, sambir, Ukraina
08-05-2005 22:17 |
ja navchajus v polszi, ale cilyj chas slidkuvav za podijamy v Kyjevi.Ci pisni nastrojuvaly narod i pidkruchuvaly jogo do dij. Ce bulo nezabutnie vrazennia.Koly ja spilkujus z studentamy z Polszi, kotri buly v Kyjevi i pid czas vyboriv slidkuvaly za poriadkom hovoriat szo takogo sze ne bachyly.Bylo bilsze niz OK!
, New York, USa
07-05-2005 20:19 |
for me to be far away form Ukraine is reaaly hard, but the Ukrainian music makes me to be even mere happier. still you guys are the best !!!1
, Hannover, Germany
27-04-2005 20:20 |
For me as a foreigner in Ukrainian music this is a interesting cut through your music (I think). This CD is forcing appetite for more. My special faves are (and don't forget the rest of this cd...) Rosava, Talita Kum, Okean Elzy. No need to talk about the one and only Goddess here: Ruslana! So check out for your personal favorites!
, lviv, Ukraine
16-04-2005 19:29 |
ja dymajy sho ce odun z najkrashchuh UKRAINSKIH zbirnukiv ciogo roky