The book "Åêçîä Òàðàñà Øåâ÷åíêà"
(Taras Shevchenko's Exodus) was Leonid Plyusch's debut as a literary scholar and critic in 1986. Previously he completed his studies at the University of Kyiv with a degree in mathematics and worked at the Institute of Cybernetics. A critic of human rights abuses in the USSR, he was arrested by the KGB in 1972 and incarcerated in a psychiatric institution. Pressure from French mathematicians led to his release and expulsion from the USSR. His autobiography "B êàðíaâàë³ ³ñòîð³¿" (At the Carnival of History) was published in 1977 and has been translated into English, French, Italian and German. He resides in France.
information from: http://www.ciuspress.com/authors/172/leonid-pliushch
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