Even a year has not passed since the time when we found the first album of "Izzet" – and here you are – there’s the second one. As earlier, outwardly it looks like reggae, but inwardly - quite on the contrary. The explanation is that this album mostly contains not authors’, but folk songs – by the way, some of them were composed nearly 90 years ago! In that way we have an album of Tatar folklore arranged in the style of Jamaica folklore. All this sounds in an organic way, which is a sure sign of plasticity of Tatar language. For example, reggae would sound quite ridiculous in German – I am not going to offend anybody, but it is evident. Still, there’s another very important issue. What kind of reggae has everybody got used to? Everybody has got used to a light, relaxed and a bit superficial reggae. And here we feel a concealed resiliency, anxiety, inner force and melancholy. Besides, Eastern tunes attach very interesting nuances to this music. I think that all these things appear only due to the fact that all these songs are folk ones. Some kind of surprising and low-key expression is peculiar to them. But outwardly everything is quiet and light, because it is reggae. And it means that listening to this album somebody will have a good rest, while somebody will reflect on something. It is good.
Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)
Publisher: Atlantic Year: 2005
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- Izzet
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Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
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..there is much less boyish hooliganism, the characters have matured, sure, thus having lost something cloudless. And having gained something significant in return, it seems. At least, they have something to say and sometimes may even do that with a smile – which now contains much more shades. What you will hear – depends on yourself. 5'nizza opens various doors..
Domestic price: 448.84UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
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Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
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Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
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...the album at once creates elated, festive mood – but in a surprising way. In the correct way. Because, although about a half of the compositions can hardly be called merry ones – a smile is very expressly felt in them. Somewhere dim, somewhere transparent, somewhere dreamy, somewhere thoughtful – but it is present in each piece, and it warms.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
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Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
, Севастополь, Україна
29-09-2008 16:49 |
Після кількох прослуховувань почав підспівувати. Шкода, що на бонус-треки не дали тексти пісень. Утім, зрозумів майже все. Рекомендую для початкового ознайомлення з культурою кримськотатарського народу, з яким ми маємо честь жити в одній державі.
, Volos & Voronezh, Greece & Russia
09-07-2007 09:52 |
Excellent! Very very nice! Strong tatar hints along on a well-done reggae basis. Krym-tatarian music claims her place in the modern, international map very successfully. Highly recommended!
, Одесса, Украина
01-06-2007 14:21 |
Как-то в далёкие бровасто-застойные времена на моём проигрывателе оказалась пластинка с неведомой мне доселе музыкой. Расслабленный мужской голос под качающиеся ритмы пел, что-то про плачущих женщин. Забавно и необычно, но меня тогда влекли другие мелодии, другие ритмы. И вот, через лет этак 30, в моём проигрывателе зазвучал CD «Reggalia» Иззэта Аблязова. Вроде те же ритмы, вроде те же созвучия, но …полный восторг! В различных учебных заведениях я изучал закон развития «по спирали». Ничего не помню, кроме красивого названия. Недавно знакомый мудрец-эзотерист долго объяснял его, даже что-то чертил. Ничего не понял. Да, и за чем? Когда дело касается такой замечательной музыки. Слушай и получай удовольствие! Андрей Полянский Радиостанция «Гармония мира», Одесса, 102, 7 FM
, луганське
15-05-2007 19:16 |
перепрошую‚ та реґі пишиться з однією „ґ” ;)
, Симферополь, Украина
18-03-2007 18:19 |
его бы вы тут не говорили... Всеравно Izzet лучший!!!
, Berlin, Germany
14-02-2006 19:46 |
"reggae would sound quite ridiculous in German"... Well, my friend, not quite correct! When Berlin based multi-lingual dancehall caballeros 'Seed' formed in the late 90s they were a laughing stock. Then again, at last year's Glastonbury festival they drew a crowd of 10,000! Not bad, eh?
, Yalta, Ua
11-02-2006 20:18 |
2Alexander. От в мене ржачка - Alexander пише іноземною на українському сайті. Чи може ти українською не вмієш? І мабуть тому, що москаль? Що до Izzeta, то по-перше не "Tatar Reggae", а "Crimeatatar Reggae" , а по-друге, коли в Московії ведмідів по вугіллях танцювати примушували в Бахчісарає Мольера ставили.
05-02-2006 11:13 |
Can I stop laughing now? Tatar Reggae album on Ukrainian site?