Catalogue -> Rock & Alternative -> Poetic Rock

Yanka Kozyr's Orchestra. Maty. (Mother)

Reviews (3)
Yanka Kozyr's Orchestra. Maty. (Mother)

The powerful beauty of this disc is extraordinary. The polyphonic environment acquires here such depth and scope that just wipes off any limitations – stuns. The feeling similar to when you stand on a mountain against the wind of such force that you can lean on it, you open your arms – and suddenly with all of your self you hear its real voice, the boundless singing of the living flow... Yanka Kozyr Orchestra (YaKO) has never complained of lack of ideas, but this time, it seems, they have done something unusual even for themselves. And, although Yanka herself says that the album "Mother" has appeared comparatively light – everything is, you know, very relative. This is not at all lightness of pop-music, that is a different thing. Here, what really strikes is the lightness that YaKO feels in the complicated music matter – and with which it dips the listener into it, takes all attention without odds, simply and naturally forces one to tremble, to bate breath, to balance on the thin blade of attention. To empathize – truly, up to catharsis. Yes, this is not simply an album, but – a drama, sympho-rock fortune telling, in which birth and death are not even contrasted, but just do not exist as such, because they are one whole, the indissoluble, indescribable word of the world. Yanka Kozyr Orchestra not simply create music – they create their own mystery of sound, live and bright. And the music matter appears here so saturated, dense, enriched that it seems that it is visible, one can touch it, one can breathe it under water...

Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)

Publisher: author
Year: 2007

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Yanka Kozyr's Orchestra

Domestic price: 507.64UAH
International price: $25.90USD
1.  In 4 Walls (Introduction) (V 4-h stinah (Vstup))
2.  In 4 Walls (V 4-h stinah)
3. Mp3Feelings (Pochuttja)
4.  R and G (Introduction) (eR i Dzhi (vstup))
5. Mp3R and J (eR i Dzhej)
6. Mp3Cvite Teren (Cvite teren)
7.  My Land (Zemle moja)
lyrics: I. Franko
8. Mp3Mother (Maty)
9.  Candle (Svichechka)
10.  Dva Koguty Chervonenky (Dva kohuty chervonen'ki)
11. Mp3Latimba (Latymba)
12.  The End (Kinec')
13.  Mother (final) (Maty (final))
 Total playing time: 64:02

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

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Reviews (3)

  , Êè¿â, Óêðà¿íà
25-06-2008 14:55

öå ùîñü íåéìîâ³ðíå é íàäçâè÷àéíå.
² õî÷à ÿ íå ñëóõàþ âàæêèé ðîê â øèðîêîìó ðîçóì³íí³, àëå öå - ïðîñòî äèâîâèæíî.
ß í³êîëè í³÷îãî ïîä³áíîãî ³ íàñò³ëüêè çàõîïëþþ÷îãî íå ÷óâ

  Ãàëÿ , Îäåñà, Óêðà¿íà
02-07-2007 13:08

Öåé àëüáîì ÎßÊ ìåí³ äóæå ñïîäîáàâñÿ, îñîáëèâî "Öâ³òå òåðåí" ³ "Ìàòè". Âîêàë ßíêè - öå ùîñü íàäçâè÷àéíå, à òåêñòè Î.Ëèòîâêè ãëèáîê³ ³ çì³ñòîâí³. Ìîðå ïîçèòèâíî¿ åíåð㳿 â³ä ïðîñëóõîâóâàííÿ!

  , òîðîíòî, canada
30-06-2007 16:33

ÎßÊ - öå ùîñü íàäçâè÷àéíå. Íåìîæëèâî áóòè áàéäóæèì äî òàêî¿ ìóçèêè ³ òàêîãî ñï³âó. Ìî¿é ìàì³ - 55 ðîê³â, ñëóõàëà "Ìàòè" - ïëàêàëà.
Ââàæàþ, ùî â íèõ º øàëåíèé ïîòåíö³àë. ßêùî òàê ï³äå äàë³ ³ êîæåí íàñòóïíèé àëüáîì áóäå êðàùèé, í³æ ïîïåðåäí³é, òî ìîæíà êîíñòàòóâàòè íàðîäæåííÿ ãåí³àëüíîãî ãóðòó.