The music of this album may be defined as folk-punk, though such definition doesn’t have pretensions of being complete. The overwhelming majority of songs are Ukrainian folk songs known to everybody. But you may never have heard them being performed in such a manner so far. If we mix this cuisine up on hard and forceful guitar reefs, as well as on violent drums, we will get a cocktail that blows up right before our eyes. To be exact, it blows up between our ears. Everything that remains of the head cannot be restored again, and let’s forget about it. In order to obtain a new vision, one should reject the old one – this music easily ruins stereotypes and at the same time proposes new ones. These are the doors outwards, which you close behind yourself – and it depends only on you what you will see outside after that. To my mind, there are a lot of interesting things there.
Anton Jozhik Lejba (Hedgehog)
Publisher: UMKA.com
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- The Ukrainians
Domestic price: 311.64UAH
International price: $15.90USD
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
Domestic price: 311.64UAH
International price: $15.90USD
See also:
...cocktails by Gogol Bordello become more transparent. Not so much quiet, rather – more considered, balanced internally. It seems to be a carnival of weird masks, behind which the simple idea lurks: no one makes you agree to everyday mediocrity. You can do it – otherwise.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
"Kozak System" offers a bright mixture of modern and folk poetry, powerful rock, ska-punk with insertions of reggae, and everything is kept together by the serious frame of the Ukrainian folk root. In short - you should meet them again.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
This is music with its own identity. And it's not only about interesting arrangements – listen to the lyrics: this is not simulation of rural folklore, this is its urban rethinking, but not limited to the city. Somewhere there, a universal key to the roots reside...
Domestic price: 605.64UAH,
International price: $30.90USD
Perkalaba unexpectedly, without any announcement produced its third album. Well, and it was right to do that – it has been long time already that we've been willing to hear something new from the spheres of absurd folk, and Perkalaba still stays virtually the main Ukrainian guide in the wilderness of these unexplored paths and ladders.
Domestic price: 546.84UAH,
International price: $27.90USD
Yurcash really was not going to disappoint all those whom he managed to surprise so positively. The second album is also a sort of a "hodgepodge" of different, almost incompatible styles and moods, from hardcore to acid chanson. Though, there are now fewer "heavy" music remarks – however, it does not seem to be a severe loss. And the banter in the texts – has become more varied, diversified.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
Actually, today this cocktail contains even more joyful mood and mockery – both at themselves and at everything around. Well, and good moods in combination with rock-n-roll punk and city folklore – yields as a result the wonderful energy drink allowed for consumption at any age.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
...the first album is a convincing evidence of the fact that this group is capable of making experiments deeply and finely through mixing ethno, acid, trance, rock and fly-agaric and at the same time remembering the taste. Still, even the vocal singing deserves your attention, to say nothing about the rest of music...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Perkalaba has managed what seems impossible – to merge folk-ska and psychedelics, not forgetting about banter as well. Both in music and in the lyrics. Movement in this direction took place before, but now it has acquired even brighter, more expressive features. And this, you know, takes you away. If it goes on...
Domestic price: 546.84UAH,
International price: $27.90USD
The group "VV" has recently celebrated the 20th anniversary of their creative life – and have released a new album. The age is respectable not only for a group – even for a person it is already quite a lot. One can – and should – sum up some results and draw conclusions. Actually, the album "There Were the Days" has become this kind of summarizing.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
, Manchester, United Kingdom
13-10-2008 15:57 |
OK I'm the wrong side of fifty Ukrainian speaking second generation... I bet my blood is the same colour as yours!!... I've been brought up on Ukrainian music which could not be suppressed by other countries... I've grown up with the Beatles Hendrix Led Zepplin etc etc...My mother in law (80 plus) from Ukraina foot taps to this group... my youngsters (if you call 23 youngsters) love it ...this wrenches your feelings back to Ukraina... it thumbs its nose to convention... excellent ... spirited... captures the essence of Ukeys
, Peterborough, http://www.wesolek.org/pluk.htm
26-08-2007 16:05 |
Ukrainian folk songs in punk-rock version. Well known punk songs of Sex Pistols in Ukrainian language...sounds strange? But these guys really know how to do it!!! It is really cool!!!
, Київ, Україна
21-04-2007 20:56 |
Ця група найкраще за всіх виконує народні пісні (звісно якщо не рахувати класичне виконання)! Впершу чергу це стосується музики, оскількі наші "зірки" полюбляють співати пісні під синтезатор і звісно після цього від української пісні там нічого не залишається й слухати стає бридко.
Як на мене одним із гарних послідовників цього гурту є вітчизняні Гайдамаки.
, Мостиська, Україна
22-03-2007 09:22 |
Все нормально Я задоволений .Ці компакти я давно шукав і знайшов. Добра музика трохи коштує але нема нате ради.
, Sweden
20-02-2007 14:17 |
Very nice, good versions both of Ukrainian folk and British punk in Ukrainian. Since the group are second generation Diaspora Ukrainians from England, this combination of Ukrainian folk and patriotic songs with Sex Pistols probably says something of the complexities of growing up in that environment. It would have been interesting to have a chat with the singer.
Duzhe harno, pidtrymuiu,
, Greifswald, Germany
26-05-2006 20:03 |
It's good rock/ska/punk. I heard it very often and always I had fun to listen this music. очен хорошо музику.
Oleg (UMKA)
, Kyiv, Ukraine
29-03-2006 21:16 |
Ми не пропонуємо платити за скачування. Ми продаємо оригінальні компакт диски.
, Белая Церковь, Україна
29-03-2006 20:46 |
Шо за хрень. за скачку ше й гроші платить? Булоб шо скачать! отоді понімаю.
, Запорожье
10-03-2006 12:25 |
Спасибо за альбом! Не понимаю возражений по поводу цены... где вы купите дешевле? Где вы вообще купите The Ukrainians? Советую приобрести себе и друзьям.
, Kyiv, Ukraine
06-03-2006 18:58 |
Зверніть увагу, що це диск закордонної групи.
В Великій Британі інші виміри цін, інші гонорари тощо. Навіть така ціна не дозволяє нам вести мову про прибутки - лише про вихід на рівень собівартості.
, Кременчуг
06-03-2006 17:44 |
Правда ціни у вас скажені
, Рівне, Україна
06-03-2006 16:00 |
А я не куплю диск... Дорого, хай йому грець...
, Чикаго
04-03-2006 22:30 |
Купив нещодавно збірку Украініанз-просто супер. Такого сильного виконання гопака як у них ще ніколи не чув. Просто дах зриває.
, Kyiv
21-09-2005 21:12 |
При тому що сьогодні в Україні дуже модно грати етнічно прикрашену музику , так як це роблять Ukrainians - у нас ні хто не робить. Це не "етніка" , це просто дуже "українська" музика. Такої сьогодні не вистачає. Зауважте також пісні Sex Pistols в українському варианті - це зовсім не "стьоб", звучить зовсім природньо.