Bohdana Pivnenko, Valeriy Matiukhin, Valentyn Sylvestrov. Fleeting Melodies. (premium release). /digi-pack/
, Austin TX, US
04-12-2009 17:31
The performers on this disc – Bohdana Pivnenko (violin) and Valeriy Matiukhin (piano) – show both their love and understanding of Valentin Silvestrov’s work. His interpretative instruction, which they execute brilliantly throughout the album, ‘While listening, this music must sound light and clear, distant…’, could apply to just about all of his late work – it settles on the ear of the listener like a mist that is barely there, a whisper from another place, another time…delicate, but not to be ignored. More than any other contemporary composer whose work I’ve experienced, Silvestrov’s music sings – with or without a vocal component. The beauty in these pieces carries meaning and emotion felt on the deepest level, wrapped in music that appeals to both the heart and intellect. Pivnenko and Matiukhin weave their lines in and out of each other, rapt in their interpretation and at the same time sensitive to the voicings offered by their partner – there is not a single failed nuance or overplayed line. It’s like listening to liquid flowing – the recording’s generous 72 minute length is over before one expects it to be, and repeated listenings follow as naturally as one breath follows the next.
I highly recommend this stunning recording, as well as the service I received from UMKA...first-rate.
Vagif Mustafa-zadeh. One Day in Kyiv.
, Brussels, Belgium
28-11-2009 13:20
This is a very good record of a muscian and composer widely unknown and underappreciated in Western Europe and US. He does not have to fear comparison to other pianists of the same period, on the contrary, he will stand out as a higly original voice on the piano. I am looking forward to see more undiscovered treasures on your label !!!
Lullabies. Golden Collection.
, Рівне, Україна
18-11-2009 08:49
Колисанки дивовижні. Надзвичайно мелодійні і проникливі. З задоволенням слухаю і ставлю для маленького синочка. Дякую!
Soft Notes. Jazz and new age from Ukraine.
, житомир
17-11-2009 15:53
буду нашкрябувати грошенят та замовляти по-одненькому, але всі джазуськи будуть мої.
а Когану взагалі треба стеллу на майдані ставити і великими буквами "В цьому місті живе видатний діяч джазу Олексій Коган"!!!
Rosava. teper i potim. (now and then)
, Luban, Poland
05-11-2009 16:29
First of all the shipping was very fast-4 days-that's amazing!
Rosava is a very charming singer. Her music shapes a wonderful world - far away from our everyday life. The world shaped by Rosnava is full of serenity and nostalgia - all in beautiful colours .
Vagif Mustafa-zadeh. One Day in Kyiv.
, Москва, Росія
26-10-2009 19:29
Зустріч з музикою Вагіфа Мустафа-Заде - це спіткання із найкращим джазом, який тільки міг народитись на неосяжному просторі булої держави. Кияни зробили добрий подарунок любителям джазу, що звернули свою увагу на перлини творчості азербайджанського джазмена, які чекали свого часу у архіві радіофонду. Диск викликає відчуття естетичного задоволення і щастя... Послухайте і ви відчуватимете класику джазу з Апшерону, насичену національним колоритом, ритмами мугаму.
Volodymyr Ivasyuk. The Best. Golden Collection.
Kathy Lin
, Idaho, USA
13-10-2009 03:28
I received my CD ~ Volodymyr Ivasyuk. The Best. Golden Collection. and am enjoying it very much! I love the 22 songs, some of which I have never heard before. I appreciate being able to enjoy the beauty and wonder of Volodymyr Ivasyuk's gift everyday. I must have Ukrainian heartstrings somehow!
Thanks again for you speedy handling of my order and the manner in which it arrived. I look forward to ordering again!
Kvitka (Kasey) Cisyk. Songs of Ukraine.
, Brussels, Belgium
04-10-2009 15:22
I had heard Kvitka's songs many years ago and loved it immediately. A friend put some on a cassette. Now I have her two records Ukranian songs and Two colours. She had such a beautiful voice and seemed to really put her soul into her singing. I am really happy to have her music now, pity she did not have time for more.