "Наливаймо, браття!" (так и видишь его произносящим тост в компании запорожцев), а кончил за упокой - потерял любовь и остался в одиночестве среди мрачных российских равнин. Некоторые вещи, представленные здесь, мне знакомы в другом исполнении, но я никому не могу отдать предпочтение перед паном Миколой. Не говорю о его приятнейшем голосе и вокальной технике - это величины недосягаемые. Но для меня загадочно следующее: что и как именно он делает, что веришь каждому спетому им слову?? Я ни минуты не сомневаюсь, что действительно отдаст душу за карие очи (и так изысканно у него это выглядит!). А "Бандуристе, орле сизий" - как будто живой Шевченко грустит вдали от родины. И так все записи: каждая оригинальна, красива и производит большое впечатление. Но на что певец намекает, поместив последним романс "Ямщик, не гони лошадей"???