"Bozhychi" folk ensemble. Sho z Kyjeva ta j do Rusalyma. Kolyada songs. (From Kyiv to Jerusalem) | | Track Reviews (4) |
You might have met this group in our collection earlier – when the ensemble released its first album (the producer of which was Oleh Skrypka). Furthermore, "Bozhychy" quite often participate in folk festivals, while Kievers, if I am not mistaken, could even see them as participants of a theatrical performance. Thus, we may state that the ensemble is living and advance ahead. And it is pleasant, because both from the very beginning and now "Bozhychy" can skilfully create a very warm and cosy atmosphere. As a matter of fact, you feel as if your old friends have come for a moment to welcome you – and stayed for some light hours. You see these people not so often, but when you do see them, you really feel glad – because with them even silence seems to be good. Still, you don’t know that for sure – as they don’t keep silent, they sing. They sing well. They sing honestly. Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)
Publisher: Lavina Music Catalogue number: LM CD 450 Year: 2005
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- "Bozhychi" folk ensemble
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CD1 |
1. |
| Oj, daj, Bozhe, vechir dobryj (koljadka) |
2. |
| U horodi Viflijemi sluchylasja novyna (koljadka) |
3. |
| Slava j Otcu i Synu ("slavljat' Hrysta") |
4. |
 | Na Jordans'kij richci (koljadka)
5. |
| Oj, hodit'-pahodit' mjesjec pa njebu (koljadka) |
6. |
| Rozhestvo tvoje, Hrystje Bozhe nash (do "Zvjezdy") |
7. |
| Djeva dnjes' (do "Zvjezdy") |
8. |
 | Mladenec'-pervenec' (do "Zvjezdy")
9. |
| V obrishnje lito nachynaje (koljadka) |
10. |
| Sho ju mamochky odna dochechka (koljadka divchyni) |
11. |
| Oj, po hori-hori ("djad'kivs'ka" koljadka) |
12. |
| Sho v pana hazjajina da na joho dvori (schedrivka "berezoju") |
13. |
| U poli-poli sam pluzhok hodyt' ("zasivajut'") |
14. |
| Sho v cim dvirku jak u vinku (schedrivka hospodarjam) |
15. |
 | Oho-ho, koza, oho-ho, sira ("Koza")
16. |
| Siv Sus Hrystos da vecherjaty (schedrivka) |
17. |
| U poli, v poli vijs'ko stojalo (koljadka hlopcju) |
18. |
| Sho za hajem-hajem, hajem zelenen'kym (schedrivka hlopcju) |
19. |
 | Sho z Kyjeva ta j do Rusalyma (koljadka)
| Total playing time: 53:27 |
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See also:
Audio cassette/ ..In her time Tetiana Shkolna went by herself into the folklore expeditions through the whole territory of Ukraine to study and to record folk songs from their original sources. That is why most of the songs recorded at her album are performed unaccompanied..
Domestic price: 194.04UAH,
International price: $9.90USD
"Ladovytsi" have a very respectful attitude to preservation of the tradition – thus, we are talking about reproduction of the authentic performance. However, you don't need to think about that – just listen, because the songs are really good. They somehow imperceptibly dissolve the exhaustion and habit of the routine – and fill with the hope for joy.
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
Perhaps, it would sound surprising if one said – silent music. But – how else could one put it? No, it does not keep silent, it is something different. This is the beauty that can only be born in pure silence, in the situation of total immersion into, total emergence from...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
A "Psal'ma" is a folk song with a religious meaning or content. On this disc the Kyiv folk group "Bozhychi" features a series of ancient Ukrainian psal'ms, recording in the course of several folk expeditions to the eastern part of Ukraine – the Dnipropetrovs'k, Donets'k, Luhans'k and Kharkiv regions. These songs are played without additional editing, in a manner inherent to folk singers.
Domestic price: 546.84UAH,
International price: $27.90USD
Ostap Stakhiv is related to a considerable number of various projects in this or that way linked with revival and popularization of Ukrainian, in particular singing folklore. One of ways to do that was creation of Ostap Stakhiv's Folklore Theater – and you will be able to hear some outcomes of the work already now, on this disc.
Domestic price: 292.04UAH,
International price: $14.90USD
At presentation of this album "Bozhychi" told approximately the following about its appearance: that once they revised all of their materials collected in folklore expeditions and understood that the majority of the songs they collected were about love. In this or that form, in various situations of life, but – about love.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
“Bozhychi” have created and recreated a kind, high-quality and multicolour space of ritual songs of the Ukrainian Prydnipovya and, first of all, of Livoberezhzhya.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
These voices and melodies possess a real magic, which has no bounds either in time or in space.
Domestic price: 429.24UAH,
International price: $21.90USD
Ethnogroup "Silska Muzyka" is a very close relative of the known folklore group "Vesnyanka". At all events, founding fathers are the same for these collectives. And, actually, their direction of research is also, at least now, close – it is folklore of Rivnenske Polissya.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
«Vesnysnka» gives us the opportunity to hear and to feel our Ukrainian ceremonial songs the way they were several, if not more than several, centuries ago.
Domestic price: 605.64UAH,
International price: $30.90USD
The performance is very close to authentic; even certain minimalism is present in the means of its realization, but thanks exactly to this, the deepness of sense and the beauty of forms and origin come to the foreground.
Domestic price: 644.84UAH,
International price: $32.90USD
, St. Louis, USA
01-10-2010 00:49 |
this is a good example of traditional vocal production. The acoustic is that of a field recording - one can almost smell the wood smoke. Many tracks are more interesting than they an aesthetic treat, but it is a good introduction to the style.
, N.Y.
03-11-2007 19:04 |
This is wonderful!!! I adore how you sing!!! Ukrainian songs are most melodic and blossoming!!!
, Perkinsville
16-09-2007 01:53 |
I feel this may be a prime example of simple, country folk singing - especially when I hear sheep bleating in the background at the beginning of one track, adding to its charm. I am not especially fond of the loud singing by female singers which is nearly shouted. This CD is not one of my favorites, but still is interesting in its palette of a wide variety of folk songs.
28-01-2006 19:58 |
slow drive
Domestic: 448.84UAH
International: $22.90USD