Jazz Impression, Alexey Krupsky, Anatoly Alexanian. Marfa. /digi-pack/ | | Track Reviews (3) |
Time passes, but Jazz Impression today, as well as 20 years ago, remains a unique phenomenon not only among Kyiv projects, but also among Ukrainian ones in general. In the end, it seems to me, music of such sort, such way of thinking will advantageously stand out against the general background anywhere in the world – not only here, at home. This kind of 3D, really composer's vision in jazz is encountered far not every day – and certainly comes into notice. It thrills and inspires some, with some it causes protest – but, as a rule, does not leave indifferent. Because when a feeling stands behind music supported by a developed thought (or a thought penetrated with a real feeling) – really live, significant answers are born. Sometimes unexpected, contradictory, strange, but – living, natural. And already for that reason – harmonious, because everything alive tries to live in the direction of harmony. It seems to me it is for this reason that beauty breathes in this music – through various displays and tints. And gratitude should go not only to the founder, Anatoly Alexanyan – although it is difficult to overestimate his role. Olexiy Krupsky, Max Gladetsky, Olexander Darov – each musician reveals himself as an original, irreplaceable master. The very expressive and eloquent, at all its external restraint, somewhat almost crystal guitar of Krupsky – the juicy, seemingly relaxed, and actually just free inside bass of Gladetsky – the multi-layer, and even spherical rhythms of Darov... Here everyone is the first among the equal, in my opinion. And all this together – corresponds to the name... Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)
Anatoly Alexanian - piano, Rhodes Alex Krupsky - guitar Maxim Hladetsky - double bass Alexander Darov - percussions Anaid Alexanian - voice
Publisher: Rostok Records Year: 2007
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Anatoly Alexanian
- Jazz Impression
- Alexey Krupsky
Domestic price: 507.64UAH
International price: $25.90USD
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
Domestic price: 507.64UAH
International price: $25.90USD
See also:
On the one hand, there seems no be nothing superfluous – even Aleksandrov, oddly enough, has not added too much pepper, even though he knows how to do it at the level of "excellent". And on the other – the organism works so smoothly, without failures, that the entire album literary flies at one breath...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
...a true galaxy of musicians with modern thinking, unique vision of the musical space, and an excellent technique. Actually, already the debut album by Oleh Pashkovsky is a good example of how interesting, thoughtful, versatile the young improvisational music in Ukraine can be.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
This is the third album in the official discography of Er.J.Orchestra. And I really hope that it will be not a stop, not completion of the trilogy, but one of the many pearls on the thread. Such music simply must be incarnated, sound, fill the space – at least because honest beauty, dignity, authenticity live in it...
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
Three musicians with huge experience recorded something transparent, subtle, and humanly simple – something that majority of young ones could not do. Just because there is simplicity which can be saturated, to which you come through hundreds of melodies and thousands of hours of rehearsals and performances.
Domestic price: 280.28UAH,
International price: $14.30USD
Volodymyr obviously enjoys this music – and does prevent his colleagues from doing the same) Quietly, nicely, confidently and – in the best sense of it – modestly. One can say this far not about any album: this time the musicians came together exactly for the sake of the music-as-the-state..
Domestic price: 194.04UAH,
International price: $9.90USD
All the musicians appear in some new, specific and delicate light - and, I believe, this is a merit of Lebedeva as a composer. It is not by chance that Igor Zakus at the beginning of the evening referred to her music as very female one... Expressive – and soft, caring; elegant, distinct – and, at the same time, very emotional, open to intercourse; sometimes anxious – and very lyrical...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
It either laughs or winks wilily – or sounds with such pensive tenderness, such forgivene... There is the beauty of every minute, which does not depend on the past or the future, which is – just now, and for this reason – always.
Domestic price: 605.64UAH,
International price: $30.90USD
From the first seconds, the album tunes one into attentive perception – even if you have never before heard Olexiy Bogolyubov. And if you have already had the chance, it will a priori be interesting to listen. Internal harmony, balance both of each play and of the disc as a whole – pleasantly delights. "My "Cool & Crazy" World" is a beautiful, diversified work, in which Bogolyubov demonstrated himself well both as the performer, and as the composer.
Domestic price: 488.04UAH,
International price: $24.90USD
Strange: although you could hardly characterize the album as quiet, unemotional – it leaves the feeling of tranquility...the heart and mind sound equal, do not argue, search for harmonious interlacing. And discover it – not only in sounds, in the whole atmosphere.
Domestic price: 448.84UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
23-06-2010 12:42 |
Здравствуйте, Валерий,
а вот как раз через пару недель у нас на сайте Вы такой диск и сможете найти )
, Киев, Украина
23-06-2010 12:09 |
Был на концерте в доме архитектора. Джанго джипси джаз. Получил массу удовольствия. Был бы этот концерт на диске!
, Москва, Россия
15-01-2008 01:46 |
Если честно, музыки на диске маловато. Да и лучшая композиция с диска "Марфа" встречается на другом диске этого коллектива, имеющегося в наличии в этом магазине (сейчас по крайней мере). Остальные композиции вовсе не плохи. Но в целом впечатление от этого диска довольно среднее.
soft pauses
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD