I did not expect that. And what can you say here? A lot of people waited impatiently for the release of this album, so it will be sold off irrespective of what will be said about it – whether it is good or boring, green or speckled violet (not to forget to knock! We are also the mystery of the third planet, aren’t we?). Still, really, something has changed for better – because here and now smearing of tears over a face, which is called crying, is gradually turning into sobbing, and I say that figuratively, not for the sake of offending somebody. You see, to cry or to whimper is one thing, but to wail and to sob is another thing - there is some pathetic element in it, some passion and energy, which may as well exceed the scale, tore clothes and uncover not only breasts, but also bones and blood pulsation. Considering the matter from musical point of view, personally for me this manner of presentation sometimes reminds stones, which are rolling – well, you understand what I am talking about. This is a compliment, but the quality of the album – yes - deserves compliments. There was a film entitled "Crazy Dog and Gloria". I don’t remember its content now, but as for its title – it’s wonderful. It seems to me that the same thing happened to "Ocean Elzy" at last. May be, for the sake of that it was worth while changing the group members – with the exception of Guru, of course. Now it is interesting what will happen next. Because judging by ears – to be continued.
Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)
Publisher: Lavina Music Year: 2005
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Okean Elzy
Domestic price: 250.60UAH
International price: $17.90USD
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
Domestic price: 250.60UAH
International price: $17.90USD
See also:
In spite of that “At Night” compositions do not meet the pop-format, the album is aimed at mass audience. The name, voice and the specific, characteristic of only Svyatoslav Vakarchuk melodics of the compositions will help fans of Ukrainian music become acquainted with new music forms, to seize new music territories.
Domestic price: 306.60UAH,
International price: $21.90USD
Svyatoslav Vakarchuk's third solo project is an expected change in tonlity, The Orangery builds up a space to approximate comfort. Approximate – because there are enough disturbing notes, but they do not set the key mood. Basically, it seems – it is about the desire to speak so quietly that one could get as close as possible..
Domestic price: 306.60UAH,
International price: $21.90USD
.. There is no pursuit for the sake of acknowledgement – and there is no temptation of observing style limitations, but there is the ability to make it maximally as exact as you consider necessary. Sheer rock music grows from this root, creativity not for the sake of freedom, but as its direct result.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
"Sofia" is not something soft and sweet. Fresh improvisation music with the Slavonic flavor – bright and rather poignant music, which in no way fits for serving as just a background. It requires attentive listening, and it is just pleasant to listen to it attentively, to track the line of each instrument...
Domestic price: 250.60UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
The main thing is that this music is not committed to a certain style, but rather to a certain brand, a quality of expression. So, if for the sake of this quality one needs to add some atypical colors – it happens in an easy and natural way. Such a cool simplicity. At the same time – it is a team play, in which no one pulls the blanket over himself.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Mastering of this release was performed in the USA, in the studio of the legendary sound producer Bob Ludwig, whose experience during the almost half-a-century career includes work with over 1200 musicians. This mastering was born at the height of "Dolce Vita Tour" in 2010 and as brightly as possible it conveys the integral, bright sound of the live concert performance.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
As for me, this work of art is marked by lightness, at that this lightness is more pleasant than vain. You see, there are thoughts present here, and they are different, but they are not put on a pedestal, on the contrary, they fly simply and easily somewhere near your head.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
23-09-2005 22:28 |
4 песни супер, остальное отстой
, Кишинев
23-09-2005 16:04 |
Спасибо огромное вам ребята за то что вы делаете, особенно Славе Вакарчуку. Океан Эльзы изменили мою жизнь, если бы не ваша музыка то моя жизнь была бы скучной и прагматичной как у всех. Я хочу узнать когда альбом ГЛОРИЯ появиться в Молдове!!!
, Москва, Россия
23-09-2005 14:42 |
Радуюсь что наконец-то дождалась выхода. ТОлько вот грустно что неизвестно когда он у нас выйдет. Ребятки вы лучшие. Просто душки...
, Киев, Украина
22-09-2005 19:10 |
, Черкаси, Україна
21-09-2005 22:44 |
Гуртом "Океан Ельзи" захоплююсь з самого початку їх творчості. "Там, де нас нема" - супер!!! Не пропускаю виходу жодного альбому. Хлопці, ви просто молодці! З нетерпінням чекаю завтрішнього виходу альбому "GLORIA"
, Запорожье, Украина
21-09-2005 22:04 |
Люблю, люблю, люблю!!! Под их музыку хочется просто жить и радоваться жизни...
, Запорожье, Украина
21-09-2005 14:38 |
"Океан Эльзы" - это музыка, которая никогда не умрёт! Она помагает людям жить! С нетерпением жду выхода нового альбома "Глория"!!!
20-09-2005 20:54 |
Какие бы свинтусы все они не были, а музыка все одно хорошая :)
20-09-2005 16:16 |
, Київ
17-09-2005 22:27 |
Domestic: 250.60UAH
International: $17.90USD