There may be no need to tell you, which rebellion I am talking about. I am also reluctant to talk about political powers, which participated in it. As it turned out to be, in this case politics is a question of minor importance. Even if it seems that it is not like that. Foremost, there is a simple thing like stormy and explosive longing for truth and freedom. Personally for me the most important thing is not the fact itself, but its quality. And this quality is called humaneness. It was for the first time in my life that I saw so many smiling faces on Maidan at the same time, and I must admit – it was an impressive spectacle. As for me, this collection is interesting with its atmosphere, as there is no real aggressiveness in its songs, on the contrary, there is only enthusiasm and good spirits in them. At the same time, there is also some possibility for sadness in them, though you could hardly find a soul without sadness in it. That’s why everything is correct, as these songs have a soul. Thanks to acoustical performance of music to all songs, one can clearly feel the soul. It is beautiful without any decorations. So, what are we talking about? Inner force, and passionate craving for something, and sadness together with gladness, and not only desire, but also the capability to win – to win yourself in the first place. After all, the person who changes himself or herself also changes the world. He or she changes the world not with weapon – with the power of his or her heart. Changes. It is worth while doing that.
Oleh Skrypka presents the song of barricades. The songs of Orange Revolt.
Publisher: Moon records Catalogue number: MR-1035-2 Year: 2005
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CD1 |
1. |
| Pisnja Vichnoho Vohnju (Serhij Solonij)
music: S. Solonyj
lyrics: O. Berdnyk
2. |
| Bij kozakiv u nebi (Serhij Solonij)
music: S. Solonyj
lyrics: O. Berdnyk
3. |
| Hamalija (Svjatoslav Sylenko)
music: folk song
lyrics: T. Shevchenko
4. |
| Dyvuvalas' zyma (Svjatoslav Sylenko)
music: C. Sylenko
lyrics: I. Franko
5. |
| My smilo v bij pidem
(Taras Kompanichenko) |
6. |
| Chy to burja, chy to hrim (Taras Kompanichenko) lyrics: O. Makovej
7. |
| Za Sybirom sonce shodyt' (Foma)
music: folk song
lyrics: T. Padur
8. |
| Ne spy
music: S. Fomenko
lyrics: S. Fomenko
9. |
| Moysey (Eduard Drach)
music: E. Drach
lyrics: E. Drach
10. |
| Kozats‘ka dolja (Eduard Drach)
music: E. Drach
lyrics: E. Drach
11. |
| El'dorado (Taras Sylenko) (Komu Vnyz)
music: A. Sereda
lyrics: V. Samijlenko
12. |
| Pisnja pro Savu Chaloho (Taras Sylenko)
music: haydamaky song
13. |
| Kozac'ka (Oleh Skrypka)
music: O. Skrypka
lyrics: O. Skrypka
14. |
| Svit (Oleh Skrypka)
music: O. Skrypka
lyrics: O. Skrypka
15. |
| My razom, nas bahato (Greenjolly)
music: R. Kalyna & R. Kostjuk
lyrics: folk song
16. |
| Pora
music: R. Kalyna & R. Kostjuk
| Total playing time: 49:36 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
With such powerful charge of optimism, which has been put into this album, one may not simply live and be glad, but also move mountains, make revolution or build a new house.
Domestic price: 158.20UAH,
International price: $11.30USD
These are the songs of the Ukrainian artists which support peaceful Orange Revolution in Kyiv.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
, Алушта, Україна
27-02-2007 10:09 |
Така несподіванка! Зайшла на сайт , подивитись чиє нові диски Олега Скрипки, відкрила змііст диску "Дух не згасає, дух не вмира..." і побачила в списку виконавців свого колишнього чоловіка - Сергія Солоного. Дуже рада, що він був і, сподіваюсь, є на нашому боці. Успіхів тобі, Сальоха! Сподіваюсь ти щасливий тим, що твої мрії здійснились. Дуже сподобалось те, що я прослухала. Хоч і сльози на очах - кожен спомин про Майдан знов перевертає душу. Як каже Юрій Андрухович - я, як застарілий п'яничка: він кожного разу каже собі "Це останній раз" так і я кожного разу даю собі слово, що цей спомин про Майдан буде останній. Але надія не вмирає...
, England, UK
05-10-2005 12:49 |
Powerfull stuff indeed. Very emotive , stirring, courageous, legendary even! A testament to the spirit of the Ukrainian people and their history.
Now I need to study the lyrics...
, Сєвєродонецьк
29-09-2005 20:20 |
Ще не чув. Замовляю!!!
, Felixstowe, England
01-07-2005 22:37 |
This was an interesting album in that in was the ordinary people of the Ukraine featured, and not any prominent Ukrainian artistes, and expressed what they felt as regards the revolution. As a non-Ukrainian speaker I was able to listen to the atmosphere of the music, and the feelings of the people, without risking tripping over the words. This is an album well worth getting to remember what the October Revolution meant to the people involved.
, Воронеж, Россия
03-06-2005 20:34 |
Спасибо за диск! Когда слушаешь его, кажется, что находишься там, на майдане, в те дни… Очень сильный альбом. Неудивительно, что, вдохновленные такой музыкой, люди стояли до победного конца. Вообще, все эти песни очень близки и нам, русским. Этот свободный дух живет и в нас, но он так глубоко спрятан, что нуждается в такой музыке, чтобы напомнитьо себе. Что касается исполнителей, то особенно понравились Сергий Солоний, Святослав Силенко, Тарас Компаниченко и конечно же Олег Скрипка (из-за которого, собственно, сначала и заказывался диск). Однако прослушивание дало не только эстетический эффект, но и какое-то обновление душевных сил, воспоминание об идеалах, которые потерялись в юности за суетой взрослой жизни…В общем, классный диск, и я рада, что он у меня есть. Особое спасибо Наталке Сидь за оформление! И вообще мне всегда очень нравятся ее фотографии.
Domestic: 250.60UAH
International: $17.90USD